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17.2-17.13 一问黄沙惑 First Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle 2023-07-09 12:02:02

17.2 一问黄砂惑 Frist Ask of Yellow Sand Muddle


At the time, among crowds, View-Sound Bodhisattva stood up, uncovered one shoulder, knelt upon her right knee, and respectfully raising her hands with palms joined, addressed Buddha: Rare! Social Honor! Up to Thus Come by supremely victorious assimilation to assimilate and enjoy True-Humans and Great-True-Humans; up to Thus Come by supremely victorious instructions to counsel True-Humans and Great-True-Humans. Social Honor! True-Humans have aroused Bodhi Heart, how should they dwell on? How should they behave and cultivate? How should they assimilate and tame their hearts?


Veda told full-life View-Sound Bodhisattva: Benevolent! Benevolent! Benevolent Manifestation! Thus! Thus, up to Thus Come by supremely victorious assimilation to assimilate and enjoy True-Humans and Great-True-Humans; up to Thus Come by supremely victorious instructions to counsel True-Humans and Great-True-Humans. Therefore, Benevolent Manifestation! You should listen attentively, benevolently makes intentions; I should explicitly explain it for you.


Full life View-Sound Bodhisattva reported to Veda: Thus! Social Honor! Willingly gladly desire to listen!


Annotation 17.2, this problem is called Yellow Sand Muddle. What is the Yellow Sand Muddle? After mundane people understand the Four Cruxes, they arouse the Bodh heart and become first heartland Bodhisattvas (i.e., True Humans). To arouse Bodhi Heart is to take the oath: Sentient beings are boundary-less, I vow! I ferry them all! Annoyances are endless, I vow! I sever them all! Juristic doors are limitless, I vow! I study them all! Path of enlightenment is upmost, I vow! I endeavor to succeed! But there are as many sentient beings as the yellow sand in the Sahara Desert, how to transcendently ferry them all to Mount Ararat! Bodhisattvas are full of confusions, which muddle is called Yellow Sand Muddle. What is the Mount Ararat? As shown in Figure 17-36, here, word Mountain is an adjective, describing the nobleness of the fourth shamanic fruit sage, Ararat, worthy of worship.

17.3 大乘正宗分Great Vehicle Lineage

尔时,佛告观世音:善现!诸有发趣菩萨乘者,应当发起如是之心,“所有诸有情,有情摄所摄:若卵生、若胎生、若湿生、若化生,若有色、若无色,若有想、若无想,若非有想非无想(注1,如插图17.3),乃至有情界施设所施设,如是一切,我当皆令于无余依妙涅槃界而般涅槃(注2)。” 虽度如是无量有情令灭度已,而无有情得灭度者, 何以故?善现!若诸菩萨摩诃萨有情想转,不应说名菩萨摩诃萨。所以者何?善现!若诸菩萨摩诃萨不应说言有情想转,如是命者想、士夫想、补特伽罗想、意生想、摩纳婆想(注3)、作者想、受者想转,当知亦尔,何以故?善现!无有少法名为发趣菩萨乘者(注4)。

At that time, Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: Benevolent Manifestation! Those aroused interests to True-Human Vehicle, should arouse the heart: “all sentient beings, sentient beings’ assimilations and being assimilated, such as born from eggs, born from wombs, born from moistures, or born from conversions; either with color or no color, either with think or no think, and neither think nor no-think (anno 1), up to all sentient beings’ boundaries setting up and being established. All of those, I should transcendently ferry them all, via non-reliant nirvana boundary, to arrival at salvation (anno 2). Thus, limitless sentients have been terminally ferried, there aren’t any sentient beings gained the terminating ferry; wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If they are true human, they shouldn’t have sentient thinks turning. Thus, living think, warrior think, hobbyhorse think, intent born think, Abel think (anno 3), creator think, and acceptor think should be known as this also; wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! No few laws are named as True-Human aroused interest to True-Human Vehicle (anno 4).

