![](https://blog.creaders.net/blog_style/sample3/images/blog_3.gif) | 美国帅哥的来信 |
| 两个星期前,写了一个系列:美国帅哥(上)---“你好吗?”,美国帅哥(中)--- 马拉松和生孩子,美国帅哥(下)--- 好人一生平安。贴完之后,把连接给系列的主角--- Ricky 发了过去,并简明扼要的告诉他故事分成三个部分,每个部分的大意是什么。 知道他读不懂中文,只想让他知道那是我的一份心意。还告诉他,真希望能把故事全文翻译成英文,可咱知道自己英文有多少斤两,翻译成英文还不知道变成什么味道了?还是保持中文的原汁原味吧! 得补充一下,在系列中,基本上没有提到我和Ricky 我们两家那么多年的私交。我们以前住的比较近,他有时会带上他的全家来串门,他们都喜欢听Jenny (我女儿)弹钢琴。他们带着第一个小G出席了Jenny 的第一次钢琴Recital;每年圣诞节部门午餐聚会时,两家围成一大桌的乐趣;把装着孩子的摇篮摆在网球场边上,一起打网球的难忘记忆等等。。。 下面就是Ricky 的回信,应他的要求给贴出来,作为“美国帅哥”系列的结束篇吧! (注:Bethany 是坏坏妈的英文名。) Bethany, If I could reply in Chinese to your blog, I would. However, since I can't, here's my English response. :) Can you post this please?
I am humbled that a dear friend would write about my family in their journal. I have always believed that people enter our lives for a reason. For 10 years, getting to know you Bethany, your husband, Jenny, and Baylor has been a highlight of my family's life. I have been impacted so much by your gracious and humble hearts. China has its finest ambassador's right here in Nashville and I'm blessed to know you! Even though I've never visited, there is a place in my heart for China and its people because of the impact you have made on my life and the way you represent your family and country.
Here's a funny story. At night, to teach my four year old about how the earth rotates, I shine a flashlight on a basketball. I place a sticker on one side of the ball and call it Nashville, TN. I place a second sticker on the opposite side and call it China, where Mrs. Bethany's from. Now whenever it's nighttime here in Nashville, Garrett wants to know if it's daylight at Mrs. Bethany's house. I can't quite convince him that Bethany isn't all the way on the other side of the world but right here in Nashville too. :)
Bethany, your family is a gift to our city and country and a treasure to my family! Many Blessings to You!!! Ricky |