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Book of the Dead (1) 2008-09-29 08:42:09

亡靈書(Book of the dead)就是古埃及所流傳下來的一種陪葬物品,它們一般都被鏤刻或書寫在金字塔或墳墓的壁上,有的則印在棺槨或鏤於精美的石棺之上或寫用水生植物紙莎草芯製成長長的紙卷(Papyrus)上隨死者喪葬。它實際就是死者去冥國的指南,每一篇的內容多半是祈禱\或辯解,保護亡靈避免各種困厄、幫助死者逢兇化吉渡過往來世的困難航程,平安地到達真理的殿堂,順利地應付審判,安然到達極樂世界蘆葦之野得到永生的咒語。

不過在最早的時候只有法老才有資格得到永生,因為根據古埃及宗教觀念,法老是人間的神。金字塔文就是專為法老所作的咒文,刻寫在古王朝五六兩王朝國王的金字塔墓室壁上。中王朝時代開始,一般貴族官員類的棺木就可以刻上似金字塔的咒文,作為死者的護身符。而到了新王國時代,這些咒文又改成寫於莎草紙上,作為一種陪葬品,即所的亡靈書(Book of the dead)。新王國時代,死亡之書由二十七篇組成,每篇長短不一各有題目,是書記官為亡靈所作的經文,上面抄錄下冗長的《跨越死亡之國度》(又稱《白晝來臨之書》\"The Spells for Coming Forth by Day\")符文的片段,並配以插圖,包括咒語、贊美詩、冗長的開釋、各類禮儀真言、神名等。由Book of the dead中我們可以看到古埃及社會中一般的社會規範和道德標準,因此Book of the dead不但是一份宗教文件,也是有關社會和思想的重要史料。


Book of the Dead, British Museum
The Book of the Dead is a long series of magic spells which were written on a scroll of papyrus, or on the walls of tombs, coffins, and so on. The spells were supposed to help the dead person get to the afterlife.

After death the Egyptians believed a person\'s soul went on a long journey facing many dangers, such as giant snakes and crocodiles. The soul had to pass many gods, become transformed into various animals, pass through various gates, and eventually face the judgment of the gods. The spells of the Book of the Dead were needed to pass all these things.

古埃及人相信一個人的死亡並不是生命的終點,在死亡後靈魂脫離身軀並要經歷一段危險的旅程,他們並且相信藉由軀體與靈魂的再次結合就可以獲得重生。 法老死後遺體被製成木乃伊,是生者指望死者能在冥王歐西里斯(Osiris) 審判之後,靈魂還能與不朽的肉體結合「變成」(transformationOsiris。一般是經歷數個過程:


葬禮、開口儀式(the funeral and the Opening of the Mouth ceremony)

(3)Entering the Underworld

(4)審判Judgement before Osiris


(5)到達 Fields of Peace 得到永生


(1)    製成木乃伊(mummification) 




死神阿奴畢斯 (Anubis) 必作狐狼狀,或有狐狼之頭。

(2) 葬禮、開口儀式(the funeral and the Opening of the Mouth ceremony



Relief in a tomb showing Egyptian ceremonial shrine carried on a river boat Circa 1500 BCE.
During one of the greatest archeological finds in Egyptian History, in 1922 Howard Carter found similar shrines and boat models in Tutankhamen’s tomb. The symbols on the side of the Shrine shown on this relief sculpture are the same as were used in the Burial shrines of Tutankhamen. This indicates the Iconography was probably a standard convention used in Egyptian Art and funerary decorum during this historical time frame ancient Egypt.


