祭祀廳:供祭祀之用。 假門:死者靈魂可由此門出入,以享受祭祀。 雕像廳:死者雕像放置之處。 墓穴:放置死者屍體之處。此一部分多在地層下。
Collapsed Pyramid, Maidum http://www.megalithic.co.uk:80/modules.php?op=modload&name=a312&file=index&do=showpic&pid=19519
Maidum的金字塔可能是第三王朝最後一位法老胡尼(Huni)所建,直到第四王朝第一位法老,也就是古夫的父親史內福魯(Sneferu)完成。 這個古王國時期最初的金字塔,這金字塔應該是標記了從 Saqqara 風格的階梯金字塔轉形到典型的金字塔,具有七階的階梯金字塔的核心,但用了白色石灰石包裝金字塔外殼,設計成第一個擁有表面直而平滑邊緣的金字塔。但因計算不精確,使用了最初估計的五十四度斜度太大,建築中期角度略嫌陡峭,加上使用陶土和泥土作材料,不但穩定性不足,而且還出現下沈現象。
3-d reconstruction of the pyramid. Source: Lehner, Complete Pyramids, pp. 98. 一座原高93.5米龐大山一般的金字塔可能在安置石灰石外殼時或剛蓋好即外殼裝飾崩壞而失敗,只剩核心的三階底座邊長144.5公尺高90公尺金字塔和圍繞在周圍的碎片,相對的豎井和墓室則仍好好的保留到現在。
The complex at Meidum content many mastaba tombs north of the pyramid (not shown here). A) The pyramid. B) A small mortuary chapel. C) Ceremonial path from the valley temple (not excavated). D) \"Mastaba 17\", over 100 m long, and from an unknown owner. E) Pyramid of Huni\'s queen. 在金字塔的東邊,有一個仍完好無損小型葬廟(funerary temple),雖然廟內沒有壁飾雕刻,但葬廟西方的前門上,仍留有19 王朝的旅客的訪問記錄,記載了這金字塔是法老胡尼(Huni)所建,史內福魯(Sneferu)王完成。廟前有個傳統的通道通到將法老做成木乃伊的廟(mummification temple),可惜木乃伊廟已完全毀損沒任何遺遺跡留下。
Huni was the last Pharaoh of Egypt of the Third Dynasty.
Entrance to burial chamber 在坡道末端,有個小廳粗糙的嵌入岩床底下,這兒應該與金字塔的頂端形成鉛垂線,而在這房間的裡頭,你會看到一個4600年柳杉木做的梯子抵達法老的墓穴。
The roof of the burial chamber
The burial chamber 如果與其它金字塔的安葬室比起來,這個法老墓穴非常小,在 19 世紀中期,在此找到一個小的木棺後來存放到埃及博物館。
黑色箭頭所指的位置是2001年法國考古學家最近在木製梯子發現發現的新隧道 !
