他是美国最有魅力的探戈王子,不仅具有一流的阿根廷探戈舞技,而且长得酷帅,英俊潇洒。 这里收集了一些探戈王子Murat Erdemsel的资料。以供欣赏。

这是我最喜欢的一段阿根廷探戈表演,由Murat Erdemsel和他的舞伴Mariana Galassi在 纽约探戈节上的表演:
Murat Erdemsel is a skilled and personable instructor of Argentine Tango in the Washington, DC area. His lessons successfully combine the technical analysis of movement and the sensory interpretation of music. His background as both an artist and a musician provides him with a perfect blend of senses for the movement of bodies through both time and space. Born in Istanbul, he has trained in dance, music and fine art around the globe. His art has been both a critical and commercial success, and is displayed in galleries in many countries.

Web: http://www.muraterdemsel.com http://www.muraterdemsel.com/tango/Flash/indexMusic.htm http://www.muraterdemsel.com/tango/Flash/perform.htm
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