14.2.10 瀑流 Waterfall 瀑流是瀑布的急流,谓众生顺从生死杂染(即诸烦恼),随波逐流,而被放逐于生死苦海。瀑流有四种。 Waterfall refers to the rapid flow of a waterfall, which means that all living beings obey the defilements of life and death (i.e., the troubles), drift with the currents, and are exiled in the bitter sea of life and death. There are four types of waterfalls. 一)欲瀑流,谓欲界众生对色声香味触,这五色有欲求,若不知节制,毕陷落于生老病死,惑业苦流转之中,不得解脱和休息。此欲瀑流取欲界中的上品烦恼。上品烦恼,是把大千世界中九地(参见插图14.2.11-23至31)的每一地阶级成九品:下下品、下中品、下上品,中下品、中中品、中上品,上下品、上中品、上上品。瀑流但取五趣杂居地中的三级上品烦恼,中品和下品烦恼不适用于瀑流这个说法。 1) The waterfall of desire, which means that all beings in the desire boundary have desire for color, sound, smell, taste, and touch, and if they do not know how to control it, will be trapped in the bitter circulating current of birth, old age, sickness, and death, can not unfetter and rest. This waterfall of desires are the upper-grade annoyances in the desire boundary. The upper-grade annoyances are to classify each of the nine lands in Great-Grand-Worlds (see illustration 14.2.11-23 through 31) into nine grades: lower-lower grade, lower-middle grade, lower-upper grade, middle-lower grade, middle-middle grade, middle-upper grade, upper-lower grade, upper-middle grade, and upper-upper grade. The term "waterfall" refers to the three upper-grades in the “five interests mixed dwell land”. The middle-grade and low-grade annoyances do not apply to the term "waterfall". 二)有瀑流,有的意思是有记忆、有习气,因果不忘,比如欲界、色界、和无色界为三有,再比如插图14.2.11中1至22是25有(参见13.3节)。那些有人人都有,若不解其义则毕受其害,随之而去,不知所终。此有瀑流除去欲界有,单指色界和无色界八地中的上品烦恼。 2) Have Waterfall, have means memory have, having the habits, and the cause and effect are not forgotten. For example, the desire boundary, color boundary, and colorless boundary (in fig. 14.2.11) are three haves, and that 1 to 22 are 25 haves (see Section 13.3). Everyone has those haves, and if don't understand their meaning and go along with them, will suffer from them, without knowing where they end up. The Have Waterfall excludes the haves of Desire Boundary, refers only to the upper-grade annoyances in Color Boundary and Colorless Boundary. 三)见瀑流,见即本章后文的112位见烦恼;见瀑流包括九地所有的上品见烦恼。此说众生被三界的见烦恼所迁流,沉溺于生死苦海,不得解脱。 3) View Waterfall, the view is the 112 View Annoyances later in this chapter; the View Waterfall includes all the upper-grade View Annoyances in the nine lands. This says that all living beings are drifted by the View Annoyances in the three boundaries and are submerged to the bitter sea of birth and death, with no way to escape. 四)无明瀑流,无明就是无知,黑暗,本质就是不知道四圣谛的道理;无明瀑流包括九地中的所有上品无明烦恼。此说众生被九地的无明烦恼所牵引,沉溺于生死苦海,不得解脱。 4) Non-light Waterfall, the non-light is ignorance, darkness, and its essence is not knowing the principles of the Four Victorious Cruxes; the Non-light Waterfall includes all the upper-grade non-light annoyances in the nine lands. This says that all living beings are led by the ignorance and annoyances in the nine lands and are submerged to the bitter sea of birth and death, with no way to escape. 
14.2.11 轭 Yoke 轭是用来轭牛的项领笼套(如图14.2.11-36),令牛拉车不能出驾,譬喻烦恼障碍异生离系,不得解脱。异生就是具有异生性(参见11.节),就是普通人。此说烦恼不但劳役有情身心,还能障碍有情脱离其异生性(即个体性),逃脱其奴隶的命运。轭有四种,1欲轭、2有轭、3见轭、4无明轭。此四轭的解释与上小节四种瀑流类似,九地中,每一地的三级上品烦恼为瀑流,三级中品烦恼为轭,如其次第,即依习气欲望而起行、依习气有而行、依习气邪说异教而行。 A yoke is a collar and cage (see fig. 14.2.11-36) used to yoke a cow so that the cow cannot escape from the cart. It is a metaphor for that annoyances can hinder Various Sentients to unfetter. This is saying that annoyances not only servile the body and heart of sentient beings, but also prevent sentient beings from escaping from their Natures of Various Sentient (i.e. individuality) and escaping from their fate of being slaves. There are four types of yokes: 1st desire yoke, 2nd have yoke, 3rd view yoke, and 4th ignorance yoke. The explanation of these four yokes is like the four kinds of waterfalls in the previous section. Among the nine lands, the three upper-grade annoyances in each land are called Waterfalls, and the three middle-grade annoyances are called yokes. The following is the order, that is, acting according to habitual desires, acting according to habits, acting according to habitual heresies. 14.2.12 株杌 Stump株杌,义为枯树桩,此从譬喻得名,参见前文14.1-1节尘刹土案例中的株杌。