17.3 大乘正宗分Great Vehicle Lineage.jpg


Annotation 17.3-1, conversion born, born due to mutant nature change, such as bodhisattva, Buddha, all born from converting to Buddhism. Buddhism chose visual objects to define substances, therefore, Buddhist word color mean transformation, hindrance.


Annotation 17.3-2, “non-reliant nirvana” is Constant Silent Sky, is the Non-objectively Have Sky in figure 17.3-2, refers to section 12.2.4, 13.3, and 15.1.


Annotation 17.3-3, in Sanskrit, Pudgala, which means habitual aggregates, is translated as Hobbyhorse in this article. Sanskrit, Mazava, which is inner along thoughts ego, is translated into Chinese as Genius-Kid (儒童); in Chinese culture it is called Fortune (福), also called Great Strength God; in Hindus, it is Bramin; in Islam and Christian, it is Abel; in Mexican Shamanism, it is called Quetzalcoatl.


Annotation 17.3-4, in this article, Sanskrit Bodhisattva is translated as “true human”.  Sanskrit Mahasattva is translated as “great true human”, is Buddha. Why do Shakyamuni say that there is no minor law as a Bodhisattva? Bodhisattva means “enlightened sentient”. Enlightenment state is “empty after all”, is illustration 17.3-2 (non-objectively have sky), therefore Shakyamuni said that “no minor law” is named as Bodhisattva.

17.4 施摄六渡 Donation Assimilates Six Arks


Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: Furthermore, Benevolent Manifestation! To practice donation, True-Human doesn’t dwell on affair to donate, dwell (annotation 1) on nothing to donate. True-Human doesn’t dwell on color to donate, doesn’t dwell on sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law when she or he is donating. Benevolent Manifestation! Thus, True-Human doesn’t dwell on phenomenal thinks to match her or his donation behaviors, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! If True Human dwells on nothing to donate broadly, the gained fortunate aggregates are immeasurable. Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Can you measure all the empty spaces extending eastward, westward southward northward nadir and zenith?


View-Sound Bodhisattva replied: No, Social Honor! I cannot.


Veda said: Thus! Thus! Benevolent Manifestation! If True-Human dwells on nothing to donate, the fortunate and virtuous aggregates gained are immeasurable, is just like that (anno3).

注解17.4,本文佛用施渡总摄六渡。六渡为施渡,戒渡,忍渡,精进渡,禅渡,和慧渡。本文的 “行” ,“行者”是“意”,即前意识;所以“行”是行为,也有迁徙的意思。同理,“住”表示注意力集中所在,表示思想停留在某事物上。

Annotation 17.4, in the article, Shakyamuni used Donation Ark to lead, to assimilate all six Arks. The six Arks are Donation Ark, Covenant Ark (or Precept Ark), Countenance Ark, Diligence Ark, Meditation Ark, and Gnosis Ark (which is Noah’s Ark in Bible). The article is talking about intentional behaviors, so “Dwell on something” means “intention stays on something”.

17.5 如理实见 According Theories to Factually View


Veda asked View-Sound again: What do you think? Can Thus Come be viewed as “fully with 3000 majesties 84000 enchantments (anno 1)”?


View-Sound answered: “No, Social Honor! True-Human shouldn’t view Thus-Come “fully with 3000 majesties 84000 enchantments”, why is that? Thus-Come said “fully with all phenomena” isn’t “fully with all phenomena”.


Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! Up to fully possessing all the phenomena, all are illusions; up to not fully possessing those phenomena, all aren’t illusions, thus, by phenomena and non-phenomena to view Thus-Come (anno 2).”


Annotation 17.5-1, majesty’s original meaning is neat pattern, motif. “3000 majesties 84000 enchantments” are full precepts, refer to section 16.2 (Yet, not completed).


Annotation 17.5-2, the human Buddha has “3000 majesties 84000 enchantments”; but pure unconscious (i.e., Buddha-sense, God-sense) is constant only, is “empty after all”. Here says two truths, one is “mundane significance crux” that Buddha has “3000 majesties 84000 enchantments”; the second is “empty after all”, is “victorious significance crux”,

17.6 正信希有 Faith to Have


View-Sound reported to Veda again: Social Honor! Will there always be sentient beings in future, later hours, later minutes, later 500 years, to the time of correct law extinction is turning, upon hearing this color (Annotation 1) classic sutra, will they bear factual thinks?


