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网络日志正文 不相应行法 Noncorresponding Migration Laws 2023-10-29 13:53:56


Noncorresponding Migration Law is named from three meanings: first, laws in this faculty have no aggregative mind function, therefore do not correspond to Hearts (cf. section 11.4.5) and Heartland Laws (cf. section; second, the laws have not substantial obstructive effects, therefore do not correspond to Color Laws (cf. section 11.4.1); and third, the laws have birth, death, and mutation properties, therefore they are Migration Laws and do not correspond to None-as Laws (cf. section 11.6.4).

心不相应行法共有二十四位法:一、得,二、命根,三、众同分,四、异生性,五、无想定,六、灭尽定,七、无想异熟,八 、名身,九、句身,十、文身,十一、生,十二、老,十三、住,十四、无常,十五、流转,十六、定异,十七、相应,十八、势速,十九、次第,二十、时,二十一、方,二十二、数,二十三、和合性,二十四、不和合性。

There are twenty-four Noncorresponding Migration Laws in total: I Gain, II Life Root, III Category, IV Mutant Nature, V Non-think Stillness; VI Extinctive Stillness, VII Non-think Mutation, VIII Name, IX Sentence, X Literature; XI Birth, XII Oldness, XIII Dwell, XIV Impermanence, XV Cycle; XVI Definitional Difference, XVII Correspondence, XVIII Potential Velocity, XIX Sequence, XX Time; XXI Direction, XXII Number, XXIII Combinability, XXIV Non-Combinability.


I) Gain, based on the juristic differential position in sentient body and mind, three types of attainment are established: seed achievement, self-sufficiency achievement, and performance achievement. Seed achievements are the functions of some laws that are not current but have potential powers. Self-sufficiency achievement means becoming an independent autonomous individual who is self-sufficient in his or her needs. Performance achievement is that seeds are arising presently as bodily orally and intentionally behaviors.


The Gain attained all involve the concept of seeds, what are seeds? The Tree of Life in this chapter talks about the five faculties of one hundred laws, which are one hundred seeds, also known as the Hundred Light Doors. But in Mahayana Buddhism there is a seed of Buddha, the first characteristic of Mahayana Buddhism, that is, the seed that can turn a mortal into a real human, as shown in the second small illustration from left to right in Fig., namely, Bodhi-Heart, also known as Will Ark (see Section 16.1). Illustrations 1 through 22 were drawn by Mexico (i.e., Tlaloc), therefore the author I believe that Mexican Shamanism is equivalent to our Buddhist Oneness Vehicle, also known as Philosopher-Stone Vehicle. 不相应行法 Noncorresponding Migration Laws.jpg

得的圣经用词是凯恩(Cain),也是得义。插图2324是圣经里的寓言故事,亚当和夏娃的长子凯恩因为妒忌弟弟亚伯(Abel)深受上帝宠爱而杀了他。上帝为此惩罚了凯恩,把他从 “心地法” 流放到了本小节的 “不相应行法” ,还在他的身上做了记号。

The Biblical word for "gain" is Cain, which also means gain. Illustrations 23 and 24 are a Biblical fable in which Cain, the firstborn son of Adam and Eve, killed his brother Abel because he was jealous of his brother's great favor with God. God punished Cain for this by banishing him from the front “Heartland Laws" to the " Noncorresponding Migration Laws" in this subsection and marked his body.


What is Abel? The literal meaning of Abel is conceit, able, is the internal along-thoughts ego of a person; in Chinese culture it is Fortune, also known as Great Strength God, Great God Sky (Fig. in Buddhism, Brahman in Hinduism, Abel in Christianity, Islam, and Ancient Egyptian cultures, Magni in Germanic cultures, and Quetzalcoatl in Mexican cultures.


So, what does the fable of Abel being killed by Cain indicate? It shows that Abel can be killed, i.e., that man is not born with this law of internal along-thoughts ego (Abel); this is a fundamental philosophical issue. For example, the eighteenth-century German philosophers Hegel and Karl Marx once debated the existence or non-existence of the internal along-thoughts ego (i.e., Abel) in the mind mechanism! What was the result? Hegel was wrong and Karl Marx was right: Abel does not exist! How is this question viewed in Buddhism? Chinese Buddhism believe this internal along-thoughts ego can be killed, but it is not so harmful that there is no need for the practitioner to kill it. And it is a crime to kill Quetzalcoatl in Mexican Shamanism.


 Why does God not like Cain? Because the unconscious (i.e., God-sense) corresponds only to the renunciative acceptance, which is contrary to the nature of gain, fetch, and aggregate, etc.


What mark did God put on Cain? Both Cain and Abel are laws, not men, so the author I think that mark was made on Adam, Flesh Eye Through (cf. chapter 3).


