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网络日志正文 根本烦恼 Fundamental Annoyances 2023-10-22 17:43:24


Greed, irritation, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, and ferocious views, the six laws are the basis of all annoyances, are all annoyances’ first juristic quadrant (cf. section 11.1), therefore they are called fundamental annoyances.


I) Greed is the desire to stay in a favorable environment, to feel pleasure, or to think craving thoughts. In have environments or laughable environments, its nature is dyeing obsessions; its karma is producing bitter.


II) Irritation, is the thinks of anger and rage in response to adverse environments. In bitter or hostile environments, its nature is vexation and hate; its karma is the being depended for ferocious behaviors.


III) Ignorance, is also known as non-light, is the foolish thoughts in response to adverse and adoptable etc. environments, is unreasonable thoughts in response to the bitter and laugh etc. acceptances. On affairs and theories, its nature is muddles and gloomy; its karma is the being depended for miscellaneously dyed laws.


IV) Arrogance, depending oneself more than others, its nature is lifting high, its karma is to produce bitter. There are seven types of arrogances: (A) Arrogance, holding inferiority as one’s own victory, holding equality as one’s own equality to lift heart high as nature. (B) Excessive Arrogance, counting equality as one’s own victory, holding victory as one’s own equality to lift heart high as nature. (C) Arrogance Transcending Arrogance, holding victory as one’s own victory to lift heart high as nature. (D) I Arrogance, randomly holding something in five nodes as I and mine to lift heart high as nature. (E) Escalatory Arrogance, in the case of proving laws which is due to special victorious “escalatory factor (cf. section 14.1)”, including having proved minor laws indeed, saying those unattained laws as “I have proved” to lift heart high as nature. (F) Self-Contempt Arrogance, to other’s extraordinary fortunes and virtues counting as oneself is little inferior or little lessor, in this way he or she lifts heart high as nature. (G) Heretical Arrogance, to factually oneself not having those fortunes and virtues, illusively counting as oneself having those fortunes and virtues to lift heart high as nature.


V) Suspicion, on theories in Four Victorious Cruxes, its nature is hesitation; its karma is hindering those benevolences.


VI) Ferocious Views, are upside-down inferencing theories of Four Victorious Cruxes, its nature is to contaminate gnosis, its karma is to produce bitter. There are five types of ferocious views: Seth View, Edge View, Heresy, View Fetch View, Precept Fetch View. 转移身见 Seth View

转移身见即我见,即口语的我,于五蕴执我及我所为性;一切见趣所依为业。它的梵语是萨迦耶见,圣经里作塞斯,墨西哥的纳瓦特尔语为提拉考安。提拉考安义为 “我们是它的奴隶”;这和近代德国哲学家黑格尔的说法“人是自我的奴隶”一致。常见的转移身见矩阵展开方式有两种,一种有二十句,另一种有六十五句。

Translocation Body View is I view, it is I in oral language, its nature is holding something among five nodes as I and mine, its karma is basis for all view interests. Its Sanskrit word is sakkāya-diṭṭh, the biblical as Seth, and the Mexican Nahuatl language is Titlacauan. Titlacauan means that we are its slave, which saying is same to the modern German philosopher Hegel’s saying, “man is a slave to itself”. There are two common ways of unfolding the Seth matrix, one with twenty sentences and the other with sixty-five.








20 sentences of unfolding Seth by five nodes:

I) Counting color node as I, I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors.

II) Counting acceptance node as I, I have acceptances; acceptances belong to me; I am inside acceptances.

III) Counting think node as I, I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks.

IV) Counting migration node as I, I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations.

V) Counting sense node as I, I have senses, senses belongs to me, I am inside senses.

Of these five groups, the first is counted as subjective I, the remaining three are corresponding to the I, therefore, five of the twenty sentences are egos and fifteen are my objective views.








65 sentences of unfolding Seth by five nodes:

I) Using color node as I, by other four nodes as assistants:  I am colors, I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belongs to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.  

II) Using acceptance node as I, by other four nodes as assistants:  I am acceptances, I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me; I am inside senses.

III) Using think node as I, by other four nodes as assistants:  I am thinks; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me; I am inside acceptances; I have migrations, migration belongs to me, I am inside migrations; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.  

