
Judgement before Osiris


Judgement before Osiris
from The Papyrus of Hunefer, 1285 BC painted papyrus 40cm British Museum, London A scene from the the Book of the Dead depicts the Judgement of the Dead 在「Maat真理之堂」舉行的稱量心臟的儀式
內容講述在Maat的審判大廳,亡者要面對陪審團表明一生善惡後,他的心臟會被具有狐狼頭的死神Anubis 拿來與真理之羽放在天秤上比量,朱鷺頭的智慧之神托特,紀錄結果。心若是不純淨,則會增加心臟的重量,這顆心便會被一隻鱷魚頭、獅子河馬身的怪物阿米特吞掉,亡者就無法獲得永生了。若是純潔無瑕的心應與羽毛等重,王權守護神Horus會把亡者引領到豐饒之神Osiris處以享永生。
This scene depicts what occurs after a person has died. Beginning with the upper left-hand corner, the deceased appears before a panel of 14 judges to make an accounting for his deeds during life. The ankh, the key of life, appears in the hands of some of the judges. Next, below, the jackal god Anubis who represents the underworld and mummification leads the deceased before the scale. Anubis then weighs the heart of the deceased (left tray) against the feather of Ma\'at, goddess of truth and justice (right tray). In some drawings, the full goddess Ma\'at, not just her feather, is shown seated on the tray. Note that Ma\'at\'s head, crowned by the feather, also appears atop the fulcrum of the scale. If the heart of the deceased outweighs the feather, then the deceased has a heart which has been made heavy with evil deeds. In that event, Ammit the god with the crocodile head and hippopotamous legs will devour the heart, condemning the deceased to oblivion for eternity. But if the feather outweighs the heart, then the deceased has led a righteous life and may be presented before Osiris to join the afterlife. Thoth, the ibis-headed god of wisdom stands at the ready to record the outcome. The deceased is then led to Osiris by Horus, the god with the falcon head. Horus represents the personification of the Pharaoh during life, and his father Osiris represents the personification of the Pharaoh after death. Osiris, lord of the underworld, sits on his throne, represented as a mummy. On his head is the white crown of Lower Egypt (the north). He holds the symbols of Egyptian kingship in his hands: the shepherd\'s crook to symbolize his role as shepherd of mankind, and the flail, to represent his ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. Behind him stand his wife Isis and her sister Nephthys. Isis is the one in red, and Nephthys is the one in green. Together, Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys welcome the deceased to the underworld.
The negative confessions 從左上角開始,亡者必須在一排審判團面前解釋他一生的行為,表明自己是無罪的,一些法官的手中拿著生命之鑰 ankh。這審判團是由全埃及許多方難以對付的神集合而來,包括 Bone-Crusher, Shining-Tooth, Blood-Consumer, Flint-Eyes, Entrail-Consumer....還有許多名字比較不嚇人的。

左方鷹頭神是霍勒斯 (Horus) 前監督秤心臟儀式,右方是亡者在等在結果。 Anubis在調整天平,計算、學問與智慧之神托特(Thoth)正待記錄測量結果,秤的一邊是死者的心臟,另一邊秤上小小的是馬特 (Maat),天平支柱上蹲著的狒狒還是是Thoth的化身。

馬特 (Maat) 是智慧之神托特(Thoth)的妻子,拉(Re)的女兒。象徵正義、真理、秩序之神,被描繪成一個手舉著駝鳥羽毛或頭戴著一根羽毛的女神。在冥府執行審判時,是將死者的心臟和她的羽毛一起放在天秤的兩邊稱重。
托特(Thoth) 計算、學問與智慧之神 外形是朱鷺頭,或作狒狒,帶著筆及卷軸,亦為文字發明者。

The Papyrus of Ani. upper: The negative confessions. lower: Psychotasia of weighing of the conscience. 死者由 Anubis 帶領來到冥王奧西里斯osiris 的審判庭,左下為法老夫婦不安地觀看儀式的進行。上方一排為眾神的代表組成的陪審團,法老要面對眾神的代表,道盡一生的功過善與惡。最右下角就是等著吃有罪心臟的怪物阿米特(Ammut)。
