西方第一個文獻可考的迴文詩人據說是紀元前三世紀的希臘詩人蘇塔德斯(Sotades)最著名的迴文詩句,後來在教堂及聖水盤上經常可見的這個句子:\" Niyon anomhma mh monan oyin.(不僅洗你的臉,也洗你的罪Cleanse my sin and not my face only.)\"。傳說後來此人寫詩批評國王,把托勒密二世(Ptolemy II)惹火了,將他捆進麻布袋丟到了大海裡。
Angelica Kauffman. Virgil Reading the Aeneid to Augustus and Octavia.
Virgil Reading the Aeneid to Augustus and Octavia.Virgil (70 –19 BC) was the favorite poet of the Roman Emperor Augustusand author of the epic poem the Aeneid, which recounts the adventures of the Trojan Aeneas after the fall of Troy. It was said that when Virgil was reciting the poem to Augustus and his sister Octavia, the latter was so moved when she heard the lines devoted to her dead son Marcellus that she lost consciousness. On Kauffman’s painting, Virgil holds a scroll with lines from the poem: \"Tu Marcellus eris…\"
英國詩人 Percy B. Shelley (雪萊,1792-1822) 亦曾寫過如下的一首迴文詩: Degas, Are we not drawn onward, We freer few, Drawn onward To new eras aged?
廿世紀最著名的「迴文詩」,乃是大詩人奧登(W.H.Auden 1907-1973)讚揚艾略特(T. S. Eliot 1888-1964)的句子: T. Eliot top bard notes putrid tang emanating, is sad, I\'d assign ita name; \'Gnat dirt upset on drab pot toilet\' 艾略特、頂級詩人 注意發散的腐臭,他覺得悲哀 我願給它一個名稱: 「褐色尿壺上蠅蚋般滾動的污跡。」
The portrait is by Anne-Louis Girodet-Trioson (1767-1824).
1867 年 Charles Bombaugh 在他的 Gleanings (拾穗集) 中有一句流傳相當廣的迴文 \"Able was I ere I saw Elba.\" 意為「在見到厄爾巴島之前,我本無所不能。」詩文中的 \"ere\" 即為 \"before\"。這句迴文是在指拿破崙目中無人,自以為無所不能,極力擴張強權,終至落到戰敗,被放逐到厄爾巴島了卻餘生。
此外,亦有以字為單位的迴文,例如: You can cage a swallow, can\'t you, but you can\'t swallow a cage, can you? (你可以把燕子關進籠\子裡,是吧?可是你不能把籠\子吞下肚,不是嗎?)
有人在英國 Cornwall 郡距 Helston 南方 5 哩的 St. Winwalloe\'s 墓園中發現如下作者不詳、約莫 1700 年所作的墓誌銘 (Epitaph) 迴文: Shall we all die? We shall die all! All die shall we? Die all we shall!
網路上找到這篇根據德國文豪席勒(Friedrich von Schiller)的戲曲《威廉泰爾》(William Tell)寫的 Pray tell, William Dear, is that child your target? You, as father, cry, but despair will not do. Do not, Will, despair but cry \"Father!\" as you target your child. That is, dear William Tell, pray!