小帅哥偶像Declan Galbraith

如今走红英国的小帅哥歌星Declan Galbraith (戴克兰·伽布瑞斯)已经出了自己的唱牒“THANK YOU”。他从小就喜欢唱歌,大概是从爷爷那里继承下来的歌唱表演基因。他的爷爷在他三岁的时候,因心脏病发作瘁死在演唱的舞台上。。。
戴克兰·伽布瑞斯第一次公开上台演唱是七岁时一个Festival上,他妈妈本想阻拦他,可是他自己早已迫不急待地要唱给众人听。他的天生的好嗓音,非常好的乐感,节奏感及善于表演的天分,使得他一炮打响,从此,一发不可收拾。一个接一个的演出机会接踵而来。他现在已经在欧洲小有名气。戴克兰的偶像是著名的美国老牌流行音乐歌星l罗德(Rod Stewart ) 和英国实力派老歌星约翰(Elton John)。

昨晚,我听了戴克兰唱的爱尔兰民谣“丹尼男孩”后,叫来我女儿一起看他的视频。几乎看了他所有的从七,八岁到今年(十四岁)演唱的录像。女儿有了一个新的偶像,喜欢至极,可是追星了,下次生日礼物里一定要有Declan的Album, 至于生日派对邀请他来唱歌的事就免了吧。。。以后再去英国旅游,一定要去听他的音乐会, 还可以考虑。。。


Declan Galbraith about himself采访视频 Declan Galbraith interview about himself http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAn8yTCj0As
Declan Galbraith - Interview and Song Part 2采访视频 Declan and his manager, Barry Mason, get interviewed on a British TV show.. Part 1 has interview, Part 2 has rest of interview and song. Declan is 10 years old and really nails the song \"Carrickfergus\" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb3YuWmfpgo
Declan Galbraith - Des O\'Connor show Part 2采访视频 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0ZwnhLdkSI
Declan galbraith - An Angel 演唱:\"天使\" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dn51LxzSHf0
Danny Boy sung by Declan Galbraith 演唱:“丹尼男孩” this is an irish traditional song. beautifully done http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h03iH-Bsvj8
Tell Me Why - Declan Galbraith http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j6IBdHW_rY
《Tell Me Why》
In my dream,children sing A song of love for every boy and girl The sky is blue and fields are green: And laughter is the language of the world Then i wake and all I see Is a world full of people in need Tell me why (why) does it have to be like this? Tell me why (why) is there something I have missed? Tell me why (why) I don\'t understand When so many need somebody We don\'t give a helping hand Tell me why? Everyday I ask myself What will I have to do to be a man? Do I have to stand and fight To prove to everybody who I am? Is that what my life is for To waste in a world full of war? tell me why? (declan) tell me why? tell me why? (declan)tell me why? just tell me why, why, why? Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run) Tell me why (why why do we shoot the gun) Tell me why (why,why do we never learn) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? (why,why do we say we care) Tell me why,why,why
在我的梦中,少年总在唱着一首,关于男孩和女孩的恋歌。那里有蔚蓝的天空,翠绿的原野,笑声是这个地球上共同的语言。然而当我醒来,看到的却是一个满布穷苦的世界。告诉我,这一切为什么会变成这样 .... 为什么,我们面对这么多贫穷的人,却不能伸出援手?我要做怎样一个人,难道必须要靠孤立和争斗来证实自己存在的人,难道我生来就为了在充满战争的世界里浪费生命。告诉我,为什么......为什么......为什么......
Declan Galbraith: Amazing Grace British TV Show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npGNKj5IxWY
Declan Galbraith - Love Of My Life Love of my Life sung by Declan - wonderful sound! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_D620Sk8Rc
Declan Galbraith - Tears in Heaven http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCxRslW84nc
Declan Galbraith - Nights in white satin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdSyU0OLMz0
Declan Galbraith - The Last Unicorn The theme song of The Last Unicorn which be recorded by Declan in his new album \"THANK YOU\". German speech & Declan version song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iAc83hHAE0
Declan Galbraith - German TV Appearance 02.12.2006 Declan Galbraith at ARD TV Show \"Am Laufenden Band\" Performing \"An Angel\" written by Kelly Family.Declan´s first TV Appearance at German and Austria TV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n10fw1jcrl0
Declan Galbraith - How Could An Angel Break My Heart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GstxN6Cl7Aw
Declan @ Nur die Liebe zählt am 25.03.2007 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYEGQULRCgQ
declan galbraith and john lennon imagine just think there is a wonderful way to live... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U52abfocjxI
Declan Galbraith - First love story - All Out Of Love This is flash. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHpecUSQ_H8
Declan-Angels http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvF5tPqxBeg
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