II) Life Root is the lifespan of a sentient being; according to behaviors of preceding karma, unconscious variant ripens fruits succeedingly to sustain the physical and mental life.


III) Category, based on the differences and similarities of sentient being’s bodily and mentally differentials, same differentials are established, hence categories. For example, based on sentient beings' transgressions of the Ten Fundamental Precepts, they are categorized according to their hearts, annoyances, and environments, and there are six interests: hell-interest, livestock interest, hungry-ghost interest, asura-interest, human-interest, and sky-interest (Illustration to 22; Cf. Chapter 13).

四)异生性 IV) Mutant Nature


Mutant nature is a synonym for mortal nature, is established by its seeds of annoyances and knows. Annoyances and knows hinder mortals from departing from theirs own natures, so the two are also called the annoyance hindrance and know hindrance.


Annoyance hindrances are mean annoyances, also known as mean muddles, such as greed, irritation, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, Seth view, edge view, heresy, view fetch, precept fetch, and so on. Know hindrances are view annoyances, also known as view muddles, such as Seth view, edge view, heresy, view fetch, precept fetch, greed, irritation, ignorance, arrogance, suspicion, etc.


Annoyance and know hindrances are interdependent and pairs; Annoyance is recognized by know and know is felt by annoyance, so the two have the same numbers and names. Annoyance hindrances are foolishness, ignorance, which can hinder quietness and nirvana. The know hindrance is like intelligence but not intelligence, and can obstruct intelligence and enlightenment, so it is also called the intelligence hindrance.


V) Non-think Stillness, also known as Heartless Stillness and Longevity Sky, is one of the Eight Difficulties of Life in Buddhism. Saying that a mutant who enters meditation and, with the intention to terminate thinks, continues to forcefully suppress the preconsciousness (aka Eve-sense), day after day, month after year. Eve becomes thinner and thinner and is eventually snapped off; this meditational practitioner becomes a plant man or woman and dwells in the eternal Longevity Sky waiting for the fruit of this Non-think Stillness to be consumed and then falls back to mundane world. Stillness is one-heart state in which the subjective and objective change mutually, the person is even not a heart, how is that called a stillness? Because to terminate thinks is the first thing to go, and the body and mind are at peace, so it is called Non-think Stillness.


VI) Extinctive End Stillness, also known as Terminating Objective Stillness, is the state in which all objectives are terminated, is nirvana (Fig. No Objective Sky). Nirvana is an None-as Law (aka Un-striving Law), so how can he or she also reach Nirvana when he or she makes such an effort to eliminate the objective objects, which is a Have-as Law (aka Striving Law)? In her or his efforts to act, she or he will surely experience many setbacks and failures, and there will be many moments of discouragement and losing heart, those frustrations or losing hearts correspond to unconscious’ renunciative acceptance, therefore increase the probability of the appearance of nirvana.


VII) Non-think Mutant Mature, also known as Non-think Retribution, is a brief phase of no-thought that may occur to the practitioner during meditation. Ancient Virtues explain that people often have negative or suicidal thoughts, thus planting the seed of thoughtlessness. When the seed is ripened by fumigation, it initiates the present. The ripening of thoughtlessness is a normal phenomenon and is harmless.


VIII) Name Body, explains the self-natures of laws, such as the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, etc.


IX) Sentence Body, explains the differences of laws, such as the saying, "The unconscious is the total root of the pre-consciousness, intent-sense, and body-sense, etc.; and the pre-consciousness, as it pays attention to a sense such as the eye-sense or the ear-sense, rotates to become the work-platform of that sense, and continually renews itself."


X) Literal Body, is words, is the basis for names and sentences, such as Buddhist charter: “Migrations are impermanent. Laws have non-I. Nirvana is silent. The three juristic cases are sealed by Buddha, may not be altered."


XI) Birth, is from none to have among migrations in categories.


XII) Oldness, is deteriorations during the successions of migrations.


XIII Dwell, is going along the course of the successions of migrations.


XIV) Impermanence, is fades and extinctions during the successions of migrations.

十五)流转 XV) Cycle


Sentient beings of the Six Interests drift among the three boundaries nine lands, their causes and fruits are among the twelve have branches: Non-Light (Ignorance), Migration, Sense, Name-Color, Six Places, Touch, Acceptance, Love, Fetch, Have, Birth, Old Death.


Non-Light means dim, and wanting to know, is Ignorance, so that causes the Migration Branch to move. Differences caused by Migration Branch are Senses, are Sense Branch. Although the Migration Branch and Sense Branch come into existence at the same time, based on cause and effect, we divide these two into successive stages. In this way, the Non-light Branch and Migration Branch trigger the next five fruits branches.

