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王菁等六四受害者妻女控告吴弘达性侵 2015-03-03 15:36:16

王菁女士的公開譴責信(中文版/ 英文版)


就 吳 弘 達 利 用 其 對 雅 虎 人 權 基 金 / 勞 改 基 金 的 控 制 權 欺 辱、 性 侵 大 陸 民 � 人 士 妻 女 的  事 件 而 致 美 國 國 會、 雅 虎 董 事 會、 各 婦 女 兒 童 人 權 保 護 組 織 及 海 內 外 民 � 人 士 的 公 開 信

美 國 國 會、 雅 虎董 事 會、各 婦 女 兒 童 人 權 保 護 組 織 及 海 內 外 民 � 人 士:


我 是 王 菁。 是 中 國 大 陸 民 � 人 士 楊 海 的 妻 子, 是 中 國 大 陸 兩 位 著 名 民 � 人 士 女 兒 在 美 國 的 合 法 監 護 人。










































王菁   2015年2月25日


The Open Letter To The US Congress, Yahoo!'s Board Of Directors, Women And Children Rights Protection Organizations, And All Chinese Democracy Activists Regarding The Event Of Harry Wu(Hongda Wu) Used His Control Of The Yahoo! Human Rights Fund, Laogai Research Foundation To Insult And Conduct Sexual Assault To Chinese Democracy Activists’ Wife And Daughters.

The US Congress, Yahoo!'s Board of Directors, Women and Children Rights Protection Organizations, and All Chinese Democracy Activists:

(The letter will involve people’s privacy; I will hide the name of people involved. The related evidence I only provide to legal government departments and human rights organization. In the letter I will call the two children I guard A and C, and my daughter B )

I am Jing Wang, the wife of the Chinese democracy activist Hai Yang, and the legal guardian of two famous Chinese democracy activists’ daughters in US.

In here, I publicly accuse Harry Wu’s evil behavior which he used his control of Yahoo Human Rights Fund, Laogai Research Foundation to insult and conduct sexual assault to Chinese democracy activists’ wife and daughters to you. (Yahoo! Human Rights Fund directed Laogai Research Foundation to assist two Chinese political dissidents’ daughters A and C, and Harry Wu is the most important person of Laogai Research Foundation to responsible for it.)

My husband is Hai Yang. He is currently residing in Xi’an, China; he joined in Tian’an Men Square’s event in 1989. He was the student of Qingdao Ocean University (present China Ocean University), major of Environmental Ecology for 1986th. Because of 1989 organizing the Qingdao Student Movement and Qingdao University Autonomous Group, he was sentenced by the crime of Counter-Revolutionary Propaganda and Incitement and expelled from school in 1990. In the following 20 years, my husband persisted in working on Chinese Democratic career; meanwhile he is the good friend with the fathers of two children I guard. Currently one is imprisoned, and one has deceased already.

I went to US with my daughter at the end of the May of 2012, and we are presently living in the East-coast of America. A and C are living with us currently as well. I have been given the full authorities to be their guardian from both of their parents, and I am their only legal guardian in US. A lives with us since February 1st 2013. C lives with us since August 28th 2014. Right now I am the guardian of my daughter, A, and C. A and B are currently 17; C is currently 16. Under my care and guard, all of them are very happy; their grades are all excellent in school.

April 2013 my husband had sent Harry Wu a letter for asking if he could give A some assistance; he promised soon. June - July 2013 Harry Wu continuously called and demanded me to move from San Francisco to East-coast, and also said that if we move there, he could give us more financial assistance. Apparently my husband did not want us to move, since I was in a serious poor health condition and just settled everything for my children and me at that time, such as Medicaid. So we politely rejected him.

But he still continuously called me, and told me that he was very famous in US Congress, promised me and my children a lot of favorable conditions, such as he could help us to get apartment, job, Medicaid. At last, Harry Wu told me that another June 4th injured activist’s daughter, D was over there and hoped me could be her guardian as well. After we thought D really need someone to take care, I agreed to move and brought two children A and B came to the East-coast.

August 8th 2013, we arrived East-coast of America. However Harry Wu send D back to San Francisco on the exact same day. So our original promised assistance suddenly decreased a half. This action made me felt very unreasonable and could not understand, although I did not say anything. Beginning of September 2013, Harry Wu started to give $800.00/month assistance to A.

Unexpectedly, Harry Wu has an extremely despicable morality. He took advantage of I just brought two children moved here; I did not know anyone, and could not speak fluent English. After first month we moved, he implemented the serious sexual assault to me! I suddenly started to hate him.