Ammut a.k.a Ammit, Amemt, Amam. 古埃及的鱷頭獅身怪,後半身似河馬,Her name means \"devouress of the dead\" 。傳說中它是死而復生的埃及之王奧西里斯(Osiris,在繪畫中表現為手持節杖和鞭坐在王位上)的手下,奧西里斯也是古埃及傳說中的冥世之王,所有亡靈都必須經冥世法庭的審判,被判定有罪的亡靈的心臟將成為Ammut的口中餐。
Psychotasia of weighing of the conscience Anubis 用天秤評這位死者的心是否純正,秤的一邊是死者的心臟,另一邊是瑪特女神(Maat)頭上那根象徵真理的羽毛。面對Anubis而立的男子“舍”和他上方人頭形的誕生之磚,是Ani 終極命運\的兩種表現,稍遠處靜觀整個儀式的人頭鳥“巴”,則代表Ani 的性格特徵。 從這圖中看到天秤的兩端是平衡的,表示這位死者的內心純正,可以得到永生的靈魂。 若天秤兩端不平衡,表示死者的內心並不純正,則在一旁已準備好的地底怪物就會把那顆心吃掉。 羽毛正被『借用』的Maat雙神(double Maat)站在秤的左旁。而圖的最左邊,智慧之神托特(Thoth)正在一旁仔細的紀錄下審判的過程與結果,天平支柱上蹲著的狒狒是Thoth的化身。
The presentation of Ani, triumphant to Osiris. 通過審判後,死者的亡靈在鷹頭人身的Horus或死神Anubis引導下,前往朝拜復活之神歐西里斯,由歐西里斯賜予永生,成為「阿卡」。 注意囉! Ani 的假髮已轉改變為白色的,這表現他已通過秤心臟的考驗。 地位最高的神 Osiris 在他的聖壇裡,後面是 Isis和 Nephthys,Osiris面前的蘭花上站著Horus的四個兒子。聖壇頂上是一頭鷹,象徵孟斐斯的死神 Sokaris,還有十二隻負責保衛的眼鏡蛇。
比較The Papyrus of Hunefer. 和 The Papyrus of Ani. 的judgment一幕
The Book of the Dead. Egypt, ca. 332-30 BCE. http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/Paper-exhibit/paper2.html
This fragment illustrates this judgment and the protection afforded by spell 125. On the left, the mummified body lies on a low couch. In the center are the scales with several figures: the jackal-headed god Anubis, associated with mummification, Maat whose head is represented by a feather, and a monster. Osiris, god of the dead, and his sister/wife Isis, oversee the weighing. On the right, the eye of Horus, and the bull (sacred to Osiris) imply that the heart was in balance and afterlife attained. The inclusion of such a text in burial indicates the magical power of words and images in ancient Egypt.
埃及是一妻多夫制 ~~~ 不!寫錯了,多妻一夫制 ,可素我的埃及朋友卻信誓旦旦的說:埃及比中國更是女男平等,因為埃及對女法老一樣尊重,不像武則天一生治績卻敵不過冬烘的 \"牝雞司晨,違反倫常\" 八字 ,換得無字碑以對。他知道的另一個無字碑是葬在定陵的明萬曆朱翊鈞皇帝所有,三十餘年不上朝、官職遇缺不補,根本無所作為,無功可歌、無德可頌。我告訴他明成祖朱棣的長陵也有無字碑,是有碑無字象徵皇恩浩蕩非文字所能形容故名.....於素乎有倫就差一臉茫然差點昏倒囉~~~
下面兩幅審判來自隨女性陪葬的 Book of the dead.
Section from a Book of the Dead Thebes, Dynasty 21, ca. 1070-945 B.C. Painted and inscribed papyrus, h. (of illustrated section) 13 3/4 in.
The weighing of the heart of the dead. from The Papyrus of Anhai (c. 1100 B.C.) 左邊女神 Maat 站在雙馬特大殿(the Hall of Double Maat)入口,中間 Horus 領著 Anhai 到天秤前對量她的心臟與 Maat 真理的羽毛。上方一群由神組成的陪審團,左下方正記錄著審判結果的是朱鷺頭的智慧之神 Thoth,在天秤柱上的狒狒也代表著Thoth。右方頭戴著駝鳥羽毛的 Maat 女神,舉起她的手歡迎過關後得意洋洋的 Anhai。這紙草書比 Hunefer 的又晚了將近二百年,冥神的形像已由 Osiris 轉變成 Ptah-Socharis-Osiris(戴的帽子變了,衣服多了披肩)。
女祭司Anhai 的死者書(c.1100 BC) 女祭司穿著統狀束衣外加長罩衫、長假髮、頭頂香膏冠。 新王朝後、透明有摺飾成為衣著的重點。頭頂為香膏冠可因溫度變化而釋出香氣。
Above ten gods sitting in judgement. Below is the Psychostasia or weighing of the conscience. The jakalheaded god Anubis trying in the Balance the heart (conscience) against a figure of the goddess Maat, holding on the head the feather Symbol of the law and in the hand the sign of life. On the left is the Goddess Maat and the Ibisheaded god Thoth the scribe of the Gods noting down the result.Before him is the monster Amemit, theDevourer. Above the balance is the emblem of the goddesses Shai (Destiny) and Renenit on the right is Horus leading Lady Anhai.