Veda said: Don’t say that! But again, Benevolent Manifestation! In coming future, later hours, later minutes, in 500 years, at the correct law extinction time is turning, there are True-Humans and Great-Humans with full precepts, with full virtues, with full gnosis (Annotation 2).  Again next, Benevolent Manifestation! Those True-Humans and Great-Humans aren’t undertaking and sharing at one Buddha place; aren’t being projected benevolent roots by one Buddha. To repeat it again, Benevolent Manifestation! Those True-Humans and Great-Humans aren’t undertaking and sharing at one, hundred, thousand Buddha places, aren’t being projected benevolent roots by one, hundred, thousand Buddhas, so they can hear this color classic sutra, should gain one immaculate faithful heart.


Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come by its Vedic intelligence has known them all; Thus-Come by its Vedic eye has seen them all. Benevolent Manifestation! Thus-Come has perceived that those sentient beings should bear boundless fortunate aggregates, should assimilate boundless fortunate aggregates, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Those True-Humans and Great -Humans have no I think turning, no sentient think, no living think, no warrior think (i.e., daily life people’s think), no hobbyhorse think, no intent born think, no Abel think, no creator think, and no acceptor think turning.


Benevolent Manifestation! Those True-Humans and Great-Humans have no juristic think turning, no non-juristic think turning, no think turning and no non-think turning, so what (Annotation 3)? Benevolent Manifestation! If True-Humans and Great -Humans have juristic thinks turning, they should have I obsession, sentient obsession, living obsession, hobbyhorse etc. obsessions. If they have non-juristic thinking, also they should have I obsession, sentient obsession, living obsession, hobbyhorse etc. obsessions; wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Shouldn’t fetch law; shouldn’t fetch non-law! Hence Thus-Come intimately said the raft metaphor juristic door (annotation 4). Wiser, all laws should be judged, let alone illegality!


Annotation 17.6-1, color means color node, refers to section 11.4.1.


Annotation 17.6-2, section 16.2 talks “full precepts”; in section 13.4 the 25 haves are “full virtues”; “full gnosis” are talked in section 16.6.


Annotation 17.6-3, here, Buddha explained nirvana by the method of elimination, which nirvana is Figure 17.3-2 not objectively have sky. No Objectively Have Sky, alias Constant Silent Sky, is nirvana, is salvation, is still state of Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi (i.e., Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception), is correct equality enlightenment, is Bodhi Heart, is root of all seeing all knowing.

17.6-4, 筏喻法门是这个佛教寓言:有人为了过河而造伐;达彼岸后他会弃伐而去,不会头顶着筏子,负重前行。

Annotation 17.6-4, raft metaphysical fable is that a man crafts a raft to cross a river; after aboard another shore, he abandons the raft and does not continue his journey with the raft on his head.

17.7 无得无说 Gainless, Nothing to Say


Veda asked full-life View-Sound Bodhisattva again: Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think? Are there few laws being depended on, so Thus-Come can presently testify Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi (i.e., Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception) presently? Are there few laws spoken by Thus-Come when he was in the stillness (i.e., still state) of Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception?


View-Sound answered: Social Honor! Allow me to explain what Buddha said! There aren’t few laws, by which Thus-Come can presently prove Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, and no minor laws were spoken when Thus-Come was matching with Upmost Correct-Equality Correct-Perception, wherein? Social Honor! All laws testified, spoken, thought by Thus-Come, all are non-fetchable, unspeakable, not laws, not non-laws, because sage Hobbyhorses are manifestations of non-as law (Annotation 1).


Annotation 17.7-1, the section, Buddha explained that No Gain is wisdom of ousting mundaneness. Hobbyhorse, means habitual aggregate, is Bodhisattva’s ego. Non-as Law means un-striving law, refers to section 11.6.4 离系果 Off-Be Fruit.