IV) Using migration node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am migration; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have senses, senses belong to me, I am inside senses.

V) Using sense node as I, by other four nodes as assistants: I am senses; I have colors, colors belong to me, I am inside colors; I have acceptances, acceptances belong to me, I am inside acceptances; I have thinks, thinks belong to me, I am inside thinks; I have migrations, migrations belong to me, I am inside migrations.

In each of these five groups of thirteen sentences, the first sentence in each group is ego, followed by four groups of my objective views. The three my objective opinions in each group of my objective views are each named: my tassel, my servant, and my vessel. 边执见 Edge Views (47 theses)


Edge Obsession Views are also known as Edge Views, i.e., in which one goes along random obsessions of Severance, Permanence, Have, Nil, etc.; its karma is to hinder Twelve Growth Places, hinder Four Victorious Cruxes ousting mundaneness. The categorical Severance view is that the body and mind will be extinct, and it belongs to Nil view. The Permanence view is that the body and mind are permanent, and it belongs to the Have view. The Have views are Edge Views leaning to have. The Nil views are Edge Views leaning to none.

11.4.4 行蕴 Migration Node.jpg





四)某异生以捷疾智或天眼(天眼,即插图11.4.4 -1-8的亲身禅定经历),计现在之众生及世间为常住也。

I) Permanence theses

A) A certain mutant (i.e., mundane people) enters meditation stillness (see Illustrations 11.4.4-1 to -8), gets to recall what has happened during the past 20 catastrophes, and counts the multitude of them as everlasting and indestructible.

B) A certain mutant recalls what has happened since the past 40 catastrophes and counts those as permanent.

C) A certain mutant recalls what has happened since the past 80 catastrophes and counts those as permanent.

D) A certain mutant with its swift intelligence or celestial eye (Celestial Eye, is bodily experiences to illustration 11.4.4-1 to -8), counts that present all sentient beings and mundane society are permanent.






II) Both permanence and impermanence theses

A) A sentient being died in Big God Sky (Fig. 11.4.4-8), came and reborn in this world, gained Fate Intelligence (Cf. Section 10.7, Fate Intelligence), and, viewing the former places he or she came from, says that they, the Great God Skies naturally have, and have always been permanent, but we are converted by them, therefore are impermanent.

B) Those skies, who had lost their stillness, died, and fell into this land for the sake of indulgence in games and laughs, then attained fate intelligence and knew where they had come from before, cantingly said that the other beings, who did not laugh and indulgence, are permanent there, and that we, who play games and laughs, hence here the impermanent.

C) Those sky crowd, who are born with heart with dyeing desires, for which they have lost their stillness and disappeared in non-intermittent karma, later gained fate intelligence, cantingly said, "Those skies who are without phenomena and dyeing, are permanently dwell, my kinds, born dyeing desirous hearts of us, are the cause of the impermanence of this birth and death.

D) A person with quick-wittedness, after discriminately meaning and calculation, counted that I and the mundane world as permanent and impermanent.






III) Have Thinks Theses

(A) I have a color body after this and have thinks. (B) no color body, but only thinks. (C) either having color or having thinks.  (D) neither “having color and having thinks” nor “not having color and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node to Color Node.

(E) Counting that I die here, and then there is an edge border, and there are thinks. (F) counting that there is not edge border, and there are thinks. (G) counting that either “having edge and having thinks” or “not having edge and having thinks”. (H) Counting that “neither having edge and having thinks” nor “not having edge and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node to “Edge and Edgeless”.

(I) Counting that I end here, and then there are bitter and thinks. (J) Counting having laugh and having thinks.

(K) Counting that either “having bitter and having thinks” or “having laugh and having thinks”. (L) counting that neither having bitter and having thinks” nor “having laugh and having thinks”. These are the four sentences of Think Node vs. Bitter and Laugh.

(M) Count on my dying here, and then have one think. (N) Counting that there are several thinks. (O) Counting that there is a small think. (P) Counting that there is an infinite number of thinks. These are the four sentences of Think Node vs. Amount.