识、名色、六处、触、和受,五枝被称作五果,义为它们过去业习气果的现行。识枝把信息传播到了名色枝。名即四无色蕴, 即受蕴、想蕴、行蕴、和识蕴,色即色蕴;名和色合在一起就是心,但此时心并不明了,只能说是识正把信息向有情身心扩散。明是明白、内明的光明。当六处收到信息后,由于先业的作用,心开始形成,所以触枝显现了。触(参见11.节)是遍行心所有法的触枝,有类似于心的功能,可以为心的形成提供动力。当六处明了,受枝就出现了。受枝遇痛则死;若遇到可爱果,受会招引位于三界九地的同类法来摄取可爱果。受枝出现之后,心就变得明了了。一而再,再而三,就引发了后面的孕育三枝。

The five branches of Sense, Name Color, Six Places, Touch, and Acceptance are called Five Fruits, meaning the fruitful performances of their past karmic habits. The Sense branch transmits information to the Name Color Branch.  Names are the four colorless nodes, i.e., acceptance node, think node, migration node, and sense node; Color is color node. Name and Color, together are the heart, the flesh body and mind, but at this point, the heart is not illuminated yet; it can only be said that the Senses are spreading the information to the heart, i.e., the flesh body and mind. Illumination is saying of internal light, light of enlightenment. After Six Places (Cf. section 11.3) receive the information, due to karma, heart starts to form, therefore a similar heart, Touch Branch arises. Touch is an Omnipresent Heartland Laws (Cf. section, can provides heart power during heart formation. After the Six Places are illuminated, the Acceptance Branch appears. When Acceptance Branch encounters pain, it dies; if it encounters lovely fruits, can summon similar laws located in the three boundaries and nine lands. After the emergence of the Acceptance Branch, the heart is fully illuminated. Repeatedly and again, it triggers the later three gestation branches.


The three branches of Love, Fetch, and Have can give birth to interests, and so they were called three gestation branches by Ancient Virtues. Lovable fruits are mutant fruits (cf. Section 11.6.1), scarce, like agricultural products, limited in quantities; and the enjoyers of the Acceptance Branch are equal-stream fruits. Equal-stream fruits are easy to summon, but mutant fruits are hard to get, therefore Love Branch emerges. Love is fertile water, can brew anything, therefore Fetch Branch emerges. More, and again, Have Branch is formed. What is the have? Having memory and having habit are haves. Have Branch can induce later branches of Birth and Old Death.


The Birth Branch and Old Death Branch are induced by the preceding gestation branches. From nothing to something is birth. Decay or deterioration is old. Extinction is death. Death does not necessarily arise, so the ancients used old-ness and death together to establish this branch. The former habit having been conceived, this Birth is inevitable, followed by sorrow, sighing, bitterness, worry, anguish, and old death.


The twelve have branches can also be assimilated by a Wheel composed of Muddle Karma and Bitter. Muddle assimilates Non-light, Love, and Fetch. Karma assimilates Migration and Have. Bitter assimilates Sense, Name Color, Six Places, Touch, Acceptance, Birth, and Old Death. Name Color, Six Places, Touch, Acceptance, and Sense are sentient beings' bodies and minds. Birth and Death are sentient beings' annoyances. Thus, the Bitter takes in all sentient beings in the bitter sea. In this way, the cycle of cause and fruit of these twelve have branches becomes: sentient beings receive bitter to create muddles, and because of muddles they create karma, and karma gives rise to bitter; so, the Wheel of Muddle Karma and Bitter is rolling itself ceaselessly. 轮回 Samsara.jpg


These twelve have branches, which the Sanskrit word is pratītya-samutpāda-aṅga, also known as Samsara True-Suchness, is one of the seven kinds of true suchness in Buddhism. The harmonious sutra describes it like this: Non-Light watches Migration, Migration watches Sense, Sense watches Name-Color, Name-Color watches Six Places, Six Places watch Touch, Touch watches Acceptance, Acceptance watches Love, Love watches Fetch, Fetch watches Have, have watches Birth, Birth watches Old Death, arise a great worry, sighing, bitter, gloomy, an annoying aggregate is formed.

十六)定异,设立于因果的种种差别相上, 即趣类的特质,是分类的依据。

XVI) Definitional Differences, are established on the various phenomena of cause and fruit, i.e., the traits of interest classes, and are the basis for categorization.


XVII Correspondence, is established in the sense of the correlation of cause-and-fruit laws. Correspondence means conformity, such as in the previous section, heartland laws correspond to the heart, and when the heart arises, heartland laws arise with the heart. Not corresponding, i.e., not affecting each other.


XVIII) Potential Velocity, is established on the phenomena of kinetic-potential transformation in the law of cause and effect, to be used to express the natures of laws, for example, it is said that greed, irritation, and ignorance have strong potential energies to breed the speedy force of other laws.