17.8 依法出生 Legal Birth


Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: Benevolent Manifestation! According to your intention, what say you? Such as a benevolent man or a faithful woman uses fulfilling the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds of seven treasures to donate, does the person gain fortunate aggregates many?


View-Sound answered: Very Many! Social Honor! Much Many, Benevolent Renunciation! Wherein? Social Honor, fortunate virtuous aggregates fortunate virtuous aggregates, Thus-Come said those aren’t fortunate virtuous aggregates, therefore, Thus-Come said name of fortunate virtuous aggregates fortunate virtuous aggregates (annotation 1).


Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva again: Benevolent Manifestation! Such as a benevolent man or a faithful woman uses fulfilling the Three-Grand Great-Grand Worlds of seven treasures to donate. Such as a benevolent man or a faithful woman on the teachings, down to only four paragraphs, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to getting benefit, preaches and exemplifies to others, according to its theories to make intents, by the dos, the gained fortunate aggregates are innumerable times more than the earlier, wherein? All Thus-Comes match with “correct equality enlightenment” are born from this sutra; all Buddha Social Honors are born from this sutra, wherein? Benevolent Manifestation! Vedic laws Vedic laws, Thus-Come says, isn’t Vedic laws, hence Thus-Come says name of Vedic laws Vedic laws (Annotation 2).


Annotation 17.8-1 how is there two “fortunate aggregates”? first “fortunate aggregates” is have-as laws, is mundane law, exists. The second “fortunate aggregates” is none-as law, is victorious significance, is empty after all.


Annotation 17.8-2, the first Vedic law is mundane significance; the second Vedic law is victorious significance, is empty after all. Later texts have more the kind of strange grammar, reader can understand accordingly. Name means the four non-color nodes (acceptance node, think node, migration node, and sense node) in chapter 11 Tree of Life.

17.9 禁果 Forbidden Fruit



Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intention, what say you? Do Enter-Stream shamans make the spell that “I can prove Enter-Stream fruit (Annotation 1)”?

View-Sound answered: No, Social Honor! Enter-Stream shamans don’t make the spell that “I can prove Enter-Stream fruit”, wherein? Social Honor! Enter-Stream shamans entered nowhere; therefore Enter-Stream is named. Not entering color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law, hence name of Enter-Stream. Social Honor! If Enter-Stream shamans make the spellings that “I can prove Entering-Stream fruit”, that is having I obsession, sentient obsession, living obsession, warrior obsession, hobbyhorse etc. obsessions.

17.9-1 禁果 Forbidden Fruit.jpg

佛问观世音菩萨:于汝意云何?诸一来者颇作是念,“我能证得一来果” 不?


Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intention, what say you? Do One-Come shamans make the spell that “I can prove One-Come fruit”?

View-Sound answered: No, Social Honor! One-Come shamans don’t make the spell that “I can prove One-Come fruit”, wherein? Social Honor! Due to “not few laws” to prove One-Come nature, hence name of One-Come.

佛问观世音:于汝意云何?诸不还者颇作是念,“我能证得不还果” 不?


Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intention, what say you? Do No-Return shamans make spell that “I can prove and gain No-Return fruit”?

View-Sound answered: No, Social Honor! No-Return shamans don’t make the spell that “I can prove No-Return fruit”, wherein? Social Honor! Because “some laws are terminated”, No-Return nature is proved, hence name of No-return.


观世音答:不也,世尊!诸阿罗汉不作是念,“我能证得阿罗汉性”, 何以故?世尊!以无少法名阿罗汉,由是因缘名阿罗汉。世尊!若阿罗汉作如是念,“我能证得阿罗汉性”,即为执我、有情、命者、士夫、补特伽罗等,所以者何?世尊!如来、应、正等觉说我得无诤住最为第一,世尊!我虽是阿罗汉,永离贪欲,而我未曾作如是念,“我得阿罗汉永离贪欲”。世尊!我若作如是念,“我得阿罗汉永离贪欲”,如来不应记说我言,“善现善女人苦芭芭得无诤住最为第一”(注2)。以都无所住,是故如来说名无诤住无诤住。

Veda asked View-Sound bodhisattva: according to your intention, what say you? Do Ararats make the spell that “I can prove and gain Ararat”?