IV) No Think Theses

Non-Think to Color Body: (A) after I die here, I will have color and no think; (B) either non-color or non-think; (C) either “having color and no think” or “no color and no think”; (D) neither “not having color and no think” nor “non-color and non-think”.

Non-think to Edge and Edgeless: (E) I end hereafter, edgeless borderless and no think. (F) edgeless and non-think. G) Either “having edge and non-think” or “edgeless and non-think”.  (H) Neither “having edge and non-think” nor “edgeless and non-think”.

Since those are thoughtless theses, there are not the four sentences of non-think vs. bitter & laugh, nor are there the four sentences of non-think vs. amount, which eight kinds all are thought-inspired opinions.



V) Neither having think nor non-think

The four sentences of “neither having think nor non-think” (Fig 11.4.4-1) to color, and the four sentences to edge, all are analogous to the Non-Think Theses available, and there are no four sentences of bitter and laugh, also not the four sentences to amount, also because of “neither having think nor non-think”.









(VI) Severance Extinction Theses

A) This body of mine, which was formed by the Four Big Seeds (i.e., four basic elements, cf. section 11.2), born of parents, and raised by food and clothing, is impermanent and will eventually perish.

B) This body of mine is not to be extinguished finally, is to be reborn in the Desire Boundary Skies (Fig. 11.4.4-9 to -15), which is to be finally extinguished.

C) Desire boundary skies’ body will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn with all roots (eyes, ears etc.) in color boundary’s skies (Fig 11.4.4-5 to -8), and when that recompenses are consumed, I will be extinct at last there.

D) In the lands of color boundary, I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in “Edgeless Empty Place” (Fig 11.4.4-4) in non-color boundary and will be extinct at last there.

E) In Edgeless Empty Place, I will not extinct finally; I will be reborn in Edgeless Senses Place (Fig. 11.4.4-3) and will be extinct there.

F) In Edgeless Senses Place.  I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in Not Objectively Have Place (Fig 11.4.4-2) and will be extinct there.

G) In Not Objectively Have Place, I will not be extinct finally; I will be reborn in “Neither Think nor Non-Think Place” (Fig 11.4.4-1), after that recompenses are consumed, I will fall apart and be extinct there at last. 邪见 Heresies

前文的边见可被归纳为四种:一、执有,二、执无,三、亦有亦无,四、非有非无。邪见,谓谤因果作用实事,及非前四见诸余邪执;总有四种: 甲)无因而有;乙)有边无边想;丙)不死矫乱; 丁)现法涅槃。

The preceding Edge Views can be categorized into four types: firstly, obsessions to have, secondly, obsessions to nil, thirdly, either have or nil, and fourthly, neither have nor nil. The Heretical Views are those that slander the reality of cause and effect, as well as those that are not the front four views; there are four types of them: (A) Non-reason for Have; (B) Edge and Edgeless Thinks; (C) Non-death Making Chaos; and (D) Present Life Is Salvation.




I) Non-reason for Have

(A) Someone who was first born in Think-less Sky (annotation, it is the fourth sky of the four-meditation sky, aka Longevity Sky, cf. section 13.2.4), fallen and reborn among human society, and then practiced meditation, saw that no heart and no thinks of the previous life, conclude that mundane has no reason, only counting as have.

(B) Some people discriminate them with quick-wittedness, and conclude that the world has no reason, but obsessions as haves.






II) Edge Edgeless Thinks

A) Somebody enters stillness (i.e., meditation state), sees that the world has edge border, then raises edge view.

B) Somebody enters stillness, sees that the world is edgeless, then raises edge-less view.

C) Somebody enters stillness, sees that the world has edges in nadir and zenith, but in eastward westward southward and northward, it hasn’t edges; or in four directions the world has edges, but in nadir and zenith, it hasn’t edges, therefore he or she arouses both edge and edgeless view.

D) There are those who, with quick-wittedness, observe the world and have the view that the world is neither having edge nor edgeless.



III) non-Death Making Chaos

Some mutants serve the sky whose name is non-Death. When those non-Death sky servers encounter people who ask affairs of the non-Death sky, the first type of people terrorize ignorance, the second type of people with a flattering heart, the third type of people who has a horrible heart, and the fourth type of people who is stupid; these are all kinds of pretentious answers.







