The first gods
(1) Kheper
來自下埃及孟斐斯北方赫利奧玻利斯( Heliopolis )的創世說 認為創造之神是 Kheper(也就是頭呈聖甲蟲狀,代表早晨的Ra有成生的意思),這是太陽神 Re的一種地方形式。據說,宇宙間始而一片幽暗,沒有任何生氣。大地是無邊無際的瀛水,即‘努(Nun)’。水中出現了一個Ben ben丘阜,於是有了陸地。一朵荷花赫然而現,綻開的花中出現一個嬰兒,這便是太陽─拉。初升的太陽驅散黑暗,照亮寰宇。世間逐漸有了生命。
祂自我形成,而且以祂自己的身體為原料創造了其他神。祂是Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys 及其他許多神的父親。
這個版本粉有意思.......浮出的是蓮花的花苞,花苞中坐化出神 Ra。
Atum-Ra http://www.phoenixrising.co.za/symbolism1.html
Visually-speaking, these myths are depicted by: the rising of a pyramid-like mound from out of the Primeval Waters, on which is perched the phoenix, the bird of light; and the emergence of a luminous lotus bud out of the Primeval Waters whose petals open to reveal the radiant presence of a divine boy-child.
另有一說,據《死者書(Book of the dead)》所述,太陽神拉是生於一巨卵。此卵為巨鳥‘Benu’生於混沌Nun中隆起的Ben ben丘阜上。 拉神出生後,按照自己的模樣思於心,於是,諸神相繼出世。拉神首先從口中吐出兩神,即空氣─舒(Su)和水氣─泰芙努特(Tefnut);空氣和水氣結合,生了天─努特(Nut)和地─蓋布(Geb)。接著,拉神的眼淚落在地上,人遂生於其淚水。
As an aspect of Atum, the Benu bird was said to have flown over the waters of Nun before the original creation. According to this tradition, the bird came to rest on a rock from which its cry broke the primeval silence and this determined what was and what was not to be in the unfolding creation.
According to the Pyramid Texts, Bennu bird flew to Heliopolis, an ancient city near Cairo, where, at dawn, he alighted on the Benben, an obelisk representing a ray of the sun. After fashioning a nest of aromatic boughs and spices, he was consumed in a fire and miraculously sprang back to life. The capstone placed at the top of an obelisk or a pyramid is associated with the Bennu. Called a pyramidion or the Bennu, it is a symbol of rebirth and immortality.
Ben Ben - An obelisk or conical shaped object representing the first ray of light that touched the earth, dispelling the dark chaos of Nun. A ben ben, possibly of meteoritic substance, was enshrined in the ancient cult city of Heliopolis and was associated with Atum.
Bennu - A large blue heron or phoenix believed to greet the deceased upon entering the heavenly realms symbolizing rebirth. The large bird is mythically associated with the ben ben and first appeared upon the primordial mound that arose from the chaotic waters of Nun.
(2) Thot
來自上埃及的赫爾摩波利斯 (Hermopolis) 的創世說 認為在最早的時候,世界是一片混沌不明,Thot 是最初神,祂創造了最初建造每件事物的四對神祇。 第一對是 Nun 和 Naunet (snakes),這代表了浮現每件事件物的大水,水向四面八方無限地伸展,就如同它本身一樣的持續到永遠。 第二對是 Heh 和 Hekhet (青蛙),代表無垠(infinity) 。自時間開始後,Heh 和 Hauhet 象徵時間的永恆、無限和永生。 第三對是 Khek 和 Kheket(蛇),具體表達了黑暗 (darkness).。 第四雙是 Amun 和 Amaunet (青蛙) 表現空虛(invisibility) 。
The Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis)
The Egyptians believed that before the world was formed, there was a watery mass of dark, directionless chaos. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos.
Heh (aka. Hah, Huh) 圖畫中他的手握著一或二枝代表一百萬年的棕櫚葉(palm fronds of \'A Million Years\')這是埃及長命的象徵。有時候棕櫚葉像頭飾一般戴在他頭上。
作為一個永恆之神,他的影像與數字有關,Heh 雙臂上舉的象形字 - - 就代表\'一百萬\'。對埃及\'百萬\'是代表著永恆的一個數字,例如\'Barque of a Million Years\',就是太陽神 Ra 搭乘用來經歷白天旅程的船名。古埃及人相信這旅程將會一直持續到時間的終了,屆時混沌的大洪水將再一次接管地表。
This was the old traditional way that the Egyptians kept track on the current of years passing by. At the bottom of each staff was a ring (sometimes with Heh\'s animal the frog) - the sign for eternity in time or an infinite number. No temple cult was held to Heh as he was rather a personification of an abstract spirit from the dawn of time when Egypt was created coming up from the water. He was connected with the god of the air - Shu, and sits in simple clothing (picture left) on a stool formed like the Egyptian hieroglyph for \"gold\" - nub, which is a depiction of a golden necklace.
