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吉薩金字塔群(Pyramids of Giza)(二) 2008-08-29 00:50:22



Khafre Pyramid
(click and drag in image, left or right, up or down)






Khafre\'s pyramid has still some of is original casing left at the top. The base side was originally 215 m and the height 144. By the Valley Temple the Sphinx is guarding. It\'s the king himself lying there with a 72 m long lion\'s body.

距離 Khufu 大金字塔160處,有一座古夫的兒子Khafre 金字塔,邊長214.5公尺,高143.5公尺,斜度5320分,為三個金字塔中保存最好的一座,頂部仍有一個引人注目的白色「帽子」,這是三座金字塔僅存的一點石灰石外殼(據說其他的石灰質外殼,都被剝去修理因地震毀壞的清真寺)。這座金字塔著名處在於他有一個舉世聞名的獅身人面像(Sphinx)相伴;卡拉夫王繼古夫王金字塔後在基沙興建的第二座金字塔,規模足可與古夫王金字榙相媲美,內部構造則較為簡單,其簡樸的情形,當鄰近貴族平頂石墓的富麗堂皇和守護的獅身人面像形成強烈對比。




Left: Burial Chamber - 46.5 ft. long and 16.5 ft. wide - pointed ceiling.
Right: There is a unique black granite sarcophagus in this room in that it was built to be sunken into the floor. The original lid, though no longer attached, lies propped up next to the coffer near the west wall. It is possible that the open niche against the east side of the coffer held the king\'s canopic chest, the box containing the mummified organs of the king, within ceremonial vases.
The inner structure of Khafre\'s pyramid is quite simple. There are two main entrances. The lower descends slightly before ascending somewhat. At this point it meets the passage from the upper entrance. A long corridor (upper photo) leads straight to the burial chamber (lower photo).
In the burial chamber there is little to see except a sarcophagus made from black granite.
Along the lower passage there is a subsidiary chamber. Nobody knows which purpose this served. It could have been the queen\'s chamber.
Although it appears as if the corridor and burial chamber are perfectly placed according to the pyramid\'s exterior, this is not the case. The corridor lies as much as 12 metres to the east compared to the north-south axis.
Khafre\'s pyramid was since old times considered without any opening. But it was a rather fascinating figure of Egyptian research, Belzoni, who blasted open the portal in 1818. Belzoni had a background as a strongman in a circus.

discovery 影片


Egyptian Art
King Khafre seated
Fourth Dynasty, reign of Khafre
Height: 120 cm (47 1/4 in)
Egyptian Museum, Cairo


Kephren and Horus
Khafre\'s mummy has been lost, but his mortuary temple at Giza yielded one of the finest extant Old Kingdom statues ´ an almost undamaged life-size seated diorite figure of the king enjoying the protection of the god Horus. A statue of Khafre under the protective shadow of a falcon is in the Cairo Museum
發展成 Horus 『加持』,實在是為護住脖子,別在年久之後『斷頸』的必要發明~


 斯芬克斯獅身人面像 (The Sphinx)  




In the Greek legend of Thebes, the Sphinx was a monster, half-lion and half-woman, who destroyed those who could not answer the riddle: \"What is it that walks on four legs in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening?\" Oedipus answered that it was Man, who first crawls on all fours, then walks upright, and in old age needs a stick as a third leg.


希臘神話中也有獅身人面像的故事,但與埃及的有所不同。希臘神話中的獅身人面獸是一帶翼獅身女怪,之前在 Pan and Syrinx 提及 Typhon 的怪物子息之一。她住在德貝附近,對路過於此的旅人詢問一謎語,若答不出來便把他吃掉。有一天,埃帕迪斯經過此地,獅身人面獸照例用這個謎語考他:
「你答對了!」獅身人面獸說完話便生氣的自殺了。 心裡素質需再多加強!)

