The Lesser Abu SimbelTemple (Nefertari) This is also called the Temple of Hathor because it is dedicaded to this goddess. Outside the temple are six large statues, three of Ramses II and three of his wife Queen Nefertari. There are also smaller ones of their children. Inside there is a hall supported by six pillars topped with the head of goddess Hathor. At the rear of the temple are reliefs of Hathor and the queen.
跑題一下:這是卡納克(karnak)Great temple of Ammon 內 Ramses II 的立像,Ramses II 『習慣於』讓那芙妲莉(Nefertari)小小的比例懸殊的與他常相左右,在古埃及眾多的國王和王后雕像中,王后身高一般不足國王身高的一半。終於在為為是Nefertari建立的Hathor神殿兩人平起平坐,因此,拉姆西斯二世還被認為人類歷史上最早主張男女平等的領袖(~~~在愛情面前)。 ps:卡納克神殿的列柱大廳是舉世最大的列柱大廳,有134根柱子,從Amenophis III到Seti I等法老都貢獻心力,但最後完成於 Ramses II,不免慣例的.......Ramses II 在所有柱子上都刻了他的名字。
—From the National Geographic book People and Places of the Past: The National Geographic Illustrated Cultural Atlas of the Ancient World, 1983
Photograph by David S. Boyer
阿布辛貝神殿(Temple of Abu Simbel)古時面向尼羅河,對著南方的奴比亞 (Nubia),有其特殊的雙重意義,一是持續營建生命不朽的永恆紀念物,二是以神廟之威嚴來震懾努比亞地方原本不馴的居民,使此地成為躍進非洲心臟的據點。
Entrance to the temple of Abu Simbel. One of the many relics erected by the Pharoah Ramses II, this is the grandest and most beautiful of his temples. The facade is 33 meters high and 38 meters wide. It is guarded by four statues of Ramses II, each of which is 20 meters high. Between the legs of the colossal statues we can see smaller statues of Ramses II \'s family: his mother \"Mut--tuy\", his wife \"Nefertari\" and his sons and daughters. At the top of the facade, there is a carved row of baboons, smiling at the sunrise. The temple is dedicated to the god Ha-Rakhte (a form of the sun god Horus, worshipped at Heliopolis). It is seen in a central niche above the entrance.
Upon entering the temple of Abu Simbel you find yourself in a hypostyle hall, it is lined with eight Osiris pillars. The picture above shows the top of one Osiris pillar, which is carved in the likeness of Ramses The Great.
再不然就是在他的威嚇之下一沱人跪地求饒,他威風八面。Both inside and outside there are reliefs showing Ramses subduing his enemies, Ramses trampling on his enemies\' faces, and so on - it seems like he had trouble making friends! : )
神殿的最深處,太陽神拉哈拉克提(Re-Herakhty)、拉姆西斯二世、阿蒙神與孟斐斯之神普達(Ptah)並坐著,在這裡,和諸神平坐的他成了神中之神,是多麼地意氣風發!雖然面容已模糊,但似乎聽到他說著:「My name is Ozymandias,king of kings:Look at my works,ye Mighty,and despair . (By Percy Bysshe Shelley)」
更驚人的設計是,神廟的坐向亦非隨便挑來,整個寺廟朝東向,當時更已經算計好在拉姆西斯大帝的生日及登基日時,日出時的第一道曙光會穿越61米長的大廳,精準地照到包括 Rameses II, Amon Ra, Ra-Harakhty, and Ptah 並排而坐的石像,太陽神的臉上,依次是拉姆西斯二世和阿蒙神,其中陽光照射到拉姆西斯二世的臉上時間最長,亮度最高,呈現一年二次之光明,也象徵了生命的再生。與阿蒙神緊緊相鄰的普達神卻永遠享受不到這束“神光”,乃是因為他同是地府之神。曆法的推算被如此精確的結合在建築的應用上,在人類歷史上無論怎麼比這座雄偉的神廟都可以算是一次登峰造極的作品!