| 前一陣子有位網友介紹了篇相當有趣的文章:《一百五十個人的死亡體驗》http://113.twforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=83538
Random Walks: Tunnel Vision
The man responsible for coining the term \"near-death experience\" is Raymond Moody, an MD who has written several books on the afterlife based on patient testimonials, who believes NDEs are evidence of a soul (consciousness that exists separately from the brain), and evidence of the existence of an afterlife.
鑄造出 \"瀕死體驗(near-death experience,NDE)\"這詞彙最主要的人物是 Raymond Moody的醫生,他根據病人的陳述寫了好幾本有關afterlife(身後?)的書,他認為 NDEs 是證明了靈魂(分離於腦而獨立存在的意識)和來世存在的證據。
He\'s even boiled the typical NDE down to a few key features.
First, there\'s a strange kind of noise, alternately described as a ringing or a buzzing.
There is a sense of blissful peace, and often an out-of-body experience (feeling as if one is floating above one\'s body and observing it from that vantage point).
There\'s that light at the end of the tunnel, being met by loved ones, angels, or other religious figures, and a kind of \"life review\" -- seeing one\'s life flash before one\'s eyes.
詳細可參考: http://science.howstuffworks.com/near-death-experience.htm
But as the Skeptic\'s Dictionary helpfully points out, Moody\'s books ignore the fact that as many as 15% of NDEs are outright hellish experiences.
但Skeptic\'s 字典( http://skepdic.com/nde.html )裡指出,Moody 的書忽視有多達15 %的NDEs 是有如地獄般的經驗。
該篇文章也寫了近代有關 NDEs的研究。。。指出這應該是個缺氧的過程,機轉與REM類似。
It\'s not all mystical New Age spiritualism, or even overt religiosity. 這不全然是新時代的神秘唯心論或甚至宗教狂熱。 There have been some solid scientific studies of what happens to the brain during such events, most notably a 2001 Dutch study published in the prestigious British medical journal, The Lancet . 但也是有一些紮實的科學的研究,在這樣的事件中到底腦部發生了什麼,最著名的是荷蘭的研究者於2001年發表在蠻有聲望的英國醫學雜誌 The Lancet。 The researchers examined 344 patients who were resuscitated after suffering cardiac arrest, and interviewed them within a week afterwards about what -- if anything -- they remembered. 這報告研究了344名因心臟驟停被救回的患者,於復甦後一星期內採訪他們這瀕死經驗中他們記得什麼事。 The results were a bit startling: about 18% reported being able to recall some portion of what happened when they were clinically dead, and between 8 and 12 percent said they experienced some form of an NDE. 結果有點觸目驚心:約18 %的患者能夠記得他們在臨床上已經死亡的過程中部分的事,介乎八~十二%的人表示他們經歷過某種形式的NDEs。
Neurochemistry offers some convincing alternative explanations, namely, that NDEs aren\'t evidence of an afterlife, but illusions created by a dying (oxygen deprived) brain. Cardiac arrest and the anesthesias used in ERs are capable of triggering NDE-like brain states. 神經化學家提供了一些令人信服的另類解釋,即,NDEs 並不是顯示有來世的證據,只是一個垂死(氧氣剝奪)的大腦製造出來的幻覺。心跳驟停及作用於 ERs 的麻醉法也能夠誘發類似NDE的大腦狀態。 The Dutch researchers found that \"similar experiences can be induced through electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe,\" for instance, as can neurochemicals such as endorphins and serotonin, and hallucinogenic drugs like LSD and mescaline. 荷蘭的研究人員發現, \"可通過電刺激顳葉,誘發類似的經歷\" 也就是誘發神經化學物質腦內啡和血清素,導致幻劑LSD和mescaline一樣的作用。
Last October, an article in New Scientist described a new theory by University of Kentucky neurophysiologist Kevin Nelson attributing NDEs to a kind of \"REM intrusion\" : \"Elements of NDE bear uncanny similarity to the REM state,\" he told the magazine. 去年10月,由美國肯塔基大學神經內科醫生Kevin Nelson在University of Kentucky New Scientist發表的一篇文章,提出一個新理論把 NDEs 歸因於一種 \"REM intrusion(REM入侵,REM是睡眠的快速動眼時期→這時期人在作夢中)\"他告訴該雜誌 \"NDE的元素與REM狀態非常相像\"。 He describes REM intrusion as \"a glitch in the brain\'s circuitry that, in times of extreme stress, may flip it into a mixed state of awareness where is is both in REM sleep and partially awake at the same time.\" 他形容 REM入侵 為 \"在極度壓力下,對大腦電路的干擾,可將意識翻轉成半夢半醒間混亂的狀態。 Something similar might be happening with NDEs, he reasons, although the jury is still out on that particular hypothesis. 儘管一般仍將他推偵測的原因列為假設。