IV) Present Life Is Salvation

(A) Some people say that I am now in Nirvana (i.e., absolutely salvation) in this body. I am happy in the present five desires, this body is Nirvana, and there is no more Nirvana after this. This is saying that Desire Boundary (Fig 11.4.4-9 to -22) is Nirvana.

(B) Some refer to the Great God Sky (Fig 11.4.4-8) of Color Boundary as nirvana.

(C) Some refer to the Light Sound Sky (Fig 11.4.4-7) of Color Boundary as nirvana.

(D) Some refer to the Third Meditation Sky (Fig 11.4.4-6) of Color Boundary as nirvana.

(E) Some refer to the Fourth Meditation Sky (Fig 11.4.4-5) of Color Boundary as nirvana. 见取见 View Fetch (108 views)


View Fetch is short for “views abstracted from views”, which means that views and their rooting nodes are obsessed as the most superior, leading to immaculate Nirvana. Its karma is the basis for all conflicts. There are 108 types of View Fetches, and they are calculated as follows.




(A) For each of the six roots (eye-root, ear-root, nose-root, tongue-root, body-root, and intent-root) there are three kinds of acceptances (bitter, neutral, and laugh), which make up 18.

(C) For each of the six dusts (colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and laws), there are three environments (favorable environment, neutral environment, and adverse environment), which make up another 18; together, they are 36.

(D) Experiencing the past, the present, and the future, which together amount to 108. 戒取 Precept Fetch


Precept Fetch is short for “views abstracted from precepts and forbiddances”, which means to obediently follow the precepts and forbiddances and their dependencies, and to hold them to be the best, according to them one can gain salvation. Its karma is the basis for non-profitable bitter of diligent labours.


Isn't it right to keep the precepts? Answer: It is certainly true that obeying the precepts is sequential liberation, but Precept Fetches refer to those who take precepts without understanding the precepts, and those who do not understand the reasons for the forbiddances, indiscriminately obey what they consider to be theories derived from the precepts and forbiddances, such as that monks do not eat meat, that there are temples in India that feed flies and mice in the streets,  that Islamists and Christians practice circumcision, etc.


I'm not saying that baptism and circumcision are wrong, I'm saying that their understanding and practice is wrong. In Buddhism baptism is the method of “ousting dusts”, the process of invoking immaculate senses to kill pollution. This process is called baptism because sense is water among the Four Big Seeds, therefore it is called Baptism. Circumcision has the same meaning as baptism, which is to say that gnosis like a sword can cut out off the contaminations of Adam-sense (i.e., maculate part of unconscious) and Eve-sense (i.e., pre-consciousness), and the removal of mental contamination is necessary, so it is necessary to practice prajnaparamita (i.e., Arrival Ark, biblical word is Noah's Ark), i.e., to practice circumcision.

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卢岩 ,55岁
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【11-18 佛学概论 Introduction t】
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
· 12 禅 Meditation
· 11 生命之树 Tree of Life
【1-10 卢岩的回忆录】
· 10 宿命通 Fate Through
· 9 青中年 Middle Age
· 8 死不瞑目
· 7 东北大学
· 6 沈阳和平房产局
· 5 辽宁分院 Liaoning Branch
· 4 少青年 Youth
· 3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through
· 2 启蒙 Revelation
· 1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage C
· 18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe
· 18.1.6 金童
· 18.1.5 第一颗太阳
· 18.1.4 诏告天下
· 18.1.3 裸体婚礼
· 18.1.2 舍利王求婚
· 18.1.1 貌合神也合
· 18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
· 16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds H
· 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis
· 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heart
· 16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
· 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Hear
· 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
· 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Hea
· 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
· 16.2 离垢地 Leaving Filth Hear
· 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfil
· 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road
· 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test
· 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of
· 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity
· 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearance
· 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence
· 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Princi
· 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through
· 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leade
· 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Ma
· 18 太阳石 The Sun Stone
· 17 金刚经释 Philosopher-Stone
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 5.3 威仪路
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 12.3 四空定 Four Empty Stillne
· 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream F
· 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
· 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
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