Walking In The Rain
(这是我以前写的其中一首英文诗... 本是学理工科的, 文学底子薄, 不太会写, 只是抒发一下浪漫情怀.)
The rain touches my face so dear You cannot tell if it was rain or tear - to fall down my cheeks while my heart shivering with love in the wind
I see your face inside every raindrop Your voice echoes by my ear so soft It makes me smile and shed a tear. Let me be steeped in this mood over and over
I like walking in the rain listening to the breath of the Spring It reminds me of those old days Two young lovers ran like crazy
I like walking in the mild rain singing lowly with the gentle breeze while the rain caresses my skin so tender I miss the time we huddled under the raincoat together
The tender rain kisses my face That eases pain on dreary days I try to give the world a smile And brighten time for just a while.
雨丝轻抚着我的脸庞 不知是雨水还是泪水 悄悄地顺着面孔流淌 心不禁随风颤栗飘荡
看见你在滴滴雨珠里 轻声细语在耳边回响 我时而含笑时而落泪 沉浸在这般梦中幻想
我喜欢在雨雾中游荡 尽情倾听春天的呼唤 仿佛回到过去好时光 我们与雷鸣闪电对喊
如今又在细雨中徜徉 随着微风轻轻地吟唱 雨丝爱抚着我的肌肤 撩拨着那份春心荡漾
温柔的细雨亲吻面颊 替我抚慰心灵的惆怅 我多想绽开一丝微笑 换取片刻的光芒万丈
By lunamia |