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13.1.1 地狱趣 Hell Interest 2023-07-17 07:15:43


The original meaning of hell is the place where the path of the heart is destroyed, the place of misfortune, the place where those who have committed the five crimes of Antis and done the ten ferocities of the top grade go to, where they suffer and are tormented. Among the three ferocious paths, namely, the hell path, the livestock path, the hungry ghost path, hell is the path of fire, which means that this path is the journey where evil people are roasted by fiery fire (as shown in Illustrations 13.1.1-36 and -35-1J). In Illustration-35-1J, Tlaloc's head is in a fire box because he committed the Five Anti Crimes.

13.1.1-1 地狱趣 Hell Interest.jpg 五逆罪 Five Crime of Antis


The Five Antis are patricide, matricide, bleeding god’s body, killing an Ararat, and destruction of the production of godly trinity.

什么是出神身血?首先根据心理机制原理说,任何人看见出血的神,都可能立刻患上神经错乱,即患了精神病,即堕入了地狱,道理参见10.8 节《神的外貌》。这五逆罪都是对心里机制的极端逆操作,如弑父会毁坏内心环境,超出了六渡的救赎范围,无法可医。其次,盗、毁、和诽谤神佛的常驻物也属于出神身血罪。神佛的常驻物如神龛,佛像,庙宇、以及庙宇中的器具等。

What is the “bleeding god’s body”? First of all, according to the principle of mind mechanism, anyone who sees a bleeding God may immediately suffer from mental disorder, i.e., mental illness, i.e., fall into hell, for which reason, see Section 10.8, "Appearance of God". These five Anti crimes are all extreme counter-operations to the mind mechanism. For example, patricide destroys the inner environment, and is beyond the salvational scope of six Arks, and can not be cured. Secondly, stealing, destroying, and slandering the permanent objects of Gods and Buddhas are also considered as crimes of Bleeding God. The permanent objects of Gods and Buddhas are such as shrines, Buddha statues, temples, and godly vessels, etc.

13.1.1-2 Five Antis 五逆罪.jpg


What is killing an Ararat? An Ararat is a Buddha, the father of all livings, including the gold boy (Adam) and jade girl (Eve) created by God, and in a broad sense the Mahasattvas of the eighth to tenth lands (see Chapter 16) are all Buddhas. Buddha means perception; hence Adam is bodily soil, is black. Although Eve is also an Ararat, she is an incarnation of pre-consciousness, formless. Pre-consciousness can render life, discriminate benevolence, ferocity, beauty and ugly. Therefore, Eve is the mother of all lives, and is green. As illustrated in Illustration 13.1.1-2, the marriage of Adam and Eve marked the success of God's creation of man. After they consummate their marriage, Adam becomes the Great Black Sky, the Judgment of Doom, also known as the Northern Immanent Achievement Buddha. In Illustration 2, Mexico (a.k.a. Tlaloc, Adam) and Chalchiuhtlicue (Eve) became primogenitors of Mexican nationality in 1325 C.E. and ushered the Mexican era. As a result, their godfather Huitzilopochtli became the Father of Mexico, the new Sun God.

什么是破和合僧?僧是社区义,特指神父、金童、和玉女这 “上帝的三人组合”。本书的第十八章阐述了上帝造人,或说人造上帝的标准流程。“破和合僧”就是在上帝造人的过程中进行破坏活动,使他们三人不能顺利地结合,成为新的上帝。

What is the “destruction of the production of godly trinity”? Godly trinity means the threesome of Godfather Adam (aka. Gold Boy) and Eve (aka. Jade Girl). Chapter 18 of this book describes the standard process by which God created man, or man created God. The "destruction of the production of Godly trinity" is the one who carries out destructive activities in the process of God's creation of man, so that the three of them can not be successfully united to become a new God. 上品十恶 Top Ten Ferocities


This article identifies the hellish interest in terms of the three aspects of the escalation to environments of heart, the escalation to vexatious heart, and the escalation to affairs.


1. Escalation to the psychological environments, such as killing one's father, killing one's mother, bleeding God, killing Ararat, breaking the production of godly trinity; and destroying or stealing religious permanent relics, deceiving leader of the state, father, and teachers, etc.


2. Escalation to vexatious heart, such as extremely heavy irritated entanglement, extremely ferocious hate, and indignation, etc.


3. Escalation to affairs, such as again and again killing sentients, again and again stealing and robbing, again and again being heretical, accumulating days and months without repentance, etc.