彎曲金字塔 (Bend Pyramid) at Dahshur
Bent pyramid complex, Dahshur Dynasty IV (2680-2565 BC) Built for King Sneferu http://www.guardians.net/egypt/cyberjourney/dahshur/bentpyramid/bent1.htm
從孟菲斯往沙卡拉的路上,會經過名為達哈蘇(Dahshur)的軍事管制區,左側可見第四王朝的法老史內福魯(Snorfru)興建的二座金字塔。從孟菲斯往沙卡拉的路上,會經過名為達哈蘇(Dahshur)的軍事管制區,左側可見第四王朝的法老史內福魯(Snorfru)興建的二座金字塔。法老史內福魯(Sneferu)不只興建了彎曲金字塔,也建了 Meidum, Red 和 Seila 金字塔。 他的第一座金字塔 Meidum,是建築成階梯金字塔狀,難得一步一步的「練習」,最後終於完成了真正的金字塔。。。紅色金字塔(Red pyramid),在他約 24 年的執政之後,大約是西元前 2613-2589 年,可能就是被安葬在紅色的金字塔中。
Dahshur的第一座建於西元前2723年左右,位於南面,他想將自己的陵寢建造成金字塔形狀。但由於仰角的設計問題,興建到一半時,可能因為地基不夠穩固不足以支撐龐大的結構體重量,預測到按原先的設計可能會倒塌,再加上很可能是因為前一座金字塔坍塌了,所以才採取了這種保守的過渡型設計,決定改採較保守的角度,以減少石塊的重量。因此它的斜邊是彎曲的,下半部的坡度為54度,上半部的坡度減少為43度,被稱為「彎曲金字塔」(Bent Pyramid)。底座邊長187公尺,高約105公尺。
彎曲金字塔複合群(The Bent Pyramid Complex) 彎曲金字塔複合群已具有全部典型之金字塔建築群的特徵,有由石灰岩做成牆圍著的堤道,直達山谷的祭祀神廟,沿途有六個壁龕,也許原來有Sneferu法老的雕像,這座廟有一個列柱庭院。證據顯示應該還有另一個通道從這神廟延伸到尼羅河。
The Eastern Chapel The chapel against the east face of the main pyramid is also rather small, even smaller than that of the chapel at the Pyramid of Meidum. Presently two limestone blocks with a slab roof remain as does the stumped evidence of two stelae. These stelae were inscribed and included the name of Sneferu. There is evidence that this chapel was larger and had mudbrick walls. Within the chapel was a place of offering within which was found a slab in the shape of a hieroglyph that meant “offering”, this hieroglyph is called hetep.
The Satellite Pyramid The satellite pyramid on the south side of the Bent pyramid had an interesting feature which is a precursor the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid. The entrance on the north side leads to a short descending passageway which levels off and then produces an ascending passageway. This ascending passage has a notched ceiling and leads to a small burial chamber. It appears that the configuration of this passage was created for the purpose of the storage of the portcullis plugging blocks. This is supported by the presence of a wood piece that is fitted into the notch that appears to have been involved in the lowering of the plugs. The burial chamber is too small to fit a burial and so it is thought that this might have been ceremonial tomb containing the king’s statue, or perhaps was intended for jars that contained the king’s viscera. Neither of these theories has been proven conclusively. Only small fragments of pottery were found within this pyramid when it was explored in 1946-47.
溪谷神廟(The Valley Temple) 彎曲金字塔是也許是第一個金字塔建築群中具有溪谷神廟的,我們在這裡看見的建築特徵與其後較晚出現將法老做成木乃伊的祭祀喪葬和溪谷神廟不同,有一條有石灰石牆壁但沒有屋頂的堤道相通。
在 Snofru 王金字塔南邊一個荒頹的祭壇找到一個刻有碑文的石柱的細部,這法老戴著上下埃及的雙王冠拿著權杖端坐在他的王座上,在他的座位前是上下埃及的守護神鷹和眼鏡蛇。這個雕刻品是這位法老極少數流傳到現在,讓他仍為人知曉的作品之一。
入口具有一個通道到達一個空的墓穴(burial chamber),是第一座在墓穴使用承層的屋頂來分散金字塔巨石的重壓。
The top portion of the corbelling of the main chamber as seen from the connecting passageway. http://guardians.net/egypt/cyberjourney/dahshur/bentpyramid/bent_pyramid_interior.htm
後來又發現在這金字塔到達這墓穴的通道的上方,還有另一個131 呎長隱藏通道,到達另兩個有7 呎寬與墓穴相連接的墓室。隱藏通道並沒有對金字塔外部的開口,而這通道和其兩個相連接的墓室都具有分散重量的承層屋頂(corbelled roofs),這兩個墓室是在做什麼用呢?至今還不清楚,有人就會猜是不是 Sneferu 王想用這些墓室來藏他們想帶到身後世界享用的著名法老寶藏?Sneferu 王是建Giza大墓室 Khufu王的老爹大倫,有人就猜囉,是否有其父必有其子,也有個滿滿寶藏的密室在大金字塔中等待被發現???