View-Sound answered: No, Social Honor! Ararats don’t think that “I can prove Ararat nature”, wherein? Ararat means “not few laws” originally, because of the reason and factors, Ararat is named. Society Honor! If an Ararat makes the spelling that “I can prove and gain Ararat nature”; that is holding “I obsession”, sentient obsession, living obsession, warrior obsession, hobbyhorse etc. obsessions, wherein? Social Honor!  Thus-Come matching with Correct Equality Light said that “I gained ‘No Expostulation Dwelling’ the Upmost No.1”. Social Honor! Even though I am an Ararat, left greedy desires forever, but I never have the thoughts that “I have gained Ararat fruit, severed greedy desires forever. If I have the thoughts that I have gained Ararat, left greedy desires for ever; Thus-Come matching with Correct Equality Enlightenment shouldn’t grant remembrance to me, “Benevolent Manifestation, benevolent woman Kubaba (Annotation 2) has gained No Expostulation Dwelling the Upmost No.1”. Because of Non-Dwelling, Thus-Come said name of No Expostulation Dwelling No Expostulation Dwelling (Annotation 3).

17.9-1,入流果、一来果、不还果、和阿罗汉果,此四沙门果是无为法果,基于缺些什么(即某些烦恼被消灭了),到四果圣人阿罗汉就什么也没有了。此四果与无意识(古作神识相应),只于舍性相应,与集、得、取等相违,所以此果不可取,不可采集。想以取相形成思想内环境为性,所以是取性;你一想那果子,那果子就消失了。插图17.9-1-3是古墨西哥那瓦特语的象形文字 “中土” ;笔者我也是第一次看见这么大的字,才知道什么是大字。上面的三个带刺的梨代表四沙门果中的前三果。插图-1是1858年在墨西哥发现的阿罗汉石头像。图-2截自墨西哥的古画,显示那三个离系果是禁果。

Annotation 17.9-1, Enter-stream Fruit, One-Come Fruit, No-Return Fruit, and Ararat Fruit, the four shamanic fruits are non-as fruits (refer to section 11.6.4 Off-be Fruit of Life Tree), base on absent something (some muddles are terminated). The four fruits match with unconscious (ancient as God-sense), only match renunciative feeling, contradict to aggregate gathering fetch etc., therefore the fruits can’t be fetched, can’t be gathered. If you fetch the fruit, it disappears, dies. Nature of think is to fetch images to form inner environment, so thinking has nature of fetch. If you think about the fruit, it vanishes also. Illustration 17.9-1-3 Mexican Nahuatl hieroglyphs “middle earth”; the three prickly pears symbol first three of the four shamanic fruits. Figure -1 is Mountain Ararat stone statue, found in 1858 in Mexico. Here, word Mountain is used as adjective, describes this person as valuable. Figure -1 is from ancient Mexico, showing the fruits are forbidden. 

17.9-2 Kubaba.jpg

17.9-2,如插图17.9-2-1所示,苦芭芭是一位苏美尔女王(约公元前 2500 年至公元前 2330 年)。插图-2是示意图,笔者家乡的穆斯林人认为画上那俩是他们俩的祖宗,称之为 “猪爷爷驴奶奶” ,是上帝安拉。他们自称是追随安士高来到中国的。安士高(约公元2世纪;如插图17.9-3)是古代的伊朗人,是中国第一位有历史记录的佛,而且现代的佛学爱好者认为他的教法是佛教的正宗。中国释迦牟尼的故事有很多起源于安士高;但是他讲的观世音菩萨起源于苦芭芭。

Annotation 17.9-2, as shown in Illustration 17.9-2-1, Kubaba was a Sumerian queen (c. 2500 BC to 2330 BC). Illustration-2 is a schematic diagram. The Muslims in author me hometown believe that the two in the painting are their ancestors, they call them “pig grandpa donkey grandma", and they are God Allah. They claimed to have come to China with An Shigao. An Shigao (about 2nd century AD; refer to illustration 17.9-3) was an ancient Iranian, the first recorded Buddha in China, and modern Buddhist lovers consider his teachings to be authentic Buddhism. Many of the stories about Shakyamuni in China originated from An Shigao; but View-Sound Bodhisattva he told originated from Kubaba.

