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4.9 花花绿绿的报刊亭 The Flowery Newsstand 2023-07-20 17:19:04


In the fall of 1987, when I was a freshman in high school, my classmates, who had just arrived in the town of Great Tiger Mountain, noticed something strange. They wondered, how come there are so many meditation books for sale in this small place of Great Tiger Mountain? There are sold at the train station, at the newsstand, and in the bookstore. Moreover, here are more than twenty kinds of meditation books. How many kinds of meditation magazines can there be in all of China! In the towns around Great Tiger Mountain, some of them don't have even one kind, and the most of them have only two kinds. What's the matter? Is the Great Tiger Mountain the homeland of meditation!? How many people practice meditation? So, they began to investigate all the classmates whose homes were in Great Tiger Mountain, and it turned out that I was the only one who practiced meditation.



At that time, I also had this question and asked the person selling magazines at the newsstand. She said: "The people who come to deliver these magazines let us put them out for sale; if are not sold, they take them back and don't charge us money. We just put these magazines out, flowery new magazines that look good and stand out. Not many people buy these types of magazines, you're the one who buys them the most."

4.9,2014年,我完成回忆录后,发现我能从2011年得到刘团长过世的消息时,爆发的大爆炸(中文中古代称作鬼病,现代称作癔症;英文中过去称作歇斯底里,现在称作皈依失调;参见10.2 节的大爆炸)中生存下来,要归功于我良好的禅定技能和知识。而我的这些知识和技能来源于我在青少年时读了许多报刊杂志中关于气功和宗教的文章。

Annotation 4.9, in 2014, after completing my memoirs, I realized that I could survive the big bang (called Ghost Disease in ancient Chinese culture, and Ill-intention Symptom in modern time; in English it used to be called Hysteria, and is now called Conversion Disorder; see section 10.2 Big Bang) that erupted when I got the news of the passing of Troupe Leader Liu in 2011, thanks to my good meditation skills and knowledge. My meditation knowledge and skills came from reading many newspaper and magazine articles about meditation and religions when I was a teenager.

从我入学初中、高中、大学、研究生时期,都有怪事发生来判断,这次我同学们的调查事件是刘团长安排的。那个做了十余年亏本生意的人是刘团长。他为了让我学气功,赔钱供给气功书充斥了大虎山镇。有必要花费这么大力气吗?有!我在杂志上读到过,有个和尚说过,“证得了四禅(参见第12章《禅》)的人,将来肯定能修成正果;即便是不幸堕入了地狱(即患了精神病),也能自己想办法爬上来;到老了再不济,也能证得个三果圣人(参见15.2节《小乘果》)。” 本书是刘团长在做灵魂转世实验;实验对象必须有四禅的功力,刘团长才会送他去地狱,否则,去地狱回不来了,那是害人害己,劳而无功。

Judging from the fact that strange affairs happened to me when I was enrolled in junior high school, high school, college, and postgraduate school, this time, my classmates' investigative event was arranged by Troupe Leader Liu. The man who had been doing business at a loss for more than ten years was Troupe Leader Liu. He lost money supplying meditation books to flood the town of Great Tiger Mountain for me to learn meditation. Was it necessary to spend so much effort? Yes! I read it in a magazine that a monk said, "Those who have attained the Fourth Meditation (see chapter 12 Meditation) will surely be able to cultivate the correct fruits in the future; even if they are unfortunate enough to fall into the hell (i.e., suffer from mental illnesses), they will be able to find a way to climb up on their own; and when they are old, at the least, they will still be able to attain the Third Fruit Sage (see section 15.2 The Fruits of Small Vehicle)." This book is an experiment of soul reincarnation by Troupe Leader Liu; the chosen one of the experiments must have the capability of the Fourth Meditation before Troupe Leader Liu sends him to hell; otherwise, going to hell and not being able to come back would be harmful to oneself and others, and would be a hard labor of nonachievement.

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卢岩 ,55岁
来自: 加拿大
注册日期: 2023-06-20
访问总量: 666,455 次
【11-18 佛学概论 Introduction t】
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
· 12 禅 Meditation
· 11 生命之树 Tree of Life
【1-10 卢岩的回忆录】
· 10 宿命通 Fate Through
· 9 青中年 Middle Age
· 8 死不瞑目
· 7 东北大学
· 6 沈阳和平房产局
· 5 辽宁分院 Liaoning Branch
· 4 少青年 Youth
· 3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through
· 2 启蒙 Revelation
· 1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage C
· 18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe
· 18.1.6 金童
· 18.1.5 第一颗太阳
· 18.1.4 诏告天下
· 18.1.3 裸体婚礼
· 18.1.2 舍利王求婚
· 18.1.1 貌合神也合
· 18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
· 16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds H
· 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis
· 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heart
· 16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
· 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Hear
· 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
· 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Hea
· 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
· 16.2 离垢地 Leaving Filth Hear
· 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfil
· 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road
· 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test
· 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of
· 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity
· 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearance
· 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence
· 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Princi
· 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through
· 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leade
· 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Ma
· 18 太阳石 The Sun Stone
· 17 金刚经释 Philosopher-Stone
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 5.3 威仪路
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 12.3 四空定 Four Empty Stillne
· 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream F
· 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
· 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
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