1976年,他的生活有了戏剧性的改变。一个叫保罗·德·森纳维尔(Paul de Senneville)的制作人相中了他,决定让他演奏一首优雅的曲子,就是著名的《水边的阿蒂丽娜》(Ballade pour Adeline)。那张单曲一鸣惊人,创下了在38个国家2千2百万张的销售记录。从此以后,他开始他作为一个钢琴演奏家的音乐生涯,录制了1000多首钢琴曲,成为了世界上最成功的通俗乐器演奏家之一,在世界各地卖出了7千万张专辑。在他的高峰期,曾经在250天内演出200场。
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《致爱丽丝》 Richard Clayderman - Für Elise (Pour Elise)
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《梦中的婚礼》 Richard Clayderman - Mariage d\'amour
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《秋日私语》 A Comme Amour - Richard Clayderman (1978)
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《水边的阿蒂丽娜》 Richard Clayderman - Ballade pour Adeline
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《爱的旋律》 Richard Clayderman - My Medley of Love Songs (1995)
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《古典旋律》 Richard Clayderman 1999 Live in Tokyo Classic Medley
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《安德鲁·韦伯情歌》 \"阿根廷,不要为我哭泣\", \"歌剧魅影\",\"记忆\"等联曲 Richard Clayderman in concert - Andrew Lloyd Webber Medley
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《Eleana》 Richard Clayderman - Eleana
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《星空》 Richard Clayderman Concert Under the Stars Medley This is my personal favorite video of Richard Clayderman performing live in a Japanese baseball stadium in 1983.
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《Lady Di》 Richard Clayderman - Lady Di (1984) One of my favorite songs from Richard Clayderman performing in 1984 in a black tux playing on a black piano.
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《匈牙利第五舞曲》 Richard Clayderman - Hungarian Dance #5
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《匈牙利第六舞曲》 Richard Clayderman - Hungarian Dance #6 【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《匈牙利第六舞曲》 Richard Clayderman - Hungarian Dance #6
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】《柴可夫斯基第一钢琴协奏曲》 Richard Clayderman - Piano Concerto #1 in B Flat Minor
One of the featured tracks from Richard Clayderman\'s Concerto CD(1985) featuring The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Originally a Tchaikovsky masterpiece. Arranged by Olivier Toussaint and Gerald Salesses. Watch and be amazed by how graceful Richard Clayderman is.
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】格什文的《蓝色狂想曲》 Richard Clayderman - Rhapsody in Blue (1978) Young Richard Clayderman performing Gershwin\'s Rhapsody in Blue.
【理查德.克莱德曼钢琴曲欣赏】Nuovo Cinema Paradiso Richard Clayderman in concert - Nuovo Cinema Paradiso
严太太要求退休,遭到拒绝,革命工作还需要她继续做贡献。但她去意已决,恰好以前受过她家周济的一个远亲,邀请她来美国休假。领导量她这远亲也养不起她,便放行了。一九八七年,严太太开始了新的生活。离队不归,领导才感到她的重要。又是写信,又是发电传,请严太太速回,译审的交椅和三室一厅的公寓等着她呢!连译审的证书都寄来了。“Farewell to arms! I’m through with them.” 严太太引用海明威这句话时,不无伤感地笑了:“我不在,局里才感到我存在。虽然我并不认为存在就是被感知,但他们那么轻视人,谁受得了?而且我不想让他们觉得我仅仅是在争职称。五十几岁的人了,从头打拼,谈何容易!但在这片土地上,你的付出与收获比在中国公道多了。”其中也有酸甜苦辣,严太太正在写这些经历,我这拙笔就别点金成铁了。最终,严太太和闻先生都挣够了工作点数,怡然退休了。在全美地皮最贵的地区住老人公寓,任何人都按收入的三分之一付房租和一顿正餐费。他们老有所归,可以安度晚年了。
Twilight falls, ev'nin' shadows find, There 'neath the stars, a maiden, so fair, divine. Lonely there she kneels, and tells the stars above In her heart is a song, an' there it belongs: Her undying song of love.
Ev'ry word reveals an empty broken heart Broken by fate that held them so far apart. Stars on high, seem to know she's there. In her heart is a song, an' there it belongs: Her undying song of love.
She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impair'd the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent!
Could I remount the river of my years To the first fountain of our smiles and tears, I would not trace again the stream of hours Between their outworn banks of wither'd flowers, But bid it flow as now --- until it glides Into the number of the nameless tides.
过去了的,永远也回不来了。All those days have glided“into the number of the nameless tides”,only in the music, he may find what he lost!