17.9-3 An Shigao.jpg

17.9-3,诤是好意劝谏义,是一切暴乱的起因;不诤是佛门第一戒。前一无诤住是世间义,是持戒解脱,是顺解脱。 后一无诤住是胜义,是四涅槃之一的无住涅槃(参见灭谛的15.1节)。

Annotation 17.9-3, Expostulation is the cause of all riots; not to expostulate is No.1 precept in Buddhist community. The first “No Expostulation Dwelling” is mundane significance, is to obey precept, that is correct sequential liberation. Second “No Expostulation Dwelling” is victorious significance, is one of four nirvanas: No Dwelling Nirvana (refers to section 15.1, not translated yet). Front Benevolent Manifestation is an alias of nirvana. The honors shows the person is Eve. In Mexican Shamanism, she (Chalchiuhtlicue, another Eve) is the fourth sun, which is the No Dwelling Nirvana.

17.10 庄严净土 To Make Immaculate Soil Majestic



Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva: according to your intention, what say you? In the past, at Lighting-Lamp Veda place (1), were there very few laws for Thus-Come to fetch?

View-Sound answered: No, Social Honor! In the past, at Lighting-Lamp Vedic place, Thus-Come had not few laws to fetch.


Veda told View-Sound: such as a real human says, “I shall make Vedic soils majestic”, what the real human said isn’t factual, is he? “Majestic Vedic Soils with Full Virtuous Merits”, Thus-Come says, isn’t “Majestic Vedic Soils with Full Virtuous Merits”, therefore Thus-Come says name of “Majestic Vedic Soils with Full Virtuous Merits (2)”. For the reason, Benevolent Manifestation! Real human dwells on nothing to arouse heart, not to dwell on color arousing heart, not to dwell on non-color arousing heart, not to dwell on sound smell taste touch and law, and accordingly arousing heart, not to dwell on non-color non-smell non-taste non-touch non-law, and accordingly arousing heart. Real human dwells on non-dwelling to arouse heart.



Veda asked View-Sound: Such as a mundane man, views his color body figuratively as Mountain Sumerian Head. Benevolent Manifestation! What do you think?  Isn’t his self-body gigantic?

View-Sound answered: his self-body is gigantic indeed! Social Honor!  Gigantic! Benevolent Renunciation! Wherein? Social Honor!  His self-body, Thus Come says, isn’t his self-body, therefore, is named as self-body. Not by his own body, therefore, it is named as self-body (Annotation 3).

17.11 无为福胜 None-as’ Fortunes Are Victorious



Veda asked View-Sound Bodhisattva again: according to your intentionality, what say you? If there were as many Tigris rivers as the sands number of Tigris, would the sands of those Tigris rivers be many?

View-Sound answered: very many! Social Honor! Much many! Benevolent Renunciation! Even those Tigris rivers would be innumerable, not to mention their sands!



Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! I tell you today, enlighten you: If a benevolent man or a faithful woman uses wonderful Seven Treasures fulfilling those Tigris rivers sands number of worlds, to charitably contribute to Thus-Come who matches with Correct Equality Light, Benevolent Manifestation! Because of the cause, would his or her gained fortunate aggregates be many?

View-Sound answered: very many! Social honor! Much many, Benevolent Renunciation! The benevolent man or faithful woman due to the cause, bears great quantity of many fortunate aggregates!


Veda told View-Sound Bodhisattva: if by fulfilling that sands number of worlds seven treasures to charitably contribute to Thus-Come who is matching with Correct Equality Light. If a benevolent man or woman on the juristic door, even four paragraphs, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to getting benefits, preaching broadly, exemplifying to others, according to theories to make intents, due to this cause, bears innumerable times more fortunate aggregates than the earlier said.