Illustration from the Egyptian Book of the Dead with funerary shrine and ceremonial ship taking the deceased to the afterlife. Papyrus  credited to the 18th Dynasty 1550 -1307 BCE


The Opening of the Mouth
from \"The Papyrus of Hunefer\" 19th Dynasty, c. 1300 BC; painted papyrus, from Thebes. Full height of Papyrus 39 cm.
大英博物館保存了許多\"死亡之書\"精細的好作品,此莎草紙是西元前1300年,隨同古埃及王室書記亨奈弗(Hunefer)安葬的《死者之書》,全長39公分\'papyrus of Hunefer\' 因為描述圖案特別精致而聞名,這是其中一個極好的例子。


依古埃及藝術的慣例,圖案的大小與重要性成比例,這圖中祭禮表現得非常清楚。在右下角,是一個桌子,放置各種開口儀式需要的工具左邊是儀式中較不愉快的一幕有被切斷的腿做為牲禮,而小牛在牲禮前活著的樣子連同母牛也一起也被畫出來。 畫的上方記錄了《死者之書》第廿三章有關啟口儀式中的用辭(有點像是漫畫,上方的文字說明著劇情,人物左右方的文字是他們的對話,以圈圈繞著的文字是各人物的名字)。


(3)Entering the Underworld


葬禮後,死神阿奴畢斯 (Anubis)將帶死者的靈魂搭乘太陽船,穿過代表夜晚12個小時的12道門後,至冥王歐西里斯(Osiris) 面前接受審判。



(4)Judgement before Osiris 


Judgement before Osiris
from The Book of the Dead
1285 BC
painted papyrus 40cm
British Museum, London

這幅圖取材自book of the dead 中的一段 Judgement before Osiris 的場景

死去的法老(左方穿一襲白衣的)由胡狼頭的死神阿努比斯(Anubis)帶領來到冥神 Osiris審判庭的秤前。

左上方是法老向陪審團陳述一生的善惡功過,前方由Anubis 還將負責用天平秤量死者的心臟,秤的一邊是死者的心臟,另一邊是瑪特女神(Maat)頭上那根象徵真理的羽毛,如果死者生前沒有大奸大惡,心臟就會和羽毛等重,合格者才能獲准昇天。若天秤兩端不平衡,表示死者的內心並不純正,則在一旁已準備好的地底怪物阿密特Ammut就立刻吃掉他的心臟,死者就再也休想復活了,智慧及書寫之神托特Thoth正在一旁仔細的紀錄下審判的過程與結果。

通過這個審判後,右方鷹頭神是霍勒斯 (Horus) 帶著死者到Osiris神殿,由Osiris賜予永生,成為「阿卡」。

埃及的國王法老都將自己視為Horus在地上的化身,而且會為自己取一個Horus的名字。Horus 是地平線之意。他成為上昇的太陽之化身,且與 Khepera 有關,是永生或復活的象徵。

The Weighing of the Heart.
Judgement before Osiris
from The Book of the Dead









Ammut a.k.a Ammit, Amemt, Amam.
  古埃及的鱷頭獅身怪,後半身似河馬,Her name means \"devouress of the dead\" 。傳說中它是死而復生的埃及之王奧西里斯(Osiris,在繪畫中表現為手持節杖和鞭坐在王位上)的手下,奧西里斯也是古埃及傳說中的冥世之王,所有亡靈都必須經冥世法庭的審判,奧西里斯佩帶王冠坐在寶座上,寶座旁是Ammut以及由42位冥神組成的陪審團,法庭中央放著一個大秤,秤的一邊放上真理之羽,另一邊放上受審者的心,被判定有罪的亡靈將成為Ammut的口中餐。



右邊 Osiris in his closed shrine, accompanied by Isis and his four grandsons
From the Papyrus of Ani.
其中Osiris家族各個角色 在之前介紹過

鷹頭神(Horus)將法老帶到 Osiris的神壇前聆聽判決,Osiris前方的蓮花上是Horus負責保護4個重要器官的兒子(也就是Osiris的孫子),後方是 Osiris 的妹妹負責保護死者的 Isis 和奈芙緹絲(Nephthys)Isis也是Osiris的妻子


Part of the Book of the Dead of the king\'s scribe Ani, showing Ani, followed by the smaller figure of his wife Tutu, adoring Osiris, the ruler of the underworld, and his sister-consort Isis, who are enclosed within a shrine. Thebes. Paint on Papyrus. Nineteenth Dynasty.

(5)到達 Fields of Peace


The Field of Reeds from a Ptolemaic Book of the Dead, hand copied by Lepsius in the 1840s. Variously translated as the Field of Offerings, Field of Peace, or Blessed Fields or Elysian Fields, it preserves the pleasures of ancient Egyptian life for eternity. 








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