在英国伦敦乘地铁时,看到下面两幅几乎对立的宣传广告。 特拍下照片贴此。
1. 中国是世界第五大商品制造国。 它给西方消费者提供了一切, 并成为西方财政的借贷国
2. 中国尽一切力量强调“和平崛起”。历史上没有其它大国这样做过。 3. 中国是世界上对绿色技术投资最大的的国家。 (1. China makes a fifth of all the world’s goods. It kits out the West’s consumers and finances the West’s borrowers. 2. China goes out of its way to emphasis that it wants a “peaceful rise”. No other great power in history has done that. 3. China is the world’s biggest to invest in green technology. Where you stand? )
上面写着: 中国是西方的威胁
1. 中国的国防开支约为100亿元,几乎是十年前的三倍;并且接近于英国国防开支的两倍。 2. 中国在西藏和新疆对少数民族进行打击,并迫害像诺贝尔奖得主,刘小波,这样的民主运动的倡导者。
3. 中国对原材料的饥渴正在消耗着地球的资源, 并因此加强了在发展中国家的腐败政权。 (1.Chinaspends about $100 billion on defense, almost three times as much as a decade ago, and nearly twice as much asBritain. 2.Chinahas cracked down on minorities inTibetand XinJiang and persecuted democracy campaigners like Nobel Laureate, Liu Xiaobo. 3.China’s hunger for raw materials is exhausting the earth and bolstering corrupt regimes in the developing world.)