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Book of the Dead (2) 2008-09-30 08:24:14



Mummification & The Open mouth ceremony



 按此連結在 瑪斯塔巴 (Mastaba) 發表的內容:   







The akh was the aspect of a person that would join the gods in the underworld being immortal and unchangeable. It was created after death by the use of funerary text and spells, designed to bring forth an akh. Once this was achieved that individual was assured of not \"dying a second time\" a death that would mean the end of one\'s existence.





Anubis holding the mummy of the scribe Ani; by the door of the tomb stand the soul and spirit of the deceased in the form of a human-headed hawk and bennu bird respectively.
(From the Papyrus of Ani, plate 16.)


The Ankh is a symbol of eternal life held by gods and goddesses of Egypt as a mark of their divinity.  It has been likened to the orb of the sun with the long vertical arm representing its rays at midday and the shorter horizontal arms those at dawn and dusk, and that, as a sign of life and regeneration.

The sacred ankh as an instrument of healing and blessing.



The mummification process

The process of mummification has two stages. First, the embalming of the body. Then, the wrapping and burial of the body.

Embalming the body
The body is taken to the tent known as \'ibu\' or the \'place of purification\' 



The body is embalmed while priests carry out the mummification ritual.

Drying the body
The body is now covered and stuffed with natron which will dry it out.

Canopic Jars
The internal organs were removed from a body they were placed in hollow canopic jars.



Here are some canopic jars with lids depicting the four sons of Horus:
Qebehsenuef, the falcon head -- intestines
Duamutef, the jackal head -- stomach
Hapy, the baboon head -- lungs
Imsety, the human head -- liver

通常在木乃伊身體上也貼有護身符,體內置有聖甲蟲雕像以保護木乃伊;因為聖甲蟲通常被賦予法力,以保護內心抵抗外界疾病,葬儀中的聖甲蟲常常結合鷹的翅膀。另外還有一種「心臟聖甲蟲」(heart scarab)更是是否能得到永生的關鍵。在最後審判時,心臟要放在天平的一邊,接受「瑪特」(Maat)的檢驗。很多人擔心自己過不了這一關,於是用石雕的聖金龜來代替自己的心,放在木乃伊內。也有一些代表不同神祇的動物被作成木乃伊陳列於墓室當陪葬品。

some funerary amulets: ankh (symbolizes life); djed (for strength and stability); tet (protects the limbs); and a scarab (symbolizes rebirth) 


The body was then placed on a slanted embalming table and completely covered with natron. This allowed fluids to drip away as the body slowly dried out. This part of the process took about forty days, after which the natron was removed, inside and out, to reveal a dried, shrunken body. After another cleaning, the body was rubbed with unguents to aid in preserving the mummy\'s skin. The head and body cavity were stuffed with packing.

The mummy was then prepared for bandaging
First, the embalming cut in the side of the body was sewn up and covered with a patching depicting the protective eye of Horus. The body was adorned with gold, jewels and protective amulets. Fingers and toes were covered with protective gold caps and individually wrapped with long, narrow strips of linen. Arms and legs were also wrapped, then the entire body was wrapped to a depth of about twenty layers. The embalmers used resin to glue the layers of wrappings together. The wrapped head was covered with a mummy mask. Finally, the last layer of bandages went on and was given one last coating of resin. The mummy was the ready for burial.

The arms and legs are tied together. A papyrus scroll with spells from the Book of the Dead is placed between the wrapped hands.









木乃伊的製作,最早可追溯至以前提過的Osiris重生的神話故事—— Osiris 被弟弟 Seth 害死以後,Osiris的妻子Isis 和妹妹Nphtyhs用繃帶把被Seth剁成十四塊的丈夫的屍體組合回去,Osiris因而重生復活的傳說,開啟了木乃伊的前例,從此每一個埃及法老死後,都要把Osiris的神話重演一遍。 按此連結
Osiris the god of the resurection

按此連結故事原文資料 Isis - Oh Isis!


Book of the dead(2):


Anubis, the God of mummification
Book of the Dead, spell 151: Anubis preparing mummy attended by Isis and Nephthys.
New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Siptah
Valley of the Kings East Valley, Thebes West Bank, Thebes



The funeral and the opening mouth ceremony

The mummy, now in its coffin, is dragged to the tomb on a sledge.


Excerpted page from the Book of the Dead at Maiherperi. 



