The process of mummification has two stages. First, the embalming of the body. Then, the wrapping and burial of the body. 木乃伊化在古埃及是一冗長而昂貴的過程,先沖洗、浸泡,然後充填香料,表面塗上松脂,以亞麻布纏裹,沖洗、浸泡到亞麻布纏裹,整整大約需要七十天。
Embalming the body The body is taken to the tent known as \'ibu\' or the \'place of purification\'
卡諾皮克(Canopic)罐 Here are some canopic jars with lids depicting the four sons of Horus: Qebehsenuef, the falcon head -- intestines Duamutef, the jackal head -- stomach Hapy, the baboon head -- lungs Imsety, the human head -- liver
The body was then placed on a slanted embalming table and completely covered with natron. This allowed fluids to drip away as the body slowly dried out. This part of the process took about forty days, after which the natron was removed, inside and out, to reveal a dried, shrunken body. After another cleaning, the body was rubbed with unguents to aid in preserving the mummy\'s skin. The head and body cavity were stuffed with packing.
The mummy was then prepared for bandaging First, the embalming cut in the side of the body was sewn up and covered with a patching depicting the protective eye of Horus. The body was adorned with gold, jewels and protective amulets. Fingers and toes were covered with protective gold caps and individually wrapped with long, narrow strips of linen. Arms and legs were also wrapped, then the entire body was wrapped to a depth of about twenty layers. The embalmers used resin to glue the layers of wrappings together. The wrapped head was covered with a mummy mask. Finally, the last layer of bandages went on and was given one last coating of resin. The mummy was the ready for burial.
The arms and legs are tied together. A papyrus scroll with spells from the Book of the Dead is placed between the wrapped hands.
木乃伊的製作,最早可追溯至以前提過的Osiris重生的神話故事—— Osiris 被弟弟 Seth 害死以後,Osiris的妻子Isis 和妹妹Nphtyhs用繃帶把被Seth剁成十四塊的丈夫的屍體組合回去,Osiris因而重生復活的傳說,開啟了木乃伊的前例,從此每一個埃及法老死後,都要把Osiris的神話重演一遍。按此連結Osiris the god of the resurection
Anubis, the God of mummification Book of the Dead, spell 151: Anubis preparing mummy attended by Isis and Nephthys. New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, Siptah Valley of the Kings East Valley, Thebes West Bank, Thebes ANUBIS CONDUCTING MUMMIFICATION OF THE DEAD, by unknown artist
The funeral and the opening mouth ceremony
The mummy, now in its coffin, is dragged to the tomb on a sledge.
Excerpted page from the Book of the Dead at Maiherperi.
(II) Funeral procession: (I) the mummy on a boatshaped hearse, drawn by oxen besides it kneels the mourning wife; in front a priest officiates; behind follow mourners and servants drawing a funeral shrine and bearing articles for the tomb and sepulchral furniture. (II) A band of female mourners. On the right the tomb in front of which Anubis supports the mummy. Facing the mummy two priests officiate and a priest reads the funeral service. 送葬行列和祭禮(I、II 都是從右到左看,下面有放大的圖片及說明)