Reference: http://guardians.net/egypt/cyberjourney/dahshur/bentpyramid/bent_pyramid_interior.htm
紅色金字塔 (Red Pyramid)
Red Pyramid Width:220m Height:104.5m http://www.guardians.net/egypt/red1.htm
紅色金字塔是埃及最古老的、「真正的」的金字塔(不是階梯形),可能是Snorfru不滿意曲折式金字塔於中途改變角度而再接再厲重新再建造一座陵寢,還好斯內非魯王統治埃及的時間長達44年,足以讓他有機會重新再建一座金字塔,第一座斜邊不彎曲的真正的金字塔終於建造完成。因它石質偏紅,固稱紅色金字塔,可能為史內福魯真正的墳地。底座邊長220公尺,高104米,只不過它的坡度仍較保守,只有43度。但是做為世界上第一座以真正金字塔形設計並完成的金字塔,其意義非比尋常。因它石質偏紅,故稱紅色金字塔,Its Ancient Egyptian name was The Shining One,可能為史內福魯真正的墳地,如此煞費苦心,只可惜他的木乃伊還是無法常駐此處,在歲月變遷中不知所蹤仍未尋獲。
From the north side the opening is clearly visible. Steps have been installed so that one may now enter this pyramid, long closed to the public. Now you can enter this pyramid and see what it looks like as you descend into its three chambers. All three chambers have corbelled, or stepped ceilings.
The first passageway descends at an angle of approx. 27 degrees at a length of approx 206 feet. 紅色金字塔可以入內參觀,須先爬上約20米高的階梯到達入口處,再由狹小的通道彎腰向下27度角,長度50米,而高度大約100cm,要鞠躬哈腰接近半攀爬式匍蔔前進。
The first chamber has a magnificent corbelled ceiling consisting of 11 courses and climbing to a height of approx. 40 feet. 由狹小的通道彎腰向下40 feet,進入通道後抬頭所見的花崗岩,呈現赭紅的顏色,終於明白此一金字塔的名稱由來,因為外面的岩塊風化的太過嚴重,眼見的是如泥土般的深棕色,,完全無法體未為何被稱之為紅色金字塔。
塔內共有三間內室,最內為原先放置法老王木乃伊棺襯的密室。但是因為密室因為年代久遠,空氣不流通,尤其是第三間內室,有一股非常濃的阿摩尼亞味。於是乎推測味味的原因。。。 有猜素蝙蝠尿(沙漠?金字塔中?蝙蝠曰:『偶素無辜的!!』 ) 第二猜素神鬼傳奇滴聖甲蟲(聖甲蟲曰:『關偶蝦咪代誌? 』 ) 當然頭號鹹魚飯 --有倫來不羈啦!!! 。
The second chamber has similar dimensions to that of the first. It is exceptional in that it is one of the only pyramid chambers to lie directly beneath the centerpoint or apex of the pyramid. At the south end, a staircase has been installed to allow access to the final chamber, the entrance for which is located approx. 25 feet above the floor of this second chamber.
The final chamber is believed to have been the actual intended burial chamber. It\'s dimensions are approx. 14 x 27 feet with a final corbelled ceiling rising to a height of 50 feet. The floor has been systematically removed to a depth of 14 feet in a search for other passageways and chambers in this pyramid.
Top, left: going down the steep incline that leads into the bowels of the Red Pyramid. Top, right: The Red Pyramid at Dahshur. Bottom, left: at the base of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara. Bottom, right: Also at Dahshur, The Bent Pyramid is so named for it\'s oddly slanting sides.
再下一座金字塔就是Snorfru的兒子古夫(Khufu, 西元前2589-2566在位),在開羅近郊尼羅河的西岸吉沙(Giza)建造的大金字塔了,原高146米,坡度52度。由此可見,古埃及人是花了一百多年的時間,通過一步步的摸索、改進,才建造了這座古埃及的象徵的。 |