The God Ptah-Socharis-Osiris within a shrine.Behind him Isis and Nephthys.On his right his emblem the Hawk with the Solar Disk.Before him the goddesses of the North and the South. On the left the the Goddess Maat being embraced by the goddess Amentet (mark the feathers which represent the law).
Papyrus from the Book of the Dead of AnhaiFrom Thebes, Egypt
21st Dynasty, around 1050 BC
The \'Negative Confession\' before the gods
The final judgement of the deceased was a popular vignette (illustrated scene) in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. It accompanied the spell in which the heart of the deceased declares before a tribunal of forty two gods that he or she has not committed a long list of specific sins. This is known as the \'Negative Confession\'. The heart was prevented from lying or informing against the deceased by a spell on the back of the heart scarab placed over the heart on the mummy. At the same time, the heart of the deceased is weighed against either a figure of Maat, or her symbol, the feather. This goddess embodied the concepts of justice, truth and balance. In this example, Anhai is shown on the right of the scene, adoring the gods, and holding a sistrum and convolvulus vine. The weighing of the heart itself is illustrated between Anhai and the tribunal. The emphasis on the tribunal, with its two rows of crouching bird- and animal-headed deities, is unusual. At the bottom is the goddess Maat, wearing the feather on her head. Above is Horus with the scales, with Thoth at the top ready to record the outcome.
The Papyri of Ani, Hunefer and Anhai
Ani 是王室的書記和會計,他的太太 Thuthu 也是個貴族,是 Thebes 的祭司 \"lady of the house and qemat of Amun-Re\",在儀式中彈唱樂器,所以在紙草書中常看到她拿著叉鈴(sistrum)。埃及的國王是 Seti I 王室宮殿的一個監督(西元前約 1370 年),他是王室書記也是王室中牛的監督人。他的太太 Nasha 像 Thuthu ,也是個底比斯的祭司,所以在紙草書中也常看到她拿著叉鈴(sistrum)。Anhai 也是個女祭司,她也常拿著 sistrum和花朵出現在 papyrus中,但她穿用的衣服像是完全透明地,據說這顯示顯示她的地位比Thuthu和 Nasha 高。
Ani 的紙草書(1400 BC)超過78 呎,是 Book of the Dead 紙草書中最長的,Hunfer 的紙草書(1280 BC) 18 呎 1 吋,而 Anhai 的 14 呎 6 吋(1100 BC)。
Fields of peace
\"Sekhet-Hetepet (Fields of peace) and going into and coming out of the Underworld\" 圖案說明:Ani 通過流水圍繞的 Elesian fields 的歷程 Ani 沿路拜託(好像比偶們的選舉還累),到了流水圍繞的Fields of peace \"Sekhet-Hetepet\",也不能免俗,先給住在這裡頭的神拜碼頭,請他們幫助他得到\"入境許可證\"能進入這安寧之地,如此他就可以變成 khu,與眾神們一起吃喝、耕耘、收獲與戰鬥,讓他處於有影響力的位置,不會變成奴隸狀態\"。
最上層:Thoth首先給 Ani 引見住在Elesian fields 裏的三個神,Ani對他們鞠躬致敬(拜地頭蛇?)。然後 Ani 划舟,拜會鷹頭神。右方有一木乃伊及三個水池。 第二層:Ani 在田野中犁田、收割;他膜拜 Bennu 鳥;坐著手拿權杖。一堆玉米、也看到三個 Khu和 Ka及三個水池。 第三層:Ani 犁地中。 右:Ani 在兩個神壇前用花瓶和蓮花朝拜 Ra。 底層:船載著台階(象徵著早期的墳堆)在河流中上上下下、彎彎曲曲前進。
Papyrus from the Book of the Dead of Nakht
From Thebes, Egypt Late 18th Dynasty, 1350-1300 BC
Agricultural scenes
Nakht was a royal scribe and overseer of the army (general) at the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty (about 1550-1295 BC). His Book of the Dead is a beautifully illustrated example. This papyrus shows Spell 110, a series of addresses to deities who dwell in the \'next world\', specifically in the Field of Offering and the Field of Rushes. The deceased was expected to undertake agricultural work in the Field of Rushes. The vignette evolved from a map of the Field in the earlier Coffin Texts. It shows areas of land surrounded by water. Nakht is shown with Thoth at top right, with the balance and feather of Maat (referring to the Judgement Scene). He then paddles his boat across the Lake of Offerings where two mummiform deities stand before a table of offerings. Nakht is also shown worshipping the Heron of Plenty. He is shown pulling flax, reaping, and ploughing below. The boat of Wennefer (a name for the god Osiris), shown with a head of a snake, is moored in a channel of the water at the bottom. Three deities of the ennead (group of nine gods) are shown bottom right.
