| Metamorphoses BOOK 1 1.567 by: P. Ovidius Naso
水泉女神伊俄(Io) 是河神 Inachus 的女兒,一天當 Io從父親的溪流回家的途中,被宙斯 上了,宙斯當然二話不說追美人去。Io雖然知道祂是誰,還是用力逃進森林,為了阻止 Io 逃跑,宙斯化身為黑霧,在黑暗中宙斯終於ooxx........(以下情節…..不適宜未成年往下刪N字 :D )。

Correggio. Zeus and Io. c.1531-1532. Oil on canvas. The Louvre, Paris, France 風流的天神宙斯瞞著老婆化為雲霧與心愛的山林水澤女神伊歐幽會,看的出來宙斯的右手搭著Io的腰嗎?還親吻著Io的臉頰。
赫拉(Hera)注意到大地突然一片黑漆漆的,知道事有蹊蹺,她從 Olympus山上驅散陰霾察看。當來到赫拉,宙斯將新情人變成一頭美麗的小白犢。
Juno discovering Jupiter with Io
Pieter LASTMAN , 1583 - 1633
Date: 1618
Medium: Oil on wood
Dimensions: 54.3 x 77.8 cm
Acquisition credit: Presented by Julius Weitzner, 1957
The best-known account of the story comes from Ovid\'s \'Metamorphoses\' (I, 583ff). Io was seduced by Jupiter and he then transformed her into a heifer in an attempt to deceive his wife, Juno. Juno, however, made Jupiter give the heifer to her whereupon she put it in the charge of Argus, the hundred-eyed watchman. Here, Lastman shows the moment when Juno descends to earth, surrounded by peacocks and asks for the heifer. He adds two figures not mentioned by Ovid - Cupid and the man with the mask which are allegories of love and deceit respectively. The tails of the peacocks have no \'eyes\' yet. Jupiter later had Argus killed, and his hundred eyes were transferred to the peacock\'s tail.
Ovid\'s book had already been translated into Dutch in about 1590 and was often used by artists as a source for mythological subjects for their paintings: it eventually became known as the \'Painters\' Bible\'. The Dutch writer Karel van Mander in 1604 devoted a substantial portion of his \'Schilderboek\' (Book of Painting) to the interpretation of Ovid\'s stories.
Jupiter is reconciles with Juno and wants to retransform Io (Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione, 1610-1665) Ovid, Met. I, 733-737
赫拉將變成母牛的伊娥交給阿耳戈斯(Argus,在希臘語「Argus」是「明亮的」、「明察秋毫」之意)看守,Argus 有100顆眼睛,睡覺時眼睛輪流閉,總有一大沱眼睛睜著亮亮的,所以當他看管東東的時候,可真是夜以繼日毫不鬆懈。

 Argos watches Io, whereever she stays. ( Susan Seddon Boulet) Ovid, Met. I, 628-629
不只是宙斯無機可乘,Io真的就這麼困在牛的身體裡面,有天她被放在 Olympus 山上吃草的時候,看到父親和姐妹們一路找來,但沒有一個認得她,Io變成了心碎的奴隸 。
 Mercurius, Jupiter\'s son, is ordered to kill Argus. (Lauri, F, Malta 2007) Ovid, Met. I, 670-672
赫耳墨斯偽裝成一個牧羊人,拿著兒子發明的盧笛跑去跟 Argus 交朋友。

Argus 有點厭煩這種無聊的看守,因此很高興跟路過的人陪伴。Argus沒看過 reed pipe,問這樂器從哪兒來? 他們一起乘涼,Hemes就告訴 Argus一個魯魯長.......Pan and Syrinx 的故事、吹盧笛給Argus聽.......講者、講者,吹者、吹者,終於把 Argus的100顆眼睛都哄睡了(這到底是太好聽,還是太難聽?),終於讓 Io 有機會逃跑了。

 Mercur sees that Argus is sleeping. (Diego Velazquez, 1669) Ovid, Met. I, 713-714
有的故事是說 Hermes 將 Argus給殺了,赫拉為記念 Argus的忠心;有的故事是說赫拉氣阿耳戈斯沒將 Io顧好,還要100顆眼睛作啥? 反正 Argus 的100顆眼睛下場是給赫拉取下來,撒在她最喜愛的孔雀的尾巴上作為裝飾,所以孔雀成為今日的面貌。
 Juno decorates the tail of her peacock with the hundred eyes of Argus (Peter Paul Rubens, 1611) Ovid, Met. I, 722. Drawing from the 17C AD.
但是Hera不甘心,跟本不讓Io有變回人形的機會,放出牛虻追著 Io咬,折磨著 Io 繞著地球橫貫歐洲和亞洲忙逃命,她穿越了分隔歐亞大陸的海峽,從此這片狹長的水域被稱作博斯普魯斯海峽,意為牛犢之路。 接著游過了一個大海,這海就以她命名叫伊歐尼亞海(Ionian)...在那兒 Io遇到普羅米修斯,普羅米修斯雖給人間天火正受著懲罰,但還是安慰lo,告訴她當她逃到埃及苦難就快結束了。
 Jupiter promised to be true forever. (Jupiter und Juno: Annibale Carracci, 1560-1609) Ovid, Met. I, 736-737
為了救Io,宙斯誓言永遠不再不忠,才讓 Hera 放過 Io........最後宙斯在埃及找到了Io,才讓Io變回人形.... 只是,還生了個兒子Epaphus.........吼!真素沒救ㄌ~ 
Her descendants later returned to Greece from Egypt and Phoenicia, Kadmos founding the royal house of Thebes, and Danaos that of Argos. Io was identified with the Egyptian goddess Isis and her son Epaphos with the sacred bull Apis. 她的一些子孫就呆在了埃及,當了很長時間的國王,所以 Io 被供奉在埃及,而且神性與埃及女神 ISIS重疊。
 Io becomes the Egyptian godess Isis. (Isis: Grabmalerei aus Horemheb XVIII. Dynastie, 1330-1305 a. Chr.) Ovid, Met. I, 743
 Epaphus, son of Io, becomes the Egyptian deity Apis (Apis von Memphis) Ovid, Met. I, 748-750
參考資料: http://www.latein-pagina.de/ovid/ovid_m1.htm#32