Around 7:00 A.M. September 9th 2013 after A and B went to school half an hour, Harry Wu suddenly called me and asked if children went to the school. I answered yes; then he told me that he would come soon to our apartment, and had important information need to tell me. I did not have any alert on his desire; I even friendly welcomed him. Harry Wu conducted the sudden serious, brazen, and disgusting sexual assault to me while I was caught off guard. Under my ferocious resistance and God’s salvation, Harry Wu failed to complete the rape to me, and left my apartment.

However this event immediately caused me a huge mental harm and pressure. The strong shame and tension led to the recurring of my illness; just in a few days I vomited blood and stayed in hospital. After the surgery, I suffered in the liver ascites; my body was extremely weak, even hard to move. I very regretted to come here. I thought I was going to die, but what could happen to my two children if I die? I must to live!

Thanks be to the merciful God! Under my family and church’s support, I went through the darkest time in my whole life. I will never forget the sorrow at that time.

Because of the failure of the sexual assault and my sever health condition, Harry Wu paid more attentions on his act. He usually just stayed for half/one hour when he came to give us monthly check. I thought he realized his guilt and would not do this anymore, so I did not tell anyone about this. But since that event, I had high alert on Harry Wu; I could not allow him to hurt either me or my children.

April 2014, Zhejing democratic activists wrote a letter to Harry Wu for asking assistance to deceased famous Chinese democracy activist’s daughter C and help her come and study in US. At first Harry Wu promised and personally replied C in Email "I have received all your Emails. We have had two meetings and discussed your situation. The current conclusion listed below:

1. You are not an adult; you are not a college student; you are a minor.
2. We can arrange funds, at least $25,000.00 per year.
3. We can help you find a school.
4. According to American laws, you must have a legal financial, security and medical person in order to guarantee.
5. According to American laws, you must have a legal guardian."

However after that, Harry Wu did not contact her anymore. Finally C arrived my place through some Chinese friends’ help on the late August. September 2014, he began to give $700.00/month assistance to C.

January 15th 2015, Harry Wu sent Email, and formally announced that he stopped the assistance on A and C. During my guardian time, the total time which Harry Wu provided assistance for A is September, 2013 through December, 2014; the total time for C is September, 2014 through December, 2014.

Perhaps there is a question you want to ask: Why did Harry Wu (Hongda Wu) stop the assistance for those two children?

Everything started on December 20th 2014 at 11:00 A.M. Harry Wu called us and demanded to bring C alone to his house. I instantly refused his demand due to his sexual assault to me in 2013 and also his many obvious sexual harassment to my three girls. His evil desire already had been aware by me and my girls for a long time.

Harry Wu (Hongda Wu)’s usual inappropriate behaviors are:

(For this involved my children’s privacy, I will summarize these. The specific evidence is in our statement to court.)

1. Against three girls’ will, Harry Wu insisted to go into their rooms, and looked over and stared their closets which contain my children’s underwear and bra.

2. Took the opportunities to touch my children’s face and hip.

3. Insisted to go into my children’s room while they were still sleeping, and enforced to open their blankets while they were still on their beds.

4. Persisted to hang out with three girls alone, but refused me to go with them every time.

5. During Thanksgiving 2014 (11/28/2014) Harry Wu brought three girls to hangout and refused my appearance, neither he told me where he was going to bring them, what he was going to do, nor when he was going to take them back. He threatened my children during the hangout. On the way back, he deliberately repeated to drive in a same area to delay the time back home; until it was dark outside.

6. On the same day Harry Wu inisisted girls to drink alcohol when we had a dinner at his house (My children are all under 18 years old), and refused by me and my children immediately. Harry Wu enforced us to sleep over in his new house (the house which his wife and son were not there) meanwhile the doors of bathrooms in his house could not lock and could not even fully close. Although he agreed to let my daughter B and me leave, he still wanted A and C to stay with him over night. A and C were terrified. He finally drove us home after all of us insisted to go home.

Based on his many inappropriate behaviors, I had decided he could not bring any girls whom under my guard without my permission and appearance on November 29th 2014. But nightmare still happened soon after Thanksgiving.

In the morning of December 20th 2014, Harry Wu apparently knew I am the guardian of C. But he avoided contact with me; privately and continuously called C three times within that morning. C did not answer the phone calls and told me about this. So that I called back and asked Harry Wu what did he need? Harry Wu said he was going to pick up C soon and bring her to his house. I said if he could come to my home, or I will go with C together to his house. Harry Wu said NO, and emphasized that he needed to bring her outside ALONE (only he and C). I suddenly remembered his evil disgusting face when he tried to do sexual assault to me. I immediately rejected his demand.

My decision of refusing Harry Wu to bring C alone made him abnormally and extremely angry. First he sent Email to criticize me and threaten me that if I do not allow him to bring children outside according to his will, he will stop all the assistance. After I insisted principle response, Harry Wu sent us Email and formally announced that he stopped the assistance to these two children.