那株杌是个异熟果(参见11.6.1节)。异熟果异时而熟,如一年后,三年后,十或三十年后才成熟。异熟果异地而熟,如三界九地,成熟在哪里都可能。异熟果异类而熟,无意识是个大染缸,贪嗔痴普遍地污染众生。株杌譬喻贪瞋痴烦恼根深蒂固,对治道犁难以将其从心地中拔出。众生从无始以来,串习贪瞋痴成为业行。贪业引起心不调顺,瞋业无所堪能,痴业难可解脱。由于众生难断这根深蒂固的贪嗔痴业,故立此三为株杌。 Stump gets its name from the metaphor, refer to the case in section 14.1-1, which stump is a Variation Fruit (see section 11.6.1). Variation Fruits ripen at different times, such as one year later, three years later, ten or thirty years later. Variation Fruits ripen in different places, such as anywhere of the nine lands in Great Grand Worlds. Variation Fruits ripen in different species, the unconscious is a big dye vat where greed, anger, and ignorance universally pollute all sentient beings. The stump is a metaphor for the deep-rooted annoyances of greed, irritation, and ignorance, which are difficult to pluck out heartland by the plow of Path Crux. Since time immemorial, all sentient beings have been accustomed to greed, irritation, and ignorance, so the three have become karma. Greed karma causes the heart to become uncoordinated. Irritation karma causes the heart to become unqualified for any affairs. Ignorance karma is difficult to unfetter. It is difficult for sentient beings to break away from these deep-rooted karmas of greed, irritation, and ignorance, therefore the three are set up as stumps. 14.2.13 垢 Maculate-ness.谓贪瞋痴故,毁犯戒行学处,作诸恶行,染污不净,故立名贪嗔痴为三种垢。 Saying that because of greed, irritation, and ignorance, sentient beings violate destroy the precepts and disciplines, commit all kinds of evil deeds, and defiles immaculateness; therefore, greed, irritation, and ignorance are established as the three kinds of Maculate-ness. 14.2.14 常害 Constant Harm谓贪瞋痴三业,常能为害,招感生老病死等苦,故立名贪嗔痴为三种常害。 It is said that the three karmas of greed, irritation, and ignorance are always capable of causing harm, inviting birth, old age, sickness, and death bitter, so the three are named the three constant harms. 14.2.15 所有 Possession此是从果法立名。谓贪瞋痴与能有相应,能积集所有资财,恒常与怖畏等相应,令心多住散乱,故立名贪嗔痴为三种所有。 This alias of annoyance is named from fruit law. Saying that greed, irritation, and ignorance corresponding to able-to-have, can accumulate all the assets, and constantly correspond to the horrors, etc., so that the heart dwells in dispersal constantly, therefore greed, irritation and ignorance are established as the three kinds of possessions. 14.2.16 根 Root由贪瞋痴故,心中生起不善法。贪瞋痴是一切不善法生起所依的根本,故立名贪瞋痴为三种不善根。 Because of greed irritation and ignorance, heart arouses non-benevolent laws. Greed irritation and ignorance are fundamental roots of all non-benevolent juristic arousals, therefore, the three are established as the three non-benevolent Roots. 14.2.17 恶行 Ferocious Behaviors由依于贪瞋痴故,众生常作身语意恶行。由贪进求财利等,多行恶行。由怀瞋恚,不忍他过,多行恶行。由怀愚痴,起颠倒邪见,行诸恶行。又由贪嗔痴是邪行自性,故立名贪瞋痴为三种恶行。 Due to greed irritation and ignorance, sentient beings often commit ferocious bodily orally and intentionally deeds. Due to greed on gain more assets and profits, people conduct ferocious behaviors broadly. Due to anger and hatred, people cannot tolerate others' mistakes and commits many evil deeds. Due to bosom ignorance and foolishness, arousal of upside-down heretical views, sentient beings commit many evil deeds. And due to greed irritation and ignorance are heretical behaviors’ nature, therefore the three are named as three Ferocious Behaviors. 14.2.18 漏 Leakage欲、有、和无明等,劫持、分流心识流,另心分散,故立名烦恼为漏。漏有三种:欲漏、有漏、无明漏。欲漏,依外门流注,即心于五欲外尘境界中流散,建立欲漏;体即欲界一切烦恼,唯除无明。依内门流注,即于内根身等上流散,建立有漏;体即色、无色界一切烦恼,唯除无明。依彼前二所依门流注,立无明漏;体即三界所有无明。 Desire, have, and ignorance, etc., hijack and sub-drain the stream of heart senses, and scatter the mind, so the name of annoyance as Leakage was established. There are three kinds of leakage: desire leakage, have leakage, and ignorance leakage. According to the heart-senses flow concentration of external door, i.e., base on the heart’s dispersion in the five desires of outer dust environments, the Desire Leakage is established; Its body is all annoyances of Desire Boundary, except for ignorance. According to the flow concentration of internal door, i.e., on dispersing in the bodies of internal roots to establish Have Leakage, its body is all annoyances in Color Boundary and Colorless Boundary, except for ignorance. According to the flow concentration of the first two doors to establish Ignorance Leakage, its body is all the ignorance in the Three Boundaries. 