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高奇峰"怒狮"解 2014-03-17 11:24:19


The Chinese on the left top corner is:  威力震大千,吼声出三界。只愁身上虫,扰如大自在。

Meaning: this is a poem (typically called 5-Jue poem, it has a style of 4 lines and each line with 5 words).  The Poem describes how the angry lion comes out. 

Line by line: 威力震大千, its power can shake the whole universe.  大千 is a Buddhism word, literally meaning “the great thousands”, Buddhism uses it to refer to the universe because Buddhism believes that the universe is composed of many thousands of different worlds.

吼声出三界: its roaring can reach outside of the three dimensions.  “Three dimensions” is another Buddhism word, Buddhist view of this universe is very similar to what the modern physics (string theory) comes to understand, that is, the university is divided into different dimensions (and we are in the 3rd dimension).  Old Chinese use number 3 to mean “many”, not really meaning 3 per se.  So 三界 actually means many dimensions.  This sentence means the roaring of the lion is far-reaching and extremely powerful.

只愁身上虫, 扰如大自在: this two sentences meaning: the only trouble the lion has is the little bugs in its own body, these bugs trouble the lion so much that it gets so angry and can’t be free and happy.  Here 大自在 is another Buddhism word, meaning the ultimate freedom and happiness.  Buddhists believe all human beings have the Buddha nature and through practice, people can achieve the status of the ultimate freedom and happiness. 

So overall the poem means the lion is a very powerful animal (Chinese culture, similar to the western, believe the lion is the KING of the animals) , however it can’t get rid of its own little bugs (these little bugs have a metaphor meaning,  its own defects and its own desire etc) so it can’t achieve the ultimate freedom and happiness.

The painting is by Gao, Qifeng and the poem is by Ye, Gongchuo (his name was signed at the end of the poem, the poem read from right to left), both were famous. 

Lower right corner is the stamp of  Gao, Qifeng, read as “予书画狮藏裱,中山纪念堂… “ stating the reason and time for this painting.

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作者:雪山下的绛珠草 留言时间:2014-03-22 22:32:32
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作者:雪山下的绛珠草 留言时间:2014-03-22 22:31:32
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作者:pifu01 留言时间:2014-03-17 12:13:40
沙发马铃薯纠正:右下签名应是:予尝画狮,藏诸中山纪念堂 门弟子以重画相要(邀),勉恂其请。。。
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作者:引力 留言时间:2014-03-17 12:11:41


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作者:引力 留言时间:2014-03-17 12:05:34

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