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The Art of Bev Doolittle 2008-02-18 04:32:42

The Art of Bev Doolittle

如果你喜歡optical illusion,這張大約會是您蠻熟悉的一張圖片:

11 Faces Optical Puzzle

There are 11 human faces in the picture. Can you find them all?
Normal people find 4 or 5 of them.
If you find 8 of them, you have a extraordinary sense of observation.
If you find 9 of them, you have a sense of observation above of the average.
If you find 10 of them, you are very observer.If you find 11 of them, you are extremely observer.

為避免虐待網友的靈魂之窗,想向11張臉挑戰的朋友 → http://www.bnr-art.com/doolitt/foresteyes.htm 有 800 x 409 - 102k 的大圖 


The Forest has Eyes
I want the viewer to share the emotions of the rider, and — as he does, because his life depends on it — \'read\' the story in the leaves, branches, water and stone that surround him. — Bev Doolittle — 1984

They Lived on this land and loved it.

A thousand years before Columbus discovered it.
We call them Native Americans. They call themselves The People.
They were scattered like leaves. Where they walked softly, cities roar.
But their spirits remain. We can never be alone.
Someone who loved this land watches over it.
Can you see the faces in the forest watching you?


Bev Doolittle:我希望人們觀賞我的畫時用心思索

Bev Doolittle
是美國著名畫家,用融合了靈機一動、無限遐想、神秘的和精神上的手法,隱晦的呈現出她想表達的概念,構成Bev Doolittle獨特的畫風。這些主題在她的作品中交織成完整的血肉,每個都能揭露她想呈現的風貌。她的風格細緻而逼真,注意細節和不平凡的繪圖天份。許多作品都是敘事故事或捕捉瞬間世界的夢想或精神範圍,她的故事能捕獲想像力,吸引觀眾自己來理解這項作品。她善於將人體或人型隱於大自然當中,而藉著這些隱匿的呈現,Bev表達了她各種人文關懷。

Bev\'s繪畫的主題大部份是戶外,\"我愛大自然\" 她說 \"我試著將眼光穿透顯而易見的表面世界,並創造獨特有意義的畫作描繪,去描繪我們西部的荒野和那裏的原住民。\" 我國西部曠野和它的居民.\"她需要幾個月來發展、研究構圖和素描, 在構想完成時,先作個 \"縮略圖\",然後做至少50個修改直到表達出她的意念。接著,她用更大張的鉛筆畫處理作品中所有細節問題,再來就是決定顏色組成,最後,她決定畫作大小並開始作畫。

對她的作品Bev Dooliitle說:「我先從一個概念開始,然後試著用強烈的設計與細緻寫實傳達這個訊息。我希望人們觀賞我的畫時用心思索。」

No Respect

Doubled Back
One day I was followinga hillside trail ... looked down directly at the big, unmistakablyfresh tracks of a grizzly bear. At the time those footprints in the mudwere the closest I\'d ever been to a grizzly — Bev Doolittle

Let My Spirit Soar
My thoughts fly up like birds in the sky. I am free. I can fly.
I go everywhere. I see everything.
Towering mountain ranges and a tiny flower growing in the desert.
I see cities and highways and a fallen tree
I see a grandmother telling a story to a child.
I sit quietly.
But my thoughts fly up like the birds in the sky.
Only I know where they go.
When you sit quietly, where do your thoughts go?
What do you see?

Music in the Wind

In \"Pintos\" the magic began to happen. Suddenly my mind was crowded with experiments I wanted to make, patterns I wanted to play with, stories I wanted to tell. — Bev Doolittle

放大圖片  http://www.bnr-art.com/doolitt/windwing.htm

When the Wind had Wings
A broken song beneath the snow, the echo of a soaring joy, a shape in the mist, a touch in the rain, in the wilderness you come again...you tell us what we used to know... you speak for all the free wild things whose ways were ours when the wind had wings. — Bev Doolittle (Caption taken from the print.)

Eagle\'s Flight
…through his mane and tail the high wind sings, fanning the hairs, who wave like feather\'d wings-- Wm. Shakespeare
This line from Shakespeare was the inspiration for Eagle\'s Flight. I wanted to portray the words in both a literal and a symbolic way. I drew the horses in a state of fluid motion to emphasize speed and power. On a symbolic level, I arranged the horses and Indian in such a way that all the darks in the painting would create the image of an eagle in flight. The use of eagle feathers as decoration on the horses was also to emphasize the feeling of flight.

Season Of The Eagle
In the life of an Indian, every new day, every encounter with bird orbeast, and everything he owned or wore had religious significance. TheIndians prayed each day to the One-Who-Made-All-Things, the CrowAh-badt-dadt-deah. Since all creatures were made by the Great Spirit,the Indian considered the animals and birds with whom he shared hishome not only sacred, but brothers. Each creature had unique powers andskills and the Indians believed that God had placed them on the MotherEarth to teach them valuable lessons. The eagle embodied courage andspeed, skills the Indians needed for successful war and hunting, andeagles were revered as messengers of the Great Spirit. In the highestpasses of the Rocky Mountains, spring arrives late in the year. As thesnow melts, swollen, rushing streams and rivers tell the Indians thatpasses to more fertile hunting grounds will be open. The melting snowpatterns speak to the Indians also. These are messages from the GreatSpirit. It is because of the Indians\' special reverence for the eaglethat I have chosen to incorporate him into my most resent painting, Season of the eagle.

Two Indian Horses
放大圖片  http://www.bnr-art.com/doolitt/2indianhourse.htm

I wanted the viewer to share the experience, to see the horses and the cavalryman first and only later discover the Indians and what they were up to.... Some people take a long time to discover the story here. Others see it right away-- Bev Doolittle

The Sacred Circle
I wanted this painting to do more than preach conservation. I wanted to suggest a different way of looking at the earth, a different way of relating to it. It\'s hard for me to put into words the things I feel when I\'m out in the wilderness. I want to share it, but I have to do in a visual way through my paintings. — Bev Doolittle 
\"The sacred circle is the circle of life; the delicate thread that unites all living things. Only man knowingly holds the thread. Of all the animals, only he has the intelligence to protect and preserve it. Only he can be the keeper of the sacred circle.\"

The earth is my mother






11張臉,sorry! 211圈重複了懶得改~





9隻海豚  D


Can you find ... The hidden tiger ? Not the very obvious one, of course.
這個圖我必須承認它死討厭的,要人找\"The hidden tiger\" 找得快鬥雞眼了,終於在http://www.planetperplex.com/en/item219 這個網頁上看到答案。。。。。答案請用反白『同時按\"ALT\"+\"A\"兩鍵』 它真的要你找\"The hidden tiger\" 這幾個字,就在老虎身上的紋路 。:(

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作者:ebola 留言时间:2008-02-20 20:08:20


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作者:行不由径 留言时间:2008-02-20 04:02:47
最难发现的恐怕就是那个细细的,好像是树干吧,它的根部有张长的像树根爷爷的脸,疑似Victor Hugo的造型.哈哈!
多谢您的分享,Bev Doulittle,我记住她了,很喜欢她的风格!
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