最近几件事吸引我的注意力。一是马斯克的neuralink,二是大重置great reset宣扬者Klaus Schwab接受中国媒体采访宣称:“China was a "role model" for other nations”中国是许多国家的榜样模式。三是美国众议院共和党新的领袖Kevin Macharty刚见拜顿,Said his message to Biden was 'you've got to lean on President Xi',拜登总统应该lean on习近平主席。这篇我想就三个话题谈谈我的感想。
"My prime motivation for Neuralink was the question: 'What do we do if there is a superintelligence that is much smarter than human beings? How do we, as a species, mitigate the risk or, in a benign scenario, go along for the ride?'" -- Elon Musk
这很有意思,马斯克同学是不是superintelligence在地球人中的代理?我以前分享过我的一个speculation,几位高人点拨的。坊间称为breakaway civilization,包括secret space programs,etc。 马斯克说已经向美国FDA提出申请,预计6个月后试用,他自己会是亲身体验。我甚至想亲自问马斯克一个问题,购买推特,推崇个人的言论自由free speech,在Neuralink实现后,还管不管用?大前提层面,这些进一步验证我的Slavery N.0的认知判断,人类恐怕从来就不是highest intelligence species,人类用实验室实验试验动物,自然的,完全可能自己也是被实验试验的。
第二个话题:大重置great reset宣扬者Klaus Schwab接受中国媒体采访宣称:“China was a "role model" for other nations”中国是许多国家的榜样模式。
据说,2022, more than 75,000 Americans died from overdose of synthetic opioids, mainly fentanyl.
'I explained to the president what I saw, where you can see the videos of these cartels and literally shooting tracers at our National Guard. A woman hung because she didn't pay the cartel,' he said.
'So you've got to lean on President Xi. You've got to stop the cartels.'
一个很有意思的事情:这次习近平亲自讲奥密克戎Omicron毒性不大,看来习主席听了自己相信的人的意见。我想习主席在今年春节视频讲话中,恐怕会show几本生物学书的。另外我听到一个阴谋论说法:奥密克戎是南非出来的,是马斯克跟人合作搞出的疫苗。也就是说奥密克戎不是病毒,而是疫苗。另外更难以置信的阴谋论说法:马斯克是hybrid,是一半chinese male genius基因和一个白人美女的基因hybrid出来的。哈哈!
对于马斯克的推特言论自由push,我关注的是后续,尤其是covid的言论控制和打压是不是也会被揭露?这个在我看来可以分辨出马斯克跟covid是不是同一个老板?我前面提到lead the horse to the water,假设,马斯克的neuralink可以帮助治疗癌症,那么接下来几年,我觉得恐怕会出现一个导致癌症的病毒,horse恐怕不得不drink it。
我前面讲了,我的大前提是the system is rigged,因此within the system,都是马戏。我对马斯克的兴趣是在于他是否是superintelligence的proxy,或者是我说的地球三种人中的第一种,每一天的过去,每一天都增加clue,尽管不是clear,也许这种假设是错误的,属于intellectual exercise,但是我认为远比兼职当useful idiot更有意思。
介绍一下:An intellectual exercise is where a person thinks about a set of circumstances that are entirely theoretical - the circumstances are completely separate from reality and are usually under very specific circumstances that are unlikely to (or do not) exist in the real world.
“Conservatism starts from a sentiment that all mature people can readily share: the sentiment that good things are easily destroyed, but not easily created. This is especially true of the good things that come to us as collective assets: peace, freedom, law, civility, public spirit, the security of property and family life, in all of which we depend on the cooperation of others while having no means singlehandedly to obtain it. In respect of such things, the work of destruction is quick, easy and exhilarating; the work of creation slow, laborious and dull. That is one of the lessons of the twentieth century. It is also one reason why conservatives suffer such a disadvantage when it comes to public opinion. Their position is true but boring, that of their opponents exciting but false.” ― Roger Scruton, How to Be a Conservative
我以前介绍过Sir Roger Scruton,喜欢他对beauty的理解。我不认为所谓保守派中,有多少人具有rigorous思维,比如能不能理解这段话,可以作为衡量标准。
当然,我和你还是要支持任何反对面,但是也要包括self doubt。比如你举的那些英雄救人事迹,我年轻时会是很激动的,后来,我问自己,如果我自己遇到类似情况,会不会挺身而出?这个就是risk management问题。我可以坦诚,老实的讲,大多数情况下,我不会挺身而出,我需要live another day, 需要channel自己的能力和精力,matching自己的mission。因此我自己不会做的事,我就不会再激动了,否则我好像是希望别人牺牲的,justice是受者benefit衡量的,在我,我不牺牲,却获得benefit,这不是justice。
我认为会有新的病毒,要看什么时机和条件。比如拜登最近放话,他愿意跟普京谈和平,但是需要普京先做个撤军的姿态,Gee,俄罗斯不是主动撤出过几个城市吗?我还是原来的"escalate to deescalate"判断,timing不对,或者escalate还不够,据说俄罗斯集结军事力量,准备发动冬季大攻势,美国欧盟制定出俄罗斯石油60$的price cap,看这次的escalate会是什么状况。