Papyrus of Anhai (1100 BC) (a) 最左: The Creation,這一幕不是來自於 \"Book of the dead\",古埃及神話中,世界原本是一片的混沌黑暗之水,他們把這叫做「努」(Nun)。這幕中神 Nun 舉起上面坐著撐著太陽盤的甲蟲(是出生與破曉的象徵)和七個神的太陽船,太陽盤旁邊正表演倒立神功的是 Osiris 和 Nut 神,代表在世界之下。 (b) 中間:Anhai的木乃伊躺在頂端 Hermopolis 雙面檯階的頂端,檯階頂象徵城市 Khemmenu,兩個公羊頭神分別護衛著頭腳兩端。在樓梯上面的八個圓盤,代表這城市崇敬的八個最偉大的宇宙神。 (c) 最右: Osiris-Anhai 拿著花和叉鈴(古埃及祭祀司生育和繁榮女神艾塞絲Isis使用的一種類似嘩郎棒的樂器),採虔誠\的姿勢膜拜。
\"Sekhet-Hetepet\", the Fields of Peace. 左右:Anhai 拿著花和叉鈴(古埃及祭祀司生育和繁榮女神艾塞絲Isis使用的一種類似嘩郎棒的樂器),以虔誠\的姿勢膜拜。 中間是Anhai通過the Fields of Peace的過程,下方有較清楚的圖。
FROM E.Wallis Budge, The Egyptian Heaven and Hell, a depiction and captioning The text talks of the facilities of the Heaven, called Sekhet-betepet (from inside a coffin lid). 圖畫中 Anhai 身邊一直出現個男性的人物,可能是她老公吧! 頂端:男人正在挖土堆, Anhai 在兩個神之前鞠躬致敬 (拜地頭蛇?)。智慧之神 Thoth; 一個男士幫Anhai筏船,對岸有兩個神。 第二層: Anhai 與男士在田地工作;Anhai 在貢品前膜拜著面前有 Bennu 鳥的神。 第三層:Anhai 在河的兩岸犁田 第四層:船載著石階,也許代表著早期的墳堆。河隔開兩個小島,其中一個島上有四個住在 Fields of Peace的神,河堤上有兩隻 Bennu 鳥。 在古埃及晚期,大部份的草紙書只代表性的畫了 Books of the Dead 中間幾個公式化的影像,大多數有秤心臟那幕景象,其次強調的例子描述在Fields of peace參與農業活動的景象。
Plowing of the Fields, detail from Book of the Dead of Nes-min, about 300-250 b.c., Egyptian, Early Ptolemaic Period; black and red ink on papyrus 35 cm x 11 m http://www.dia.org/bulletin/papyrus/papyrus5.html
審判後 Nes-min 筏船抵達Fields of peace,在Thoth 的引見下向諸神拜碼頭,取得入進許可。 右邊,他用鐮刀收割穀粒,在左邊,他驅牛來打穀,左邊遠處也顯示了穀粒堆。在下一幕描述周期中較早的部份 Nes-min 正耕田和播穀粒。旁邊的文字說明是:\"I plow and I reap in the field of offerings and I am content with the gods.\" 大意大概是 \"我滿足於在神的領域中耕田、收穫\"。這是\"Dead of the book\" 符咒的一部份,如此煞費苦心的對神表達敬意,來尋求死者精神得到永生的保證。格式化的表現參與農事活動是 Book of the Dead 中的樣版符咒,與死者在生時的職業沒什麼關係,也不是暗示這是他期望下個階段是怎麼樣的命運\。用耕田、播種、收穫和打穀的農業週期,代表著生死輪迴就像季節的循環,也代表著死者對永生的渴熱。



One could commission a funerary papyrus or purchase a stock copy and have ones name written in the appropriate places. The buyer could select the number and choice of chapters, the number and quality of illustrations and the length. Scrolls ranged from fifteen feet to ninety feet by twelve to eighteen inches tall.
羅浮宮複製埃及「塞內珍」古墓,「塞內珍」古墓是法國考古隊在埃及「國王谷」附近的工匠村發現的古墓,此墓是工匠塞內珍家族的專屬墳墓,由於塞內珍專門為法老建墓,因此,塞內珍古墓的精采程度等同於法老級,尤以保存完整的彩繪、壁畫最為人稱道。 西底比斯 / Deir el M ineh / 第十九王朝,1250 B.C Sennedjem之墓 由此去先睹為快: http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~farid/egypt/sennedjem.html
The burial chamber of Sennedjem
