西元前三世紀,亞歷山大大帝(Alexander The Great)在東徵至波斯的途中,將所斂聚的財富都留在貝加蒙,因他認為此城龍盤虎踞,是最安全的地方。亞歷山大大帝死後,在公元前281年由其部屬費雷泰洛斯建立Pergamon王國,有了財力作後盾利用這筆錢蓬勃發展,吸收了希臘文化讓貝加蒙成為最傑出的文化中心。
此城大部分的建築是在西元後二世紀完成的,產生希臘化時代最代表性的貝爾加蒙風格。約在西元三世紀,貝加蒙在經濟、科學、藝術和文化上已有了輝煌的成就,尤其貝加蒙神廟可說是登峰造極的古典建築藝術作品,雅典娜神殿(Temple of Athena)與宙斯神壇(Temple of Zeus)在往昔的叱吒風光,顯示了高超的建築技術,大部份是以純白的大理石所建造的,給人聖潔崇高、莊嚴神聖的感覺。
The winged Giant Alkyoneus with Athena against him, Gaea and the winged Nike. Alkyoneus cannot be killed if he is in contact with his mother Gaea (representing the Earth).
宙斯神殿再南方是公元前2世紀的市集 Agora,市集中間有個小祭壇。
The Great Theatre of Pergamon 沿山坡而建的帕加馬大劇場(The Theater of Pergamon)是遺址中最完整、也最雄偉的建築,是世界最陡的劇院之一,能容納10,000人,建於公元前3世紀。
Snakes—symbols of healing—on a marble column at the Asclepion of Pergamum, Turkey. symbol: two snakes facing each other across a wheel. As snakes shed their skins are are "reborn," so patients at the Asclepion were to shed their illnesses and regain health.