(Ib)阿尼的殯櫃後頭跟著八個送葬者,在圖左邊最後頭,上下兩排是搬運\葬禮及陪葬用品的工人:上方,一些僕人搬運\葬禮及陪葬用品,包括阿尼寫好的墓碑和使他死後的生活依然舒適的家用品。下方,一個較小型的殯櫃 (英文說明 decorated with the emblem of Isis,但我只看到殯櫃上裝飾的是象徵強壯和穩定的 djed 及保護肢體的 tet 圖案),在殯櫃的上端上是 Anubis。
上面這些來自「阿尼的莎草紙卷」(The Papyrus of Ani )的部分場景,長約78呎,是現存最大、說明與保持最完整的「死者之書」(Papyrus of Hunefer 長18呎1吋 )。阿尼本人即為書記官,他生前未能完成此書,是他的家人在他去世後在書中加上他的名字和頭銜。 這幅作品代表了古埃及繪畫藝術的特色: 按照事物在他們心目中的地位確定它們在畫中的大小,平面的形象在魔力的作用下同樣會化為立體的實物,因此在用以陪伴死者進入來世的平面作品中,要全面地表現對象,強調它的重要部分,以便它來日盡善盡美地復活原形。 在描繪人物的時候,古埃及人總是將其身體輪廓刻畫得清晰完整,而且將其各個部位以其最完整的狀態表現出來。古埃及繪畫中因此沒有定點透視,不局限於人眼片面的觀察,標準的人形是:正側面的頭上有正面的眼睛,正面的軀幹下是側面的雙腿。縱向看去的物體也不重疊,總是一一排開、分層排開。 古埃及繪畫藝術,大多描繪場景,或表現現實生活,或表現神靈社會,在表現形式上,使用平直簡練的線條刻畫事物,幾乎將形象簡化為一種作為生命載體的符號;畫面色彩樸素,在褐、白、黃、紅的基調中稍加藍、綠;在表現人物時,恪守固定的造型比例,在外勞作的男子膚色多為棕紅色,操持內務的女子膚色則為淡黃或淡紅色,人物面部極少表情,姿態端莊呆板,排列符合節奏。
The Opening of the Mouth from \"The Papyrus of Hunefer\" 19th Dynasty, c. 1300 BC; painted papyrus, from Thebes. Full height of Papyrus 39 cm. 大英博物館保存了許多\"死亡之書\"精細的好作品,此莎草紙是西元前1300年,隨同古埃及王室書記亨奈弗(Hunefer)安葬的《死者之書》,全長39公分。\'papyrus of Hunefer\' 因為描述圖案特別精致而聞名,這是其中一個極好的例子。 最右邊的白色圖案描繪的是一座墓穴,由下方是墓穴入口和上方的小角錐所構成,墓穴前擺放一塊石碑,碑上刻有亨奈弗的禱\文。墓穴進口處站有一位祭司,他佩戴死神阿努比斯面具,以雙手支撐亨奈弗的木乃伊,並監督有關葬祀儀式的執行。亨奈弗的妻子那莎,跪在木乃伊前哀傷哭泣。婦人身後站著兩位掛有白色肩帶的祭司,他們手持曲柄木杖、蛇杖等祭祀用具,正在為亨奈弗的木乃伊執行「開口」儀式。站在最左的是身穿豹皮的主祭司,他一手持薰爐,另一手拿聖杯灑水,作為潔淨之用。最下端描繪一位司會者手持心臟,另一位拿著牛的小腿跑到佈滿祭品的供桌上,以供典禮之用。 依古埃及藝術的慣例,圖案的大小與重要性成比例,這圖中祭禮表現得非常清楚。在右下角,是一個桌子,放置各種開口儀式需要的工具左邊是儀式中較不愉快的一幕有被切斷的腿做為牲禮,而小牛在牲禮前活著的樣子連同母牛也一起也被畫出來。 畫的上方記錄了《死者之書》第廿三章有關啟口儀式中的用辭(有點像是漫畫,上方的文字說明著劇情,人物左右方的文字是他們的對話,以圈圈繞著的文字是各人物的名字)。 Ankh,在古埃及中只有神明及法老才能以手持Ankh的形象出現,在木乃伊的「開口儀式」中,祭司會代表著神,拿著Ankh碰觸亡者之口,象徵著生命進入木乃伊的軀體內。
This painting can be found in the tomb of Inherkha. A priest wearing the mask of Anubis, god of mummification, is proffering a bowl of holy water to the mummy. The purpose of the ceremonial Opening of the Mouth was to restore to the deceased the use of the senses, thus restoring life in the next world. E. Strouhal/Werner Forman Archive
Open mouth ceremony A ritual called the \'Opening of the Mouth\' is performed, allowing the deceased to eat and drink again. Prior to the funeral, during the period of embalming, the body was considered an empty shell. To re-animate the corpse and restore its senses, a ritual ceremony called \"the opening of the mouth\" was performed. During the ceremony a priest dressed in leopard skin offered incense, while several different implements were held to the orifices of the head to restore the senses. Once revived, the deceased could partake of offerings, which could be physically present or magically provided. Finally, the body and its coffins are placed inside a large stone sarcophagus in the tomb. Furniture, clothing, valuable objects, food and drink are arranged in the tomb for the deceased.