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4.6 一个公案 A Public Case 2023-07-17 18:54:08

1983 年秋天,我在四台子村读初中一年级。一天,我在家门口等着路过的同学一起去上学,看着他们渐渐走近。忽然,一个人匆匆忙忙地横过路,掉了一本书在他们的前面。一个同学捡起书后,喊那人。那人回来后,与他们说话,并且把那本书送给了那位同学。路上,我拿过那本书来看,是本《犯罪心理学》,问他们: “那人跟你们说什么来着?”

In the fall of 1983, I was in my first year of junior high school at Sitaizi Village. One day, I was waiting in front of my house for my passing classmates to go to school with me and watching them approaching. Suddenly, a man hurried across the road and dropped a book in front of them. One of the students picked up the book and called out to the man. The man came back, talked to them, and gave the book to the classmate. On the way, I took the book and looked at it, it was a copy of Criminal Psychology, and asked them, "What did the man say to you?"


那位同学回答:“那个人很奇怪!回来后,就要把书送给我,说,‘这是本好书;我已经看过了,不需要了’。我说不要。他却说,‘你不喜欢看,可以借给别人。你把这书借给一个人,你就多交一个朋友。你借给十个人看,你就多交了十个朋友。’ 他说他要赶路,说完就走了。”

The classmate replied, “The man was very strange! When he came back, he was about to give me the book, saying, 'It's a good book; I've already read it, don't need it.' I said no. But he said, 'You don't like to read it, you can lend it to someone else. You lend this book to one person; you make one more friend. You lend it to ten people; you make ten more friends.' He said in a hurry, then left."



I felt strange: "Hurry! To the south, where he came out was a large pond; The place where he went north was the crop field. What kind of road is he in a hurry!”

The classmate was grossed out by my saying, "Yikes! What a thing he is! You can have the book; I don't want it!"


It is true that you cannot read a book unless it is borrowed; this "Criminal Psychology" is the first real undergraduate textbook that I have seriously read. The observation and analysis of various types of people and groups in the book are simple and clear. It should be said to be a good introductory book to psychology. Since then, I have gradually become interested in studying human psychology and observing the behavior of individuals and groups, and I have formed a habit.


Note 4.6-1, Buddhism is classical psychology, and like natural science, it belongs to common law. Juristic Cases in Buddhism are called Public Cases. Judging from the strange things that happened to me when I was enrolled in junior high school, high school, college, and graduate school, it was Troupe Leader Liu who adapted this Buddhist public case into a short drama and performed it for me to celebrate my entering junior high school. So, what does this public case show? People came from nowhere and have nowhere to go, but they are always in a hurry, wherein? The answer lies in psychology.

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卢岩 ,55岁
来自: 加拿大
注册日期: 2023-06-20
访问总量: 666,456 次
【11-18 佛学概论 Introduction t】
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
· 12 禅 Meditation
· 11 生命之树 Tree of Life
【1-10 卢岩的回忆录】
· 10 宿命通 Fate Through
· 9 青中年 Middle Age
· 8 死不瞑目
· 7 东北大学
· 6 沈阳和平房产局
· 5 辽宁分院 Liaoning Branch
· 4 少青年 Youth
· 3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through
· 2 启蒙 Revelation
· 1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage C
· 18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe
· 18.1.6 金童
· 18.1.5 第一颗太阳
· 18.1.4 诏告天下
· 18.1.3 裸体婚礼
· 18.1.2 舍利王求婚
· 18.1.1 貌合神也合
· 18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
· 16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds H
· 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis
· 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heart
· 16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
· 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Hear
· 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
· 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Hea
· 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
· 16.2 离垢地 Leaving Filth Hear
· 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfil
· 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road
· 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test
· 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of
· 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity
· 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearance
· 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence
· 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Princi
· 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through
· 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leade
· 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Ma
· 18 太阳石 The Sun Stone
· 17 金刚经释 Philosopher-Stone
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 5.3 威仪路
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 12.3 四空定 Four Empty Stillne
· 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream F
· 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
· 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
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