好,我就先介绍一下老三,这总可以吧,为此我愿意付出任何代价。Western esotericism。我就简单描述一下:Esotericism is the state or quality of being esoteric—obscure and only understood or intended to be understood by a small number of people with special (and perhaps secret) knowledge. Esotericism often involves knowledge that's only intended to be revealed to people who have been initiated into a certain group.
" In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a 'healthy point of view', there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.
To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity. As today, people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the "madness" of spiritual life. He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.
With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will. So, the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual.”
Rudolf Steiner这里提到一个关键点,那就是”soul“以及与之紧相关的”madness“。没有这种soul驱动的madeness,人就不会有spiritual life。目前来看,新冠疫苗已经非常成功的把人拽上一个轨道,一个脱离spiritual life,到进入没有spiritual life的轨道,几代人吧,从孩子的教育开始,这个轨道恐怕会正常运行运作。 因为这还只是一个轨道,还不够,元宇宙干什么的呢?AI建模,这种建模的研发机制,其实就是给人建其它的轨道,所有的这些轨道,最终都会是脱离人的spiritual life到没有spiritual life功能。关于具体的轨道,比如娱乐,消费,健康,安全,等等,我以后与时俱进的写。
你这个观点很有意思的。我没有贬低和排斥nothingness, 我觉得冥想挺好,但是human agency也不错,they are what they are, 共存,我的观点是人的思维倾向在两端jump ,恐怕是安慰人自己,我喜欢flowing,有时冥想,有时打猎,打猎不顺,别以为冥想能帮忙,i doubt it.
说到下面的竞争,这是我对美国西方的fair play的赞赏。刚刚,美国参议院没能通过filibuster rule, national voting right 就搞不定了,民主党想搞全国流动选票的企图失败了。共和党和民主党的竞争还会继续,这一点几乎是最重要的,选举人票机制和选举是每个州的法律权限,对阻止民主党放任非法移民入境,搞福利选票的伎俩最好的抵制。重点又会是谁占参议院多数,看来中选会是一个新的战场。
这么说,我以前也分享过,我是PR。我读这些,有一个习惯,就是钻进质疑和挑战这些被推崇的text。我是个contrarian,大多数人认可推崇的东西,我恰恰会是多疑问的。这给我的金融活动,早先带来很多损失,有好几年我是PB。后来我掂量,不是要证明我对不对的问题,而是flow问题,money is da flow,catch da flow就行。关于认知,我想是相反的,大众认知,总是会一窝蜂,然后hype炒作的,推波助澜,越吹越像真的,因此就自然会失去what it is纯度的。我对new age不感兴趣的,就像我前面说的,我对灵修其实不感兴趣的。最近我听了一个讲座,讲纳粹受到的德国19世纪biblical scholars的研究的影响。19世纪德国biblical scholars的研究对圣经旧约提出的质疑是很多方面的,耶稣基督是不是犹太人,对他们也是一个大问题。他们认为耶稣基督是雅利安人。这个我就说到这儿。我给你一个提示,当今世界cabal几派,这个dynamics,jesuit和梵蒂冈,谁代表老大,不是一个灵修问题,而是一个现实问题
我想不是误会,我并不想改变你的认知,其实我没有任何想法改变任何人的认知,我只是有话要说,分享我自己的认知,同时probing,看看某个群体的state of mind. 我习惯让我的认知,我的所有的疑问,流淌流淌,flowing,没有答案,对我,并不是不可接受的, I would rather not jumping。以前我还专门介绍思维层面的战略延迟功能。我想我理解你的善意,但是基督教范畴里的解释不能满足我的,我是因为了解基督教后还是有这些疑问的,这也是轻舟已过的意思。另外,我以前跟人聊基督教,有一句话,get your head out of the text.
这个对我,又是what to do with it 问题,至于深入,需要几个PhD的功夫,不是我的选择。对易经我感兴趣的是跟苏美old text类似的,是creation模式的产物,仅此而已,其应用和延伸,真是几个PhD,不是我的兴趣。其实,你感兴趣的灵修也不是我的兴趣,我说了,如果没有我对认知过程中发生的疑惑,我不会对这些感兴趣的。我这辈子不可能成为这些领域的专家,只是满足自己,可能的话解惑,my own world application.
你说的到没错,我可能是真寄生,因此我对源头感兴趣,我自己完全可能是slavery creation model的源头,如果是那样,我是有勇气承认的,不会怪我的父母,也不会把5000年拿来讲个自己喜欢的故事给自己听。安博不要感到不舒服,你完全可以指出,我就是真寄生的,这个我不会回避,也不会感到不舒服,it is what it is。