从我记事开始,每年春天桃花开的时候,脸上和身上就起桃花癣,像是长了白癜风似的,一片片的白癣,不疼不痒。妈妈到处打听,这有没有什么说法,是不是病? Since I can remember, every spring when the peach blossoms bloom, the peach blossom ringworms grow on my face and body, like having vitiligo, many pieces of white ringworms, no pain, no itch. My mom asked around if there was anything they could say about it, and if it was a disease. 一天妈妈对爸爸说:“前院儿老王家来了对儿会算命的亲戚,都是大学毕业的。我就去看热闹,问了关于卢岩的桃花癣。开始时算命先生说,是病,没什么危害,就是不好看。等他长大了,知道美了,自己就去医院买药,就治好了。” One day, my mother said to my father: "In the front yard, a couple of relatives who can tell fortunes came to Wang's house. They are all university graduates. I went to watch the fun and asked about Luyan's peach blossom ringworm. At first, the fortune teller said that it was a disease, but not harmful, just doesn’t look good. When he grows up and knows beauty, he would go to the hospital by himself to buy medicine and he’ll be cured.” 
妈妈问: “桃花癣与桃花劫(参见第2章)有没有关系?” 算命先生说: “桃花劫要综合考虑,你说说这孩子有什么特殊的地方?” Mom asks: "Is there any relationship between peach blossom ringworm and peach blossom catastrophe (see Chapter 2)?" Fortune teller says: "Peach blossom catastrophe has to be considered in a comprehensive manner, tell me what is special about this child?" 妈妈说: “有一次我的手被刀割伤了,我让他帮我包扎,他转身就跑。他说看见我的手流血,他的屁股疼。以前我二姐给了我们家几只鹅;他可喜欢了。他平常总是把鹅赶到草地上去放牧,在家里还喂它们。后来那几只鹅丢了。这孩子就上火了,嗓子肿得有两三天说不出话来了。” Mom said: "One time I cut my hand on a knife, and I asked him to bandage it, but he turned and ran. He said it hurt his ass to see my hand bleed. My second sister used to give our family some geese; he loved them. He used to drive the geese out to pasture and feed them at home. Then the geese were lost. The boy got on fire, and his throat swelled up so that he couldn't speak for two or three days." 算命先生说: “这孩子心思重,同情心强,重感情;不特殊,但少见,有1-2%的孩子这样。这孩子好说不?健谈不?” 妈妈回答: “不好说,有事他也说不清楚。” The fortune teller said: “This child is heavy-hearted, sympathetic, and affectionate; not exceptional, but rare, 1-2% of children are like this. Is this child talkative? Does he like to talk?" Mom replied: "Not very talkative, when something happened, he can't express clearly." 算命先生说:“心思重又说不出来,将来谈恋爱时,你得注意开导,他容易受到感情的伤害。他还有别的特别吗?” 妈妈说:“他的眼睛有些特殊。” The fortune teller said, "He's heavy-hearted and can't say so. When he falls in love in the future, you'll have to be careful to open up, he's easily hurt by his feelings. Is there anything else special about him?" Mom said, "There is something special about his eyes."
听了妈妈对我眼睛的描述(参见第3章《肉眼通》),算命先生的说话方式变了,说:“你这孩子,我只能按算命书说,他的性格招女人喜欢,有女人缘。他有桃花劫,是被你们周围的什么人看上了,要招他做女婿。” After listening to my mother's description of my eyes (see Chapter 3, Undazzle Eyes), the fortune-teller's way of speaking changed and said, "You child, I can only go by the fortune-telling book and say that his characters invite women to like him, and he has a woman's fortune. He has Peach blossom Fortune and is being looked upon by whatever people around you want to recruit him as a son-in-law." 爸爸问:“我咋不知道他们家还有门子一家子都是大学毕业的亲戚?” 妈妈回答:“我以前也没听说过。我问了,但没听明白那俩人和他们家是什么关系,我都没听明白他们是亲戚还是朋友。人们说,就是城里人,找个关系或者说法,来农村度假来了,免费吃住。那也挺好啊!热闹!街坊邻居都热闹好几天了!” Dad asked, "How come I didn't know they had a family of relatives who all graduated from university?" Mom replied, "I hadn't heard that before either. I asked, but I didn't hear what the relationship was between those two people and their family, I didn't even hear if they were relatives or friends. People say it's just people from the city, finding a relationship or saying, coming to the countryside for a vacation, free food, and lodging. That's good too! Hilarious! The neighborhood was buzzing for days!" 爸爸妈妈怎么也想不出谁要招我做女婿,很快把这事忘了。 Mom and Dad couldn't figure out who was going to recruit me as a son-in-law and quickly forgot about it. ↪️返回第4章《少青年》的目录↪️Return to Contents for Chapter 4 Youth