About Harry Wu stopped assistance, actually I have been prepared. Because during his assistance time period, I and my children had already been dislike, terrified or even disgusted some of Harry Wu’s behaviors. Therefore we have already been aware of him. I will not ever compromise anything on principle’s matter just because under his assistance.

For this event, I am taking the further legal action. I am so appreciate and grateful that my action received my American church, many friends and lawyers’ support!

Harry Wu, an extremely fallen person on morality, is even able to control millions dollar of Yahoo Human Right Funds, and uses his control of the funds to do some extremely evil things. This is a serious problem that must be faced for all the members of America community!

Lastly, I, a woman who is in a serious poor health condition and far away to my beloved husband, parents, family voluntarily take care of three girls by the calling of God. Their fathers are all the outstanding heroes in Chinese democratic career.

In here, I strongly appeal:

1. I hope US Congress can set up a special investigation committee, meanwhile immediately stop all the supports to Harry Wu (Hongda Wu)’s Laogai Research Foundation.

2. I hope Yahoo!'s Board of Directors can set up a special investigation committee, meanwhile immediately stop Harry Wu’s power of controlling the Yahoo! Human Right Funds.

3. I hope to get help from America Women and Children Right Protection Organizations.

4. I hope and call on everyone whom harmed by Harry Wu and whom discovered Harry Wu’s evil actions courageously stand and speak up. We should not allow this wicked person to keep doing whatever he wants and hurt more other people.

5. I hope all the Chinese democracy activists bravely and publicly criticize Harry Wu’s evil actions. We should not allow him to keep ruining Chinese democratic group’s name.

6. I hope all the democratic groups can pay more attention on Chinese political prisoners/dissidents, as well as their minor children’s difficult life. Chinese political prisoners/dissidents need attention; their children need attention too. Giving more attentions on their children’s real life situation is equal to concern and support Chinese political prisoners and dissidents themselves!

I am here, publicly accuse Harry Wu’s wicked conduct to all the public, the media and the court. If Congress or Yahoo!’s Board of Director will set up a special investigation committee, my girls and I will provide all the evidence.

As a Christian, I vow to God: everything I have said above is true!

Jing Wang February 25th 2015

(All the friends who read this, we welcome you to share this letter to others, until to the members of US Congress, Yahoo!’s Board of Director, Women and Children Rights Protection Organizations, and Democratic groups. Thank you!)

浏览(4813) (2) 评论(17)
作者:fann 留言时间:2015-03-05 18:44:03

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作者:啊哎呋唉 留言时间:2015-03-05 14:13:41
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作者:nide 留言时间:2015-03-04 17:24:30
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作者:songzifeng65 留言时间:2015-03-04 16:38:59
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作者:战忽局座 留言时间:2015-03-04 16:14:26
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作者:门香书第 留言时间:2015-03-04 15:49:23
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作者:quincy_daisy1650 留言时间:2015-03-04 15:24:57
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作者:不爱吃鱼的猫 留言时间:2015-03-04 14:56:52
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作者:不爱吃鱼的猫 留言时间:2015-03-04 14:26:21
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作者:寡人 留言时间:2015-03-04 13:55:17
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作者:战忽局座 留言时间:2015-03-04 13:50:36
美国帝国主义为了达到搞垮社会主义中国的目的,就要千方百计地制造、利用一切可以制造、利用的事件、机会和反共人士。 “六·四”至今已经整整二十五年了,“民运”分子们又按捺不住,蠢蠢欲动,最近这位劣迹斑斑、臭名远扬的莫逢杰先生,就觉得他给美国“主子”立功的机会到了,于是乎,又是发表“抗议”文章,又是呼吁“公正”和“自由”。然而,历史的规律总是不以这些先生们的意志为转移,社会主义必定战胜和代替资本主义。如果“民运”先生们胆敢再冒天下之大不韪,继续为美国“主子”充当马前卒,进行捣乱,那么类似莫逢杰的下场正等着他们呢!
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作者:瑞典茉莉 留言时间:2015-03-04 13:22:34

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作者:寡人 留言时间:2015-03-04 12:47:20
Trial by media是西方社会比较忌讳的。王菁女士为什么不先诉诸法律途径,这非常令人不解。美国不是中国,如果王菁女士真有冤情,那一般来说她应该是可以得到法律援助的,即使她还不是美国公民。茉莉能解释一下吗?我不认识吳弘達,也不会因为他是民运人士就对他有无条件的同情或信任。
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作者:瑞典茉莉 留言时间:2015-03-03 22:48:33
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作者:解牛 留言时间:2015-03-03 19:46:40
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作者:华山 留言时间:2015-03-03 17:27:06

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作者:西岸 留言时间:2015-03-03 17:05:45
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