(3) Ptah (Pteh, Peteh) 布塔
孟斐斯的創世說 卜塔(Ptah)是孟斐斯的工匠之神;塞克荷邁特之夫,奈夫圖之父。通常以一有鬍子、戴著無邊帽,裹成男木乃伊的形像出現,手握著 Uas(phoenix-headed)權杖,代表控制結合了 表示生命的符號的\'ankh\'和表示穩定的王權之\'djed\'。常以Ptah-seker-ausar的名字和塞克(Seker)、奧西裡斯(Osiris)一起被崇拜。
將近西元前 2600 年,孟斐斯(埃及舊王國的首都)的主神。Ptah 的名字的起源還不清楚,雖然一些人相信它意謂 \'開啟者\' 或 \'彫刻家\'。作為一個工匠之神,後者可能比較正確。從一個地方性的工匠神到變成宇宙和其他神祉的創造神,除了為國王與藝術家、工匠的守護神外,從手工製品、所有的神祉到世界之蛋(從Nun升上來的Benben)都是祂創造的。Ptah 的地位僅次於太陽神(the sun god Ra)和隱秘的神(the hidden god Amen),在埃及的第三高位的神。 當 Khnum 在祂的陶器轉輪上塑造的動物和人們的時候,Ptah創造了天堂和地球。
http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/ptah.htm Ptah on his potter\'s wheel 卜塔(Ptah)神利用陶工的 轉輪形成卵,而世界則從卵發展而來。
跟其他創世神不一樣的地方, Ptah創造世界是以祂的心而不是祂的動作。Ptah是有偉大力量的神,經由祂想、祂說出來的,都能變成真實的。祂創造了宇宙經由過祂的舌說出來 (製造了神 Thoth 和女神 Tefnut),心中想製造了 Horus。因此,Path是經由心與舌 -- 依照心想的指令,舌的描述,祂創造了所有事物,給予了每件事物的價值。(這句話真是有意思:Indeed, all the divine order really came into being through what the heart thought and the tongue commanded........ Thus, in conformance with (this) command which the heart thought, which came forth through the tongue, and which gives value to everything.) 。
他是世界的創造之神,先天地之生而生,在世界還沒有發生之前就已經存在了。 卜塔通過‘心’和‘言’獲得力量,他以‘心中思之,口中道出’的方法生出創世八神。然後與這八位神祇創造視力、聽力、呼吸,以使心有所知;而舌頭,它重覆心所構思的事,於是卜塔宣讀所有東西的名字,地和天、人、動物、植物相繼誕生。
據信\"開口儀式\"(The Opening of the Mouth ceremony)也是由祂設計的,讓靈魂可以像活人一樣的看、聽、說和吃。 在死亡之書中 Ptah 還會創造奇蹟(或神話),Ptah曾以老鼠大軍自亞述的侵略中解救 Pelusium。Ptah 命令老鼠潛入亞述人的營內偷偷咬斷敵軍的弓弦和防護盾的把手,沒有了武器,亞述的軍隊只好盾走囉! 工匠給 Ptah 的雕像刻上耳朵,好讓祂聆聽他們的祈禱\。Ptah的妻子是獅-女神 Sekhmet,兒子是 Imhotep(帥爺爺印合闐囉!) 和 Nefertem。
(4) 人類的創造
埃及有個陳老的傳說認為,人類是從 Re 的淚水製成的。也有傳說認為創造之神Khnum 拿尼羅河的泥漿在製陶器用的拉坯轉輪上製造人類。
Khnum Appearance:他被描繪成一個具有公羊頭戴著羽毛裝飾的王冠、有波浪狀角和太陽盤。
Khnum 是古老的創世界神,也是洪水泛濫之神。Khnum來自於 Aswan 的 Elefantine 島,他在那兒守衛第一大瀑布(洪水、激流)。他與太太們 Atet 和 Satet,組成了 \"Elefantine的三位一體\"。Khnum是創造之神,傳說中他拿尼羅河的泥漿在他陶工輪子上塑造了人類及所有的生物。因為他是用尼羅河的泥漿鑄造人類,所以他與河水泛濫有關。從第三王朝後,他廣泛的受到全國的歡迎,對他的膜拜也傳到了南方。
(5) 阿蒙 Amon (aka, Ammon, Amen)
諸神之王。 The Hidden One. http://members.aol.com/egyptart/amun.html 本為底比斯的主神,這個名字意指\"The Hidden One\",聖獸是鵝和公羊。 在新王國時期,因為在新王國時期(1550- 1069 BC)從孟斐斯到底比斯權力的變遷,第十八王朝的哈特舍普蘇特女王Hatshepsut和阿蒙特霍特普三世Amenhotep III(這個名字的意思是 Amun is pleased,中文譯為愉悅的亞蒙)有目的的法老在阿蒙身上大做文章,竭力宣揚阿蒙神Amun是他們的父親,甚至把阿蒙跟拉聯在一起,稱阿蒙-瑞(Amon-Re)以增加其威力,於是阿蒙神從底比斯地方神變成了中央大神。
阿蒙神Amun與妻子Mut(Amaunet), 及兒子Khonsu組成的底比斯的三位一體(the Theban Triad),Sekhmet 的屬性被納入 Mut,這意謂 Sekhmet 被逐漸地以 Mut 的形像來顯示,因此大量的獅-女神雕像被 Amenhotep III (1390 - 1352 BC) 豎立在 Karnak 的 Mut 神廟及在底比斯西方的Amenhotep III祭殿中。
Attributes: Early, a god of air and wind. Later, a fertility god. The Creator of all things. During the New Kingdom he became \"The king of the gods\". He was said to be able to assume any form he wished, with each of the other gods being one of these forms. From the eighteenth dynasty on he was a national deity. Through political means managed to assimilate many lesser gods. Representation: A bearded Man wearing a cap surmounted by two tall plumes. A ram, a ram headed man, or a ram headed sphinx.
Lotus The blue lotus was a symbol of the sun god and the pharaohs. Like the sun that sets in the evening and rises in the morning, the lotus flower blooms in the day and closes each night. In one version of the creation myth, the sun first rose out of a giant lotus flower that bloomed on the primordial mound. The lotus thus became a symbol of rebirth, the renewal of life and the promise of everlasting life.
Scarab The scarab\'s habit of laying its eggs in a ball of dung, which is then rolled along the ground and dropped into a hole, made it an obvious symbol for the sun god. It represented the rising sun god and, through association, the pharaohs.