XIX) Sequence, is established on phenomena occurring successively in the law of reason and fruit. 时间 Time.jpg

二十)时, 于因果相续流转,时间被设立了。由有因果相续故,若此因果已生已灭,立过去时;若未生,立未来时;若已生未灭,立现在时。又世间义为两时之间,基于流转真如和尘世的形成和衰败,劫历被建立了。一世界有四中劫:成劫、住劫、坏劫、空劫。每个中劫包括二十小劫。一增一减,或说一个流转(即轮回)为一小劫。插图11.4.4.2-20是本书第18章的主题图,中间是墨西哥的劫历石。

XX) Time, in the successive flow of cause and effect, time is set up. By the fact that there is a succession of cause and effect, if this cause and fruit has been born and extinguished, the past time is established; if it has not been born, the future time is established; if it has been born and has not been extinguished, the present time is established. Also, the Mundane-World is defined as between two times and based on the Cycle True-Suchness and the formation and decay of the earthly world, the Catastrophe Calendar is established. There are Four Middle Catastrophes for a Mundane-World, namely, Establishment, Dwell, Damage, and Empty. Each Middle Catastrophe consists of twenty Small Catastrophes. One increase and one decrease, or one Cycle (Samsara) is one Small Catastrophe. Illustration is the subject map for Chapter 18 of the book, with the Mexican Catastrophic Calendar Stone in the center.


XXI) Direction, according to the front and back and the right and left of substantial forms, so there are four dimensions of east, west, south, north, and up and down differences. Based on these directions, places and localities are established. In general, Buddhism talks about the mental inner world, which is called Five Nodes Worlds, such as the first chapter of the Bible, which is about the world of the five nodes, and describes a complete mind mechanical fable. Buddhism calls the material world as Vessel World.


XXII) Number, is established according to the one-to-one differences of the many categories among color-heart’s migrations.


XXIII) Combinability, is established on the aggregative phenomena of cause and effect, if the aggregation is fruitful, we say that those causing factors are combinable. For example, in the case of the sense laws, the succession of cause and fruit must be from aggregation of crowds factors, such as roots are not damaged, environments are presenting at front, senses producer Attention is arising; we say that all elements in the aggregate are combinable.


XXIV) Non-Combinability, as opposed to Combinability, does not yield the expected causal phenomena when the congregation is gathered, e.g., when the Americans provide the Israelis with weapons and sing about self-defense loudly, and the Israelis' wars become more intense; we say that there is no cease-fire Combinability between the provision of weapons, the Israelis, and the wars.

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卢岩 ,55岁
来自: 加拿大
注册日期: 2023-06-20
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【11-18 佛学概论 Introduction t】
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 13 苦谛 Bitter Crux
· 12 禅 Meditation
· 11 生命之树 Tree of Life
【1-10 卢岩的回忆录】
· 10 宿命通 Fate Through
· 9 青中年 Middle Age
· 8 死不瞑目
· 7 东北大学
· 6 沈阳和平房产局
· 5 辽宁分院 Liaoning Branch
· 4 少青年 Youth
· 3 肉眼通 Flesh Eye Through
· 2 启蒙 Revelation
· 1 娃娃婚约 Children Marriage C
· 18.2 风劫 Wind Catastrophe
· 18.1.6 金童
· 18.1.5 第一颗太阳
· 18.1.4 诏告天下
· 18.1.3 裸体婚礼
· 18.1.2 舍利王求婚
· 18.1.1 貌合神也合
· 18.1 虎劫 Tiger Catastrophe
· 16.10 法云地 Juristic Clouds H
· 16.9 善慧地 Benevolent Gnosis
· 16.8 不动地 Immovability Heart
· 16.7 远行地 Hike heartland
· 16.6 现前地 Manifestation Hear
· 16.5 难胜地 Onerous Heartland
· 16.4 焰慧地 Flaming Gnosis Hea
· 16.3 发光地 Glory Heartland
· 16.2 离垢地 Leaving Filth Hear
· 15.3.6 暇满人身 Leisure Fulfil
· 5.3 威仪路 Majesty Road
· 5.1 性格测试 Personality Test
· 10.10 灵魂转世的本质 Nature of
· 10.9 三位一体 Godly Trinity
· 10.8 神的外貌 Godly Appearance
· 10.7 宿命智 Fate Intelligence
· 10.6 治疗心理疾病的原则 Princi
· 10.5 宿命通 Fate Through
· 10.4 刘团长的遗言 Troupe Leade
· 10.3 去找刘健君结婚 Went to Ma
· 18 太阳石 The Sun Stone
· 17 金刚经释 Philosopher-Stone
· 16 道谛 Path Crux
· 15 灭谛 Salvation Crux
· 5.3 威仪路
· 14 集谛 Aggregate Crux
· 12.3 四空定 Four Empty Stillne
· 11.6.2 等流果 Equally Stream F
· 11.5 四食谛 Four Foods Crux
· 11.4.5 识蕴 Sense Node
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