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吉薩金字塔群(Pyramids of Giza)(一) 2008-08-12 04:58:19

Pyramids of Khufu (Cheops), Khafre (Chephren) and Menkaure (Mercerinus) as seen from the plateau point from the plateau point

       在開羅近郊尼羅河的西岸吉薩(Giza)高原建造金字塔,是舉世聞名的金字塔的故鄉。古王國時期 第四王朝史內福魯(Snefru)之後的三個法老分別是Khufu (2551-2528 BC)Khafre (2520 - 2494 BC) Menkaure (2490 - 2472 BC) 王在此興建的金字塔,是古埃及金字塔最完美之作,興建於西元前2500左右。從南面觀看三座相連的金字塔群, Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren) 居中,Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops)在右,左側的孟考爾(Menkaure)金字塔,前面還有三座一字排開的小型王后金字塔。

在開羅近郊尼羅河的西岸吉薩(Giza)高原建造金字塔,是舉世聞名的金字塔的故鄉。古王國時期 第四王朝史內福魯(Snefru)之後的三個法老分別是Khufu (2551-2528 BC)Khafre (2520 - 2494 BC) Menkaure (2490 - 2472 BC) 王在此興建的金字塔,是古埃及金字塔最完美之作,興建於西元前2500左右。從南面觀看三座相連的金字塔群, Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren) 居中,Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops)在右,左側的孟考爾(Menkaure)金字塔,前面還有三座一字排開的小型王后金字塔。


Khufu 金字塔較遠,Khafre 金字塔成為視覺效果中最大的一座。三座金字塔相互重疊,東側的棱線嚴格平等,那氣派容不得人喘息。正年的陽光直射下來,穿過雲朵,形成金色的線條在金字塔塔身上移動。自然的力量使金字塔獲得生命,三座巨大的紀念碑下,遊人象是黃土地上的小螞蟻。這代表著古代文明燦爛成就的金字塔,一直聳峙在大地之上。因此,阿拉伯人有俗語說:人們怕時間,時間卻怕金字塔





三個金字塔中最大和最著名的是建於 2550 BC被稱為 Cheops 之古夫王(Khufu)金字塔,塔高原146.5公尺,經過千年風化現減損為137.2公尺,此高度曾令它雄踞地球上最高的建築物寶座整整達43個世紀之久,直至19世紀巴黎埃菲爾鐵塔建成,才被打破紀錄!而且經歷三次地震依然岷屹立不倒。因為這個金字塔是埃及規模最大的金字塔,所以人們稱為大金字塔。它建於埃及第四王朝,是史內福魯的兒子 Kufu所建立,象徵國王至高無上的神格化王權。基底邊長230公尺(現減損為227.5公尺),角度為5151分,塔身共計250層,以平均2.5噸重的230萬塊石材砌成,總計約600萬噸重。佔地約五﹒三公頃,比羅馬的聖彼得教堂大兩倍多。





看金字塔的資料 http://www.weblo.com/property/Regular/The_Great_Pyramids_Of_Giza/406188/

Khufu Pyramid with temple entrance in view


相對於其它金字塔的簡單,古夫王金字塔則較為複雜,而且經過仔細設計。入口位於北面中央偏東之處,是西元820 ,開羅回教總都 Caliph Al-Ma\'mun 找到的,所以稱「 瑪門穴 ( Ma\'mun\'s Hole )。而金字塔真正的入口,就在瑪門穴上方,離地表約55英呎的地方



The Entrance to Cheops\' Pyramid,
Engraving by Vivant Denon, 1808


Khufu\'s Pyramid submitted by AlexHunger

Today this entrance is closed, the public is admitted via a forced tunnel some distance to the left.

Khufu Or Cheops The Great Pyramid Plan Of Pyramid

http://www.delange.org/Inside_Khufu/EP3-2-2.htm 有古夫王金字塔內部照片

入大金字塔後,有一條呈26度角傾斜的下行通道及一條呈26度的上行坡道。下行通道盡頭是金字塔底部,裏面是600英呎的石室,原為準備存放遺體之處,但後來決定將之存放於金字塔真正之內。而上行坡道內的高度很矮,難以讓人直立。上行坡道內有兩條分路,上面那條叫\"大甬道(The Grand Gallery)\",同樣保持26度角向上爬升,大甬道的盡頭連接的就是傳說中法老王屍體放置的\"王殿\"。大甬道的下方有另外一條水平的通道,直通往所謂的\"皇后殿\"



The largest and most famous pyramid, it was built for King Khufu beginning around 2550 B.C. It was originally cased in white limestone, and until 1887 when the Eiffel Tower was finished, it was the tallest structure ever built.
The four sides are each slightly more than 755 feet long and are aligned almost exactly with true north, south, east and west.
This monument of stone contains approximately 2,300,000 blocks, weighing a total of 6,500,000 tons. The inside contains a fascinating network of passages, shafts, galleries and hidden chambers. Some of the passages were designed to confuse grave robbers. Others were probably designed to assist the dead pharaoh\'s spirit through to the afterlife.

