文章评论 |
作者:梦湖望月 |
留言时间:2008-02-28 20:05:50 |
谢谢逗逗小屋妈妈来访! 问好! 是啊,这些图片太触目惊心了, 看得心痛。。。 |
作者:逗逗小屋 |
留言时间:2008-02-18 14:04:58 |
Just saw this group of pictures ... these children make me cry and speechless... |
作者:梦湖望月 |
留言时间:2008-01-22 18:44:54 |
谢谢wait的来访几留言.我也是从网上转载来的,并没有付出什么劳动,给自己自醒之用...... |
作者:wait |
留言时间:2008-01-22 07:48:24 |
这些图片是眼泪.是艰涩的眼泪.看到了社会那虚伪的华丽锦衣包裹的真实身体. 谢谢你的劳动. |
作者:Lunamia |
留言时间:2008-01-21 10:28:41 |
Thanks for Wa, Wu Jia and Beijing Ren's comments, yes! We should od something to help others. My friend Ba Liao and Da Xue has sponsored couple of poor students from Yunnan Yi people area for their tuition fees, about 4000 - 4500 Yuan/per student.
I'll do a benefit concert in May to get some supports and donations from the audience and to help those good kids who could not afford to go to school...
One person's ability is limited, but no matter how much one could offer, every drop of water counts, it could be gathered into a lake... Now as if I hear the song of "Let the world be filled with love" composed by Guo Feng.
Together, we could make a difference....
Thanks again for good comments here! |
Thanks for sharing. VERY TOUCHING (angry for some, too!). I am in tears.
Hope that all of us can do something, little or big, to make the life better of those less fortunate.
Ps. I am glad that finally I can leave a message now (was not able since Nov,2007 when you went back to Beijing). Someone registered as 闲云野鹤, so now I am 北京人. :) |
作者:.伍加 |
留言时间:2008-01-21 09:14:46 |
贫穷、冷热、美与丑, 混蛋之人到处有。 最怜童年无学上, 饥饿、疾残、干柴手。。。。。。 |
作者:Wa |
留言时间:2008-01-21 08:33:05 |
My heart was touched by those photos !!!! Suggest that you collect more photos to be published. Humanbeing soul really needs the medicines to cure !!! |
作者:梦湖望月 |
留言时间:2008-01-21 07:21:30 |
苗青青 评论
这组照片让我想到, 有多少人在实际生活中懂得何为善,何为恶, 何为美, 何为丑? 人能在自己做的每一件事上分辨得出善恶美丑吗?
以前,我认为大部分人都能, 现在, 我觉得大部分人, 包括我自己,都需要比自己更高的智慧才能懂得。
谢谢你收集分享这些让人深思的事实! |