Oedipus and the Sphinx, 1864


Gustave Moreau (French, 1826–1898)

Moreau\'s interpretation of the Greek myth draws heavily on Ingres\' Oedipus and the Sphinx of 1808 (Musée du Louvre, Paris), which was exhibited in Paris in 1846 and 1855. Both painters chose to represent the moment when Oepidus confronted the winged monster in a rocky pass outside the city of Thebes. Unlike her other victims, he could answer her riddle and thus saved himself and the besieged Thebans. The painting was a success at the Salon of 1864; it won a medal and established Moreau\'s reputation. Moreau made more than thirty studies for this work and many repetitions after it.




古埃及人認為獅子是力量的化身,因此古埃及的法老把獅身人面像放在他們的墓穴外面作為守護神,永遠面向東方太陽昇起之處。 Giza的獅身人面像是尼羅河河谷中發現最大的一座。整座雕像長 73公尺、高 22 公尺的獅身人面像,無疑是按其形狀用岩石鑿刻而成,建造年期和用途至今仍眾說紛紜,頭部可能據 Khafre 王的臉塑造而成,但目前也有證據顯示此 sphinx 存在早在 Khrafe出生前。


獅身人面像曾長期埋在黃沙之下,相傳當第十八王朝的 Tuthmosis IV (1401 - 1391BC) 還是王子時,有一天他在沙漠上狩獵得累了,便在被黃沙掩埋的獅身人面像頭上睡覺,夢見太陽神 Ra 對他說如果將獅身人面像自黃沙中拯救出來,他便可當上法老。他醒來後立刻著手,當然,後來他即成為法老王,這件事更被記載在獅身人面像巨大前掌間的石碑上。






拿破崙時代整個石像的身軀被沙土覆蓋埋到頸部,經過多位學者接力式的努力,終於將整個 sphinx 挖掘出來,再度呈現在世人的面前,是幸還是不幸,挖掘後的sphinx反而得再度面對風化,頸部受長年侵蝕,獅身人面像的人頭幾乎掉下來,經各方努力現在才算是勉強地把它保存下來。





Giza Pyramid of Khafre and tomb of Senedjemib Inti (G 2370).


Left: Cairo: Sphinx Temple of Giza.  
Right: Curved lintel joint in Khafre\'s Valley Temple.
Interior view of the \"Valley Temple\" of King Khafre, built far in front of his pyramid at Giza. The huge red granite blocks and pillars were mined in the quarry at Aswan, at the border of Nubia, and were shipped by river to the pyramid construction site.




BCE 4500-1000
2570- ca. 2530/10 Politically Influential Queen Meresankh III of Egypt
Daughter of Kawab and Hetepheres II, and married to Khafre as second wife, although continuing to assert her claims by her title \"King\'s Daughter\" and \"Beholder of the Horus and Seth\", even though her father was never pharao. It seems that she was not content to remain in the background. Both she and her mother became prominent at court, on sculptures and inscriptions. Her eldest son eventually became superior lector priest and vizier. She was probably around 55 when she died.







The Queens Pyramid And Menkaure pyramid



Cut-away of the pyramid, shwoing its internal structure.
Source: Lehner, Complete Pyramids, p. 134.



Left: Decending Tunnel To Kings Room.
Right: Inside of Menkaure pyramid. Celler Room Possible Buriel Niches

Down the passageway from the previous chamber leads to the main burial chamber. Notice the finely finished interior of the vaulted ceiling that we saw from above in an earlier chamber. The niche in the floor housed the original sarcophagus. This sarcophagus was removed from the pyramid and shipped on a boat to England. The boat sank on the way, and the sarcophagus of Menkaure has not been seen since.

Map showing the location of the pyramid of Mykerinos in relation to the other parts of his funerary complex.




Statue of Menkaure and His Queen unearthed on January 18, 1910
Image Source: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 

Menkaure\'s main queen was Khamerernebty II, who is portrayed with him in a group statue found in the Valley Temple. It is believed that she is buried in Giza.



\"Triad of Menkaure\" with Het-Hert, Menkaure, and the local deity of Thebes, originally from the Menkaure Valley Temple, now in the Cairo Museum.  Photo from Russmann: Egyptian Sculpture: Cairo and Luxor.





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