王殿入口只有3英呎6英吋高,人們進入都要彎下身體。入口後有一間前堂(An-techamber),高有12英呎,長約10英呎,橫向有四條縱向渠道,最北那條只挖到入口屋頂的高度,其餘的三條路凹到地面,凹槽內有塊6英呎9英吋厚的巨大玄武岩石板,作防止盜墓者侵入之用,而且,那石板在凹槽中由上向下降下,有些像活門,不過現時那石板經已失蹤了。 王殿是以紅色花崗岩鋪陳的房間,縱軸貫穿金字塔的東西向,地板用了15塊花崗岩石板,牆壁則用了100個大型石塊堆砌而成,每塊至少重70公噸,上下共五層。屋頂有九塊大石塊,每塊也至少有50公噸,由五道間隔牆支撐。

王殿的西側擺放著一個花崗岩石棺,據相信是古夫王的石棺。未曾有過合理的解釋為什麼在 820AD 終於進入到在Giza 高地上的  Khufu 的大金字塔法老墓室中,卻沒能在仍完全密封的石棺裡找到木乃伊。曾有個理論被提出來認為在大金字塔深處有個還沒被發現墓室,在建立金字塔時,除了數以千計的金字塔工人外,還有一群秘密工人,在其他工人的監視下,偽裝是要挖未完成的地下的室,但事實上才是要用來傳到實正的法老墓室。如果這種想法成立,那表示這金字塔還有個秘密,整整藏4500年還等候被發現 !!!!!




Khufu ruled from 2551-2528 B.C. Old Kingdom - 4th Dynasty. His parents were King Sneferu and Queen Hetpeheres. He was the second pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty.  King Khufu was also known by the Greek name, Cheops, and was the father of the pyramid building at Giza.  The Great Pyramid of Khufu  is the only one of the famous \"Seven Wonders of the Ancient World\" that still stands today!


The Queens pyramids view from top  

Khufu boat pit at bottom



典型的金字塔建築複合群的模型(A model of a typical pyramid complex

這模型顯示一個有遮頂的堤道連接著 funerary temple(行祭禮) mortuary temple(將法老做成木乃伊),在法老葬禮時,會使用太陽船載著法老,穿過這堤道。在葬禮後,這船就被拆解下來埋在金字塔旁的坑裡。 http://www.kenseamedia.com/december/solarboa.htm

The boat played a special part in funeral ceremonies in Ancient Egypt. Not only was a boat required to carry the body across the Nile for burial, but it was a symbol of the journey of the soul in the Boat of Ra to be judged before Osiris in the underworld. (See The Journey of Egypt\'s Greatest Magician to the Underworld)



古夫王的太陽船 (Khufu\'s Solar Boat), 4th Dynasty



Solar Boat Museum

The Solarboat Museum at the base of the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt contains the actual, reconstructed boat that was used in the funerary ceremonies of the Pharaoh Cheops over 4000 year ago. This boat was probably used to carry the body across the Nile to the Pyramid on the Giza Plateau. Several boats were used in the ceremonies. Five boat pits have been found around the Pyramid of Cheops in stone lined pits, excavated into the Giza Plateau.



The boat they found buried beneath the sand. It was the transportation for the Pharaohs in the underworld. Now their private boat is in the museum. I suppose the Pharaohs need to take public transports now.

來源: http://www.hat.net/album/middle_east/004_egypt/day_46_pyramid/



來源: http://historylink101.net/egypt_1/pic_pyramids_khufu_1.htm

Near the pyramid were five boat pits. One found in 1954, by archaeologist had the remains of the flat bottom boat which had been disassemble and placed in thirteen layers in the pit. The boat was made mostly of cedar wood. The boat was reassembled and is now displayed in a museum near Giza. The boat measure around 143 feet fully assembled. Boat pits were also found around the pyramid of Khufu\'s son, Khephre.






來源: http://www.bu.edu/remotesensing/Research/boat/boat.html

This project involved the nondestructive investigation of a boat pit of Pharaoh Khufu. The pit in question (image) was located in 1954, aligned with another one, 18 meters south of the Great Pyramid of Giza. During the same year the eastern pit was excavated from under a cap of 41 limestone blocks and found to contain a disassembled boat.




來源: http://www.ussmaverick.net/gallery/Egypt.html


The disassembled boat was made of cedar wood 4,600 years ago. The wood was excavated, and the assembled vessel was placed on exhibit at the Boat Museum, which was built on the site of the discovery. By 1986, however, the boat had shrunk about 0.5 meters since it was assembled in 1966. It was feared that such deterioration may have been caused by the changing environmental conditions inside the museum.


不過這艘船還真是驚人的大,長44,寬 9,船上有一個用席子圍成的船艙,帆船上刻有胡夫的兒子傑德佛雷的名字。船體年前ㄉ香柏木純木結構,用繩索捆綁而成。整艘船的造型十分簡單,但製作的技術卻十分精細,一旁的小模型說明著整艘船沒有用到一根釘子,完全是以繩索銜接,船下水後木頭發脹,裂縫便密合便滴水不露,科學家曾經仿照這艘船作了實驗,證明它可以在水上行走。





Funerary ceremonies would have included rituals carrying the body along the Nile to the Funerary Temple to be mummified, rituals during the mummification period, the ritual journey up the darkened causeway, entombment ceremonies and the actual placement of the body in the sarcophagus in the pyramid.

Boats are shown in the tombs of the nobles as being used to draw the sarcophagus to the tomb. This example is from the Tomb of Roy. Other tombs show the boats as they are crossing the Nile with all the funeral goods and the mourners.



The Solar Boat of Ancient Egypt

This beautiful piece represents the solar boat of Re (Phre) whose divine symbol is the sun. It was told that Re determines to remove himself from the affairs of men and so raises himself to the vault of heaven. There he travels across the vault of the sky in a great barque - for twelve hours of the day (from horizon to horizon) and twelve hours of the night. It was told that he rises in the morning as a young child, (symbolized in the sculpture as the four-legged ram at the bow ) reaches the fullness of manhood at noon (symbolized by Horus atop the house) and grows old in the evening (perhaps symbolized by the helmsman in the stern of the vessel). At night he is known as Efu Re. Portrayals of Efu Re show him with a ram\'s head, standing erect inside the cabin and holding the ankh, symbol of life, in his right hand and a staff (of rulership) in his left hand. There, he is protected by the serpent Mehen against attack by another serpent, Apep, who seeks to destroy him. 








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