17.12 持经功德 Fortune of Holding the Sutra


Again next, Benevolent Manifestation!  Such as wherever, on the juristic door, up to preaching broadly and exemplifying four paragraphs, the place should be venerated by mundane skies, humans and asuras etc., like Vedic spiritual temple; nonetheless, to people who has finalized on the juristic door, transcribe, hold, recite, finalize to benefits, up to preaching and exemplifying to others, and accordingly making intents!  Thus, sentients have achieved supremely victorious virtuous merits. The places dwelled by grand master, or along one by one respectful places, all like intelligent beings, are as same as comrades on godly migration.

17.13 到达方舟 Arrival Ark



At the time, full life View-Sound Bodhisattva reported to Veda again: Social Honor! What name should this juristic door be? How should we respectfully hold it?

Veda told View-Sound: Full Life! today, the juristic door’s name is “Philosopher-Stone Arrival Ark”; the name you should humbly hold, wherein? The Arrival Ark, Thus-Come says, isn’t Arrival Ark, therefore, Thus-Come says name of Philosopher-Stone Arrival Ark.



Veda asked: according to your intention, what say you? Has Thus-Come very few laws to say?

View-Sound answered: no, Social-honor! Thus-Come hasn’t few laws to speak with.




Veda asked View-Sound: are there tiny dusts many in up to three-grand great-grand worlds lands?

View-Sound answered: Those tiny dusts are many indeed in the lands! Social Honor! Very much many! Benevolent Renunciation!

Veda said: Benevolent Manifestation! The lands’ tiny dusts, Thus-Come says, aren’t tiny dusts, therefore Thus-Come says name of “lands’ tiny dusts”. Worlds, Thus-Come says, aren’t worlds, therefore Thus-Come says name of worlds.



Veda asked View-Sound: Benevolent Manifestation! According to your intention, what say you? Should people view View-Sound Bodhisattva matching with correct equality light as “500 majesties 108,000 charms”?

View-Sound answered: no, Social Honor! People shouldn’t use “500 majesties 108,000 charms” to view View-Sound Bodhisattva matching with correct equality light, wherein? Social Honor! Phenomena of “500 majesties 108,000 charms”, Thus-Come said, aren’t phenomena, therefore, Thus-Come said name of 500 majesties 108,000 charms 500 majesties 108,000 charms.


Veda told View-Sound: such as a benevolent man or faithful woman, month after month, day after day, donates Tigris River sands number of self-bodies, thus continues Tigris River sands number of catastrophes. And another benevolent man or faithful woman, on the juristic door, down to four paragraphs, accepts, holds, reads, recites, finalizes to benefit, up to preaching and exemplifying to others broadly, accordingly, making intentions. By the cause, he or she bears fortunate aggregates innumerable times more than the earlier.

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卢岩 ,55岁
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注册日期: 2023-06-20
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【11-18 佛学概论 Introduction t】
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
· 12 禅 Meditation
· 11 生命之树 Tree of Life
【1-10 卢岩的回忆录】
· 10 宿命通 Fate Through
· 9 青中年 Middle Age
· 8 死不瞑目
· 7 东北大学
· 6 沈阳和平房产局
· 5 辽宁分院 Liaoning Branch
· 4 少青年 Youth
· 3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through
· 2 启蒙 Revelation
· 1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage C
· 18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe
· 18.1.6 金童
· 18.1.5 第一颗太阳
· 18.1.4 诏告天下
· 18.1.3 裸体婚礼
· 18.1.2 舍利王求婚
· 18.1.1 貌合神也合
· 18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
· 16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds H
· 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis
· 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heart
· 16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
· 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Hear
· 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
· 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Hea
· 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
· 16.2 离垢地 Leaving Filth Hear
· 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfil
· 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road
· 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test
· 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of
· 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity
· 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearance
· 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence
· 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Princi
· 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through
· 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leade
· 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Ma
· 18 太阳石 The Sun Stone
· 17 金刚经释 Philosopher-Stone
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 5.3 威仪路
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 12.3 四空定 Four Empty Stillne
· 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream F
· 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
· 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
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