Funeral procession: (I) the mummy on a boatshaped hearse, drawn by oxen besides it kneels the mourning wife; in front a priest officiates; behind follow mourners and servants drawing a funeral shrine and bearing articles for the tomb and sepulchral furniture. (II) A band of female mourners. On the right the tomb in front of which Anubis supports the mummy. Facing the mummy two priests officiate and a priest reads the funeral service.
送葬行列和祭禮 III 都是從右到左看,下面有放大的圖片及說明)

Ia)阿尼(Ani)的殯櫃裝在船上,在殯櫃前後兩頭是 Isis Nephthys 小塑像,用來守護殯櫃。裝殯櫃的船在路上是由牛拖運\前進,然後渡過尼羅河到達西岸的墓地舉行儀式及葬禮。


跪在木棺的一側的是阿尼的太太 Thuthu,殯櫃後頭跟著八個送葬者。

Ib)阿尼的殯櫃後頭跟著八個送葬者,在圖左邊最後頭,上下兩排是搬運\葬禮及陪葬用品的工人:上方,一些僕人搬運\葬禮及陪葬用品,包括阿尼寫好的墓碑和使他死後的生活依然舒適的家用品。下方,一個較小型的殯櫃 (英文說明 decorated with the emblem of Isis,但我只看到殯櫃上裝飾的是象徵強壯和穩定的 djed 及保護肢體的 tet 圖案  ),在殯櫃的上端上是 Anubis



IIa)最右邊白色的是阿尼的墳,下方是假門上方象徵金字塔,在墳前的是裝扮成 Anubis 的祭司將木乃伊直立,妻子 Thuthu 跪在木乃伊前方(跪得真辛苦),接著是祭檯上面擺滿了儀式用的祭品,面對木乃伊的兩位祭司正在執行葬禮儀式,穿豹皮的主祭師正執行開口儀式。接著是上下兩部份,上方是儀式中要犧牲的小牛及母牛  ,下方是幫忙儀式的祭司。


上面這些來自「阿尼的莎草紙卷」(The Papyrus of Ani )的部分場景,長約78呎,是現存最大、說明與保持最完整的「死者之書」(Papyrus of Hunefer 181 )。阿尼本人即為書記官,他生前未能完成此書,是他的家人在他去世後在書中加上他的名字和頭銜。






在安葬木乃伊的過程中,祈禱\和儀式會持續進行,其中最重要的一項是「開口儀式」,此舉目的乃恢復死者知覺;包括視覺、聽覺、說話能力、味覺與知覺。在進行這一儀式時,木乃伊被直立扶起,祭司口唸咒語,一面用一把木工板斧碰一下,為木乃伊開眼、開鼻、開耳、開口。據說這樣做,就可以使死者能呼吸、吃喝,還能在Osiris前面為自己申辯。 最後是安葬儀式, 把木乃伊裝入石棺,送進他的永久住處墳墓裏去。 

The Opening of the Mouth
from \"The Papyrus of Hunefer\" 19th Dynasty, c. 1300 BC; painted papyrus, from Thebes. Full height of Papyrus 39 cm.
大英博物館保存了許多\"死亡之書\"精細的好作品,此莎草紙是西元前1300年,隨同古埃及王室書記亨奈弗(Hunefer)安葬的《死者之書》,全長39公分\'papyrus of Hunefer\' 因為描述圖案特別精致而聞名,這是其中一個極好的例子。





This painting can be found in the tomb of Inherkha. A priest wearing the mask of Anubis, god of mummification, is proffering a bowl of holy water to the mummy. The purpose of the ceremonial Opening of the Mouth was to restore to the deceased the use of the senses, thus restoring life in the next world.
E. Strouhal/Werner Forman Archive

Open mouth ceremony
A ritual called the \'Opening of the Mouth\' is performed, allowing the deceased to eat and drink again.
Prior to the funeral, during the period of embalming, the body was considered an empty shell. To re-animate the corpse and restore its senses, a ritual ceremony called \"the opening of the mouth\" was performed. During the ceremony a priest dressed in leopard skin offered incense, while several different implements were held to the orifices of the head to restore the senses. Once revived, the deceased could partake of offerings, which could be physically present or magically provided. Finally, the body and its coffins are placed inside a large stone sarcophagus in the tomb. Furniture, clothing, valuable objects, food and drink are arranged in the tomb for the deceased.

 死神阿奴畢斯 (Anubis)  



死神阿奴畢斯 (Anubis) 必作狐狼狀,或有狐狼頭。是木乃伊和陵墓的保護神,信仰起源於胡狼崇拜,經常以胡狼頭人身甚至整頭胡狼出現在陵墓壁畫和陪葬品上。




At an early point in Egyptian history, Anubis ruled the underworld, a powerful position in the pantheon because the Egyptian culture so heavily emphasized death and the afterlife. This position was usurped, however, by Osiris, a god that the ancients found more sympathetic as their judge after death, possibly because Osiris had a man-head like their own.  Even after his \"demotion,\" Anubis still held considerable power for the Ancient Egyptians. His divine duties included the following:
* He cared for the bodies of the dead, guiding souls across the stony western desert to the Paradise of Osiris.  
* He observed the weighing of the deceased\'s heart against the feather of Maat (Truth) and reported his findings to the jury of the gods.  
* He became the patron of embalmers, for he had made the first mummy by caring for Osiris\' body after this god\'s death.


Book of the Dead



(2(A)製成木乃伊 (B)葬禮、開口儀式



(3(C)Entering the Underworld 



(4)(D)審判(E)到達 Fields of Peace



有同學演講「死亡學」(thanatology,或「生死學」life-and-death studies)方面的主題(這目前在臺灣好像粉熱門)




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