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儿子的信 2013-07-17 20:36:56


Hi Mom. Thanks for the pictures. They look great. I understand everything you said last night before you were heading for the airport after the wedding. I’m sorry if I’m not being a good son to you. I know I never will be the son you've wanted to have. But I always want to prove to you that I can do it on my own. I don’t want you to worry about me. I know there’s nothing I can do to pay you back but all I want you to know is I love you.

妈妈:谢谢您发来的照片,太棒了。参加完我的婚礼后您在去机场前对我说的话我都心领神会。我为自己没有做到您所期望的那么好而抱歉,我知道我一直都没能做到。可是我总是想证明给您看,我能行, 您不用再为我担忧了。您的恩情我无法还报,但我想让您知道我爱您,妈妈。

I cried at the wedding because it hurt me to make you feel that I’ll belong to another woman, and we are not as close as we used to be and can’t share all kinds of things each other as we used to. I feel like, because of the marriage , a force pulling me away from you. That’s not what I wanted.


It’s not true that I treated Kassie’s family better than my own. No other family can get closer to me than Mom’s. I will always be your son and your friend. I hate myself sometimes for what I have done that hurt you…. I love you Mom. I hope you understand it is not easy to get things straight at the same time.


我恨自己曾经做过让您伤心的事…. 我是爱您的,只是同时处理某些关系对我不是件容易事。

Please don’t feel bad for what you’ve said that hurt. You are the best Mom anybody longs for. I should say I’m the luckiest kid on this plant. Let all the past be past and let’s move on forward together......you are still my friend. How could I let my closest friend go because I have a wife? I really hope you to come and see me at Lemoore CA......


For some reason I cried hard when I thought about you. I’m scared and happy for you at the same time. I’m scared to lose you in my life, I know one day I will. I’m happy for you because you are leaving a ungraceful life and will start a new one. I don’t know how many years, months, weeks, days, minutes and seconds........all I know is you did all these not because you enjoyed it or wanted to but because you had no choice. You did all these for me. You would lose your own self-esteem and exchange a better chance in life for me. No matter how many thanks I’d say to you or how many flowers I’d send you, nothing ever can compare with the great sacrifice you’ve made all those years. But I still want to thank you for never giving me up, always loving me and being there for me. I wish I can turn your life into a book and let everybody know how lucky I am to have a mother like you. You are not verbally and physically love your child; you give your soul and your heart and your life to prove your love. I've never told you about this Mom: you are the heroine in my eyes, and the greatest inspiration of my life..........When you read this email please don’t cry again. You know how much I love you and how much I’ve wanted to be by your side.....

我哭了,那是悲喜交加。我怕有一天会失去您,我知道总有一天会的;我为您高兴,因为您就要重新开始新的生活。不知过了多少年多少月,多少个分分秒秒,您在那里度过每一天,不是因为喜欢而是因为无奈。这一切都是为了我,为我有更好的生活前景和机会。无论我说多少感激的话,送多少鲜花给您,也报答不了您为我所作的万分之一。我尤其要感谢的是您从不放弃我、您的爱和您的支持。我希望自己能写一本关于您的书,让天下所有人知道,有这样的妈妈我多么地幸运。您不是用语言去爱孩子,而是用心、用生命。我从来没对您说起,您是我心目中最伟大的英雄,是激励我一生最大的动力….读到我的邮件可别再哭了。 您该知道我有多么爱您、我会多么坚定地站在您的一边…

Still remember when I was little I followed you wherever you were going? I wish I could never grow up so I could always follow you around on streets, holding all the bags for you. I wish when you were sick sometimes so I could make food for you or ride bike to the street corner to buy the staff you loved to eat, and sit on the bed next to you for your stories or just watching you. I remember you always sent me to free market for hot buns. You had your favorite crispy covers and I had the rest of it. See I still remember all those things. I wish I could turn the time backward all over again because I enjoy every minute being with you. Well Mom you get my point.........

Love you Mom!
Your son       Yiming



爱您的儿子  一鸣

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