关于武汉病毒的起源,官方,非官方,主流媒体,自媒体,太多的信息战。我个人对此从一开始就做我个人自己的研读。我想做个我个人的汇总。在这之前,我想说说人的不同的思维方式。 很多人对大小事件中的某某个人感兴趣,尤其是公开的那些个人,希望获得具体的信息来做出判断。我个人不同,我对个人不感兴趣,源于我对信息战的复杂和各种花样的理解,我个人甚至获得过一些培训。 我喜欢抽象思维,把看似不相关的事件联系起来,放在一个大的框架里来认识,并做出判断。 这里面还有另外两个原因:1,信息战下,针对个人会容易犯错,被误导,甚至会被某些别有用心或者善意执着一根筋的人用来攻击和诋毁,2,避免自己陷入个人层面的麻烦,比如分析针对的某个人碰巧是重要的人,那么会陷入很多麻烦,严重的会遭到迫害。 所以我最喜欢的是在一个framework框架下的抽象思维,也可以说是the world according to me. 我想我们人类每个人对现实和世界的认知,本来就是通过自己的感官,思维,知识,还有信仰来达成的并分享出来。我认为那些自认为自己是客观的真理代表要么是无知,要么是虚伪。
有一个非常有趣,也是人们往往忽略的事实:美国上市的所有科技巨头,华尔街所有的大银行巨头,没有一家是不亲中共的。现在绝大多数主流媒体巨头们都是亲中共的。Why?难道他们没有正义感?难道他们傻?难道他们仅仅就是为了钱?已经那么多钱了。我发现那些跟着主流亲中共媒体的narrative却高喊反中共的人很好笑。以前有useful idiots的描述, 最近听了一些人回忆里根上台要反苏的时候,那些useful idiots骂和嘲笑里根不比现在骂川普的差,基辛格当时就是其中一员。要骂川普也行,但是不能是useful idiots那样跟着主流媒体骂啊。我对川普的骂或者说要求是,don't be a bully, be a fighter. 我现在对川普的有所保留是在于很多了解川普历史的人认为,川普只会bully,遇到强硬的对手就会逃避。 所以我想对川普说:Mr.President Trump, don't force us to take the vaccine. This time, you, as a leader, must fight for the people, no other way out!
态过份了。 ? Q: After the election? Okay. You talk about the importance of timing in this decision. What was the evidence that helped you decide this issue?
BARR: I think a very important evidence here was that this was not a bona fide counterintelligence investigation – was that they were closing the investigation in December. They started that process. And on January 4th, they were closing it.
And that when they heard about the phone call, which is – the FBI had the transcripts too – there’s no question as to what was discussed. The FBI knew exactly what was discussed. And General Flynn, being the former director of the DIA, said to them, you know, “You listen, you listen to everything. You know, you know what was said.”
So there was no mystery about the call. But they initially tried some theories of how they could open another investigation, which didn’t fly. And then they found out that they had not technically closed the earlier investigation. And they kept it open for the express purpose of trying to catch, lay a perjury trap for General Flynn.
They didn’t warn him, the way we usually would be required by the Department. They bypassed the Justice Department. They bypassed the protocols at the White House and so forth. These were things that persuaded me that there was not a legitimate counterintelligence investigation going on.
美国的布朗大学的教授Stephen Kinzer写的这本书:Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, Henry Holt and Co., 2019, ISBN 978-1-250-14043-2.
呵呵,那就說謹慎樂觀吧。當初他在某次presser上說會有lots of deaths確實把我也嚇著了,現在感覺他只是在那一堆DS代表前裝傻,事實上也沒有死那麽多。現在不少企業開始宣布重開時間了,民間反封鎖的遊行也多起來,我覺得川就是在等群眾的自我覺醒,否則他性急做出激進動作會兩面被動。惡戰雖難免,主動權應該是已經在他的團隊那一邊了。 網上一些擁護他的確實出現一些嫌他太慢的論調,但對手是invisible的(至少對群眾而言),就算抓幾個前台的比如Fauci那樣的對大局反而不利。也許,他在做的最關鍵的就是切斷DS大頭們的資金來源,而且是永久性的。當然這些信息很難獲得,只有一些零星的消息,比如羅斯柴爾德家族近兩年賣掉不少豪宅,可能是cash有短缺。 疫苗的事應該不可能走到強制那一步,食品供應鏈被惡意破壞的可能倒更值得擔憂。整體缺糧應該不會,局部出問題很有可能。