To summarize, the ferocious karma that arises purely from the discriminative view muddles is called the Top Ten Ferocities, and it is the cause of hell. 八寒八热地狱 Eight Cold and Eight Hot Hells


There are eight cold great hells, eight hot great hells, and 108 temporary supplement hells. Eight cold and eight hot great hells, each has its own families and affiliations, categories are countless. The sentient beings in the prisons, depending on the severity of their karma makings, experience uncertain. Those who have committed serious crimes suffer dozens of dead or alive disasters in one day. Their lifespans are certain, the extremely long one can reach a catastrophe.


Why do hell interests have such a long lifespan? As mentioned earlier, what the world is talking about is karma, and karma infects each other, can survive for tens or hundreds of years. For example, traditions (also karmas) can be passed down for thousands of years.

八寒地狱 Eight Cold Hells



1. Blister, cold bitter touches their bodies, like sores, hence the hell gets the name.

2. Blister Cracking, means that Blisters are forced by cold bitterness, the blisters burst immediately, hence the hell gets the name.




3. Azhazha, it is said that due to the cold bitters, the tongue makes this sounds.

4. Abobo, it is said that the cold bitters are increasing, the lips make this sounds.

5. Ouhoho, it is said that the cold bitters are increasing to their extreme, the throat makes this sounds.




6. Turquoise Lotus Flower, saying that being forced by coldness, skins crack and fleshes are exposed, the colors are like the flower.

7. Red Lotus Flower, saying that being forced by coldness, fleshes are torn apart, just like this flower.

8. White Lotus Flower, saying that being forced by coldness, skins and fleshes are falling off, the bones’ colors are like this flower.

八热地狱 Eight Hot Hells



1. Equal Alive, means that all living beings in it are angry with each other, being stabbed and tortured; the dead have been resurrected, and the living die again.

2. Black Rope, like daily life people sawing wood by a saw, the jailers saw criminals with a black rope, so it is called the Black Rope Hell.



3. Crowds Gathering, crowds of mountains are gathering toward those criminals, their bodies are squashed into dusts, hence the hell gets the name.

4. Howling, the criminals are put in a big wok, are boiled together with the soup, those criminals are desperately howling, hence the hell get the name.




5. Great Howling, the prisoners are put into the hot iron griddle, let them suffer being fried and boiled, those prisoners are desperately howling, hence the name.

6. Flaming Hot, means that criminals are roasted by raging fire and fierce flames, whole bodies are eroding, hence the name.

7. Red Hot, means that those prisoners are put in fires, Internal and external all burns, hence the name.


8. Non-intermission Hell, means suffering without a break. Non-intermission has five significances. First significance is succeedingly interest’s fruits are non-intermission, the saying is that those who have committed extremely serious crimes approach this hell and receive its retribution fruits without intermission. Secondly, in the hell, the receiving bitter is non-intermission. Thirdly, in the hell, prisoners are tortured all the time, non-intermission. Fourth, life is non-intermission. The saying is that in the hell, death after birth, birth after death repeatedly, non-intermission. Fifth is form non-intermission, means that in this hell, sentient beings are suffering birth and death succeedingly none stop, and their bodily forms transforms instantly, non-intermission.

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卢岩 ,55岁
来自: 加拿大
注册日期: 2023-06-20
访问总量: 666,359 次
【11-18 佛学概论 Introduction t】
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
· 12 禅 Meditation
· 11 生命之树 Tree of Life
【1-10 卢岩的回忆录】
· 10 宿命通 Fate Through
· 9 青中年 Middle Age
· 8 死不瞑目
· 7 东北大学
· 6 沈阳和平房产局
· 5 辽宁分院 Liaoning Branch
· 4 少青年 Youth
· 3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through
· 2 启蒙 Revelation
· 1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage C
· 18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe
· 18.1.6 金童
· 18.1.5 第一颗太阳
· 18.1.4 诏告天下
· 18.1.3 裸体婚礼
· 18.1.2 舍利王求婚
· 18.1.1 貌合神也合
· 18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
· 16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds H
· 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis
· 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heart
· 16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
· 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Hear
· 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
· 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Hea
· 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
· 16.2 离垢地 Leaving Filth Hear
· 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfil
· 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road
· 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test
· 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of
· 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity
· 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearance
· 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence
· 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Princi
· 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through
· 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leade
· 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Ma
· 18 太阳石 The Sun Stone
· 17 金刚经释 Philosopher-Stone
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 5.3 威仪路
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 12.3 四空定 Four Empty Stillne
· 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream F
· 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
· 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
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