Karl Jansen has managed to induce NDEs with ketamine, a hallucenogenic related to PCP, but far less destructive; it\'s an anesthetic that works not just by dulling pain, but by creating a dissociative state. Karl Jansen 以 Ketamine 一種類似PCP但破壞性遠低於PCP的幻覺劑,這是一種製造一個游離狀態降低痛覺的麻藥。 According to Jansen, the conditions that give rise to NDEs -- low oxygen, low blood flow, low blood sugar, and so forth -- can kill brain cells, and the brain often responds by triggering a flood of chemicals very similar to ketamine to protect those cells, which would produce \"out of body\" sensations and possibly even hallucinations. 根據Jansen說明,可以殺死腦細胞的低氧,低血流量,低血糖等等條件,可誘發大腦為保護腦細胞讓神經作用物質泛流引起NDEs的反應非常類似Ketamine的作用,能產生出體的幻覺。
Jansen claims his approach can reproduce all the main elements Moody attributes to NDEs: the dark tunnel with a light at the end, out of body experiences, strange noises, communing with god, and so on. Jansen聲稱他的方法可以複製所有Moody 的MDEs的主要特徵:有光亮盡頭的黑暗隧道、出體經驗、奇怪的噪音。。。。。等等。
Why do so many people see a light at the end of the tunnel? Susan Blackmore, a psychology professor at the University of the West of England in Bristol, thinks she might have an explanation: neural noise. 為什麼這麼多人看到一個有光在盡頭的隧道? University of the West of England in Bristol的心理學系教授Susan Blackmore 認為這是一種神經噪音。
During cardiac arrest, in the throes of death, the brain is deprived of oxygen, causing brain cells to fire rapidly and quite randomly in the visual cortex.There are lots of cells firing in the middle, and fewer towards the outer edge, producing white light in the center fading into dark at the outer edges. 在心跳驟停,在死亡的痛處中,大腦缺氧,造成在視覺皮層的腦細胞隨意激發。大部份的激發在中央而較少在外側緣,這產生光亮盡頭的隧道。
That feeling of peace and well-being might be due to the fact that the brain is pumping out endorphins in response to pain, which can produce a dream-like state of euphoria. 感到平和與幸福這種感覺的原因,可能是大腦因應疼痛釋出腦內啡,這可產生一種作夢般的陶醉感。
That same cerebral anoxia might also cause the strange buzzing or ringing sound people claim to hear when they enter an NDE. 腦缺氧也可能產生NDE的奇怪的嗡嗡或響鈴音樂。
看這張照片時,感覺是蠻好玩的 記得以前修人類發展時看過一些百科 中間有張圖片就是模擬新生兒的視覺發展 就是中間有光亮模糊的影像四周是黑暗而更模模糊糊的,若人類的啟動關機一如電腦程式。。。。。
核心提示: 英國倫敦大學研究人員近日利用虛擬現實裝置成功完成了一項「靈魂出竅」實驗。被實驗人感到自己的靈魂離開了肉體,並從外部觀察著自己的身體。
Visualizing Out-of-Body Experience in the Brain
Dirk De Ridder, M.D., Ph.D., Koen Van Laere, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., Patrick Dupont, Ph.D., Tomas Menovsky, M.D., Ph.D., and Paul Van de Heyning, M.D., Ph.D.
New England Journal of Medicine
An out-of-body experience was repeatedly elicited during stimulation of the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus on the right side in a patient in whom electrodes had been implanted to suppress tinnitus. Positron-emission tomographic scanning showed brain activation at the temporoparietal junction — more specifically, at the angular–supramarginal gyrus junction and the superior temporal gyrus–sulcus on the right side. Activation was also noted at the right precuneus and posterior thalamus, extending into the superior vermis. We suggest that activation of these regions is the neural correlate of the disembodiment that is part of the out-of-body experience.