14.2.19 匮 Scarcity匮,即缺乏、不足;无有厌足故名为匮。谓由贪瞋痴故,愚人于资助生命的财物等,恒起追求,没有满足。由贪、瞋、痴能令身心恒感觉贫乏,故名贪嗔痴为三种匮。 Scarcity means lack, insufficiency; not having contentment and satiation hence name of Scarcity. Because of greed irritation and ignorance, fools are constantly pursuing and not being satisfied with the possessions that support their lives. Because greed irritation and ignorance can make the body and heart feel scarce constantly, the three are called the three kinds of scarcity. 14.2.20 烧 Burn.由贪瞋痴故,愚人于所缘境界不如正理,执着相好、起强烈爱染,烧热身心,故立名为烧。 By reason of greed irritation and ignorance, fools irrationally obsess those goods of phenomena, arouse strong love to those being aggregated environments, heating up the body and heart fervidly, hence name of burn. 14.2.21 恼 Annoyance由贪瞋痴故,愚人于诸可爱境相爱乐耽看,若可爱境相变坏的时候,便引起种种的愁叹等忧苦,恼乱身心,故名为恼。 By reason of greed irritation and ignorance, fools linger and look at all lovely environments with pleasure, and when the sates deteriorate, they give rise to kinds of sorrow, sighs, etc. annoyances, which disturb the body and heart, therefore name of Annoyances. 14.2.22 有诤 Have Expostulation有诤,诤是好意劝谏的意思,贪瞋痴能为斗讼诤竞的因。由贪瞋痴故,愚人执持刀杖,兴诸战诤,所以立贪瞋痴名为有诤。 Expostulation means earnest and kindly protest, but it is cause of all quarrel litigation and violence; greed irritation and ignorance can be reason of expostulation. Due to greed irritation and ignorance, fools hold swords, clubs, guns, and artilleries to feed expostulations and wars, therefore, greed irritation and ignorance are named as Have Expostulation. 14.2.23 火 Fire由贪瞋痴如火,能烧毁所积集的善根薪,故说贪瞋痴名火。 Since greed irritation and ignorance are like fire that burn up the accumulated firewood of benevolent roots, it is said that greed irritation and ignorance are called fires. 14.2.24 炽燃 Conflagration炽燃,大火义,此是譬喻贪嗔痴恶业如大火。谓由瞋痴故,愚人为非法贪的大火所烧。非法贪就是贪着十种不善业道(即十恶戒,参见13.1节)。由贪瞋痴故,愚人又为不平等贪的大火所烧。不平等贪就是非法非理的贪求境界。由贪瞋痴故,愚人又被邪法大火所烧。邪法大火就是一切我见、边见、邪见、见取见、和戒禁取见(参见11. 根本烦恼)。由非法贪、不平等贪、和邪法等能够引发身心中的炽燃烈焰,故名为炽然。 This is a metaphor for ferocious karma of greed irritation and ignorance like a conflagration. It is said that due to greed irritation and ignorance, fools are burned by the fire of illegal greed. Illegal greed is the greedily desires for the karmas of ten ferocious paths (i.e., the ten ferocious precepts, see section 13.1). Due to greed irritation and ignorance, later, fools are burned by the fire of unequal greed. Unequal greed is the state of illegal and irrational greed. And again, due to greed irritation and ignorance, fools are burned by the fire of heretical laws. The Fires of Heretical laws are all Seth view, edge views, heresies, view fetch, and precept fetch (see section Fundamental Annoyances). Illegal greed, unequal greed, and heretical laws etc. can cause blazing flames in the body and heart, so it is called Conflagration. 14.2.25 稠林 Dense Forest贪嗔痴等之烦恼大树聚集,名为稠林。由贪瞋痴故,于生死根本烦恼极其杂染业行,广兴染着,令诸有情,感生种种身,流转于五趣,如行走在大树聚集的稠林里,难可出离。 Great trees of greed, irritation, and ignorance are collectively called Dense Forest. Because of greed, irritation, and ignorance, sentient beings broadly dyed by fundamental annoyances and their crossly bred karmic behaviors, so aggregated as various kinds of bodies, circulating in five interests, like migrating in a dense forest where big trees are gathered. And it is difficult to get out of it. 14.2.26 拘碍 Detentions谓贪瞋痴能令众生乐着种种妙欲尘故,能障有情证得出世法故。拘碍依于五处而得建立,一、顾恋内身,二、顾恋诸欲,三、乐相杂住,四、缺于随顺教诫教授,五、于诸善品得少为足。 Saying that greed, irritation, and ignorance can make sentient beings enjoy all kinds of wonderfully desirable dusts and can hinder sentient beings from realizing the transcending mundane laws, therefore the name of detentions is set up. Detentions are established in the five places: 1. Caring for the inner body, 2. Caring for desires, 3. Being mixed with pleasures, 4. Lack of following the precepts and teachings, and 5. Being satisfied with a few benevolent laws. ↪️返回第十三章《集谛》目录↪️Back to Catalog of Chapter 13 Aggregate Crux