Figure 1. Three-Dimensional MRI Reconstruction of the Brain during an Out-of-Body Experience under Condition 3, Overlaid with Clusters of Significant Increases in Brain Activity. In Panel A, clusters at the most stringent threshold for differences in brain activity (P<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons) are shown in yellow (arrow); those at a lower threshold are shown in red (P<0.001, uncorrected for multiple comparisons). The electrode locations, based on the actual coregistered data from the computed tomographic scan, are superimposed on this image. Green indicates the electrodes that were active during the experiment, and blue the electrodes that were inactive during the experiment. The arrow shows the area with the most intense activity. The Lamitrode 44 electrode is shown in Panel B. The graph in Panel C shows the average regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF, expressed in arbitrary units) as an indicator of brain activity. The I bars represent the mean (±SD) activity values for the three stimulation conditions: high-intensity burst (C3), low-intensity burst (C2), and high-intensity tonic (C1).>
自90年代以來,美國等國家的一些神經腦外科研究中心成功地鞏固並且進一步綜合分析了近代的臨床腦外科、細胞生物學、人體解剖學的研究成果,加上最新的大腦及內臟掃瞄的新技術電磁共振成像掃瞄(MRI) 和電子發射攝影(PET )的普及應用,研究人員可以對大腦各個分區的血流及興奮狀態進行細緻的跟蹤記錄。並且在大量臨床試驗的基礎上對人的大腦中樞神經系統的結構和功能進行了更加精確和細緻的定位。這一輪新試驗結果給醫學和科學界帶來了令人難以置信的新發現。以美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校(UC San Diego)的神經生理學教授拉馬遷傳博士(Ramachandran)為首,與加拿大安大略省的勞倫遷大學(Laurentian University)的心理學博士普新格 (Persinger)一同成功地在臨床試驗的基礎上在大腦皮層上為「上帝及超自然的感知區」定位(以下簡稱上帝區)。此區位於大腦皮層的顳葉(Temporal Lobe)內 , 顳葉為聽覺言語中樞、聽覺中樞、嗅覺中樞、味覺中樞所在地。此區在臨床手術或用電磁組合刺激下會使受試者感受到歸依自然並與宇宙真理融為一體的超自然感覺。根據不同的刺激源或者各個受試者不同社會生活環境及個人經歷,不同的人會有不同版本的超自然感受,如西方人會與感受到上帝的光環,而東方人則多感受到佛法和道法。有過此經歷的人會覺得自己已經深深得道得法,有如脫胎換骨一般,人生好像又從一個更加有意義的起點重新出發。這種強烈的感覺還會稍微減少其它一些人的正常生理需要的額度。感知者的性需要、食慾、對子女的關心程度等等都會有所下降。此外感知者還會成日夢想去同化周圍更多的人以分享這一體驗。當一群感知者聚集到一起的時候則會產生一種分享真理並且超凡脫俗的共鳴,相互之間則很容易達到一種高度信任的親密同志關係。普新格博士實驗室的電磁組合刺激對初試者的上帝區激發成功率幾乎是百分之百。所有受試者包括一些事先選拔的無神論者均聲稱有這種奇妙感覺。這一發現對震撼了整個西方科學及宗教理論界,目前學術界正在考慮新建一門叫做神經宗教學(Neurotheology)的學科。
為了幫助大家更好地理解這一發現的可靠性,我們可以先來看一個經典的腦外科臨床例子叫做「幽靈肢體」(Phantom Limb)。「幽靈肢體」是幾乎所有截肢病人都能體驗到的一種奇特感覺。病人在截肢幾個月後仍然可以感覺到自己被截去的手或者腳。有些病人還會感到被截去肢體的強烈發癢發痛。既然肢體已經不存在了,為什麼還能夠有如此清晰的感覺到呢?原來人體的各個肢體的神經在匯融進入大腦後都分別將資訊傳送到各自對應的大腦皮層分區。筆者相信國內上過醫學院課程的朋友一定見過一幅大腦皮層分區圖,圖上畫有手、腳、鼻、眼等各個在大腦皮層上的對應位置。對肢體的神經資訊處理分區位於大腦的頂葉(Parietal Lobe)內。分區內的神經元的任務是接收來自肢體的資訊然後將資訊傳遞到大腦更高一層的意識中心,從而使人感到肢體的存在。在突然喪失肢體情況下,這些分區神經元便失去了一直源源不斷的神經資訊輸入。可是分區神經元在沒有輸入資訊的情況下在相當一段時間內無所事事,但仍然可以向高層的意識中心發送一些混亂的資訊。而高層的意識中心則仍然會認為來自此區的資訊是關於某個肢體的。這就是截肢病人感受到「幽靈肢體」的根本原因。絕大多數大腦內對應人體各個器官和系統的大腦皮層區域自上世紀初開始就已經被逐漸確認。更高一層的大腦皮層對應區域如恐懼區、快樂區、愛和情感區等等也已經於近期被確認。各個區在被神經刺激或人工刺激下則會給人以相應的感覺。如醫生的手術刀不小心碰及到恐懼區,在手術中的腦外科病人在麻醉的情況下就會感到恐懼。而大腦「上帝區」的發現則是現代腦科學高速發展的必然結果。
Are you there, God? Neuroscientists look at fMRI scans such as this one to identify which areas of the brain correspond to various functions and behaviors.