我认为美国的CIA, FBI还有其它国家机构,在英国,欧盟,也许还包括中国的情报机构的配合下,把过去几十年来积累的搞颜色革命,颠覆一个国家的能力和经验拿回美国,用在美国人自己身上了。也许说几十年还是太少了。应该是从一战开始,经历二战,冷战,反伊斯兰恐怖,到反民粹,再到bio weapon, covid,接下来还会有其它。。。 美国和欧洲,中国,还有苏联和俄罗斯以及其它一些国家的这些机构,简单的说获得了巨大权力power和能力capabilities。再看军工,金融,医药,能源,和高科技信息行业跟这些机构的配合,获得资金,开发和实验,投放,然后利用政策获利的整个流程的打通。我的问题是有什么能够阻止这样的power和能力运作,使其不再继续下去?川普,拜顿,。。,Give me a Freaking break。
在我的思维中,only God can change and stop this。 但是最近我有个想法,God造人,这么多年了,人就是这样了,改不了了,也就是说这个版本的人结束了。 God恐怕在设计一种新的人,也许AI和特斯拉的马斯克就是新版本人的第一步和prototype。
我自己加一些我个人的分析观点:除了金权Cabal,美国政府也深知,美国人在高端制造业是竞争不过日本和德国的,中低端制造业不是美国人保持世界领袖地位的保障。因此必须得建立一个新的全球经济模式。尼克松访华和美元脱离金本位几乎同时发生不是偶然的,也不是narrative所描述的那样。我为什么总是强调中国的996的重要性,那是因为我的观点完全不会是follow公开的narrative,我也认为那么多关于美国和中国关系的描述和评论,基本是属于live off others被洗脑洗出来的认知。这个others就是一帮人从各个方面给人injection。delusion和illusion的区别是:前者是自身的有点器质性,后者是外来的injection。中国的改革开放,以及和美国世界的关系的narrative就是在delusion和illusion两者之间滚动的游戏。
USA the govt. owes about 23 trillions debt, and Joe will add 7 trillions, totalling 30 trillions in govt bonds Treasury bills, mainly 10years denomination. Currently 10 years yield is about 1.5%, which means the usa govt will pay about 500 billions in interest every year out of budget. The govt in the best year, 2019, collecting 3 trillions revenue. What has been happening and will happen in my judgment, is the govt. can not allow the interest rate to go any higher, let's say, if the 10 years yield gets higher to 3%, even 5%, which is typically normal rate, the govt will need to pay half of the revenue as debt interest payment, which basically shows the govt insolvent, bankrupt. Not only losing face and credit, but can not change laws on the book to fool people, because the usa govt is not the Chinese govt yet, can not fudge number that easy.
I think they will have to inflate aka printing much more us dollar to get out of debt problem, and until they get the financial house in order, they will keep getting people into circuses, and I also believe they give up trying to be growing out of debt problem, thus, no more trumpy. They will not be able to execute any other agenda items, including anti-china measures.
We are on the same page. I believe you would also agree with me that British started this whole global expansion with resounding success, that was the main reason and the for lesson Japanse wanting to conquer the whole asia and beyond. Guess what the British and the Japanse are in common? They both are island nations, the more I study the real history, the more I am fascinated by the grand vision from these two Island nations. I firmly believe the USA situation is the British design in a large way.
My real point is 消灭共产主义是很容易的,而且好几次机会,why that did not happen?我的答案一是,要追溯到为什么会产生共产主义 in the first place,二是,smart people搞capitalism早就知道需要共产主义,资本主义才会更赚钱。三是,后来到现在的所谓反共都是马戏团游戏耍人的narrative。
而且海绵的作用就是不要让它灵活流动,否则就失去了海绵吸的作用,人们通常说蓄水池作用,让水脏或者烂掉,bill gates反正买了美国大量的土地,哈哈!据说Antifa和BLM去年砸的地方是property被贱卖的游戏,可以查一查谁是现在那些被砸的地方的owners,I bet something was going on like that。
不一定。比特币的用电量是吓人的。but I am sure they will innovate a new thing, a perpetual game。这就是美国西方创新的本质。杀死God后,this is what has been happening, will be in the future, only God can change this。 把多印的钱引进一个海绵体只是one side of the same coin, the other side is who is doing the production of goods and service, how to control the inflation in the real economy, Thus China 996.
我是这么看:美元原来也不是就为美国,同时还延伸出一个一个eurodollar.The term eurodollar refers to U.S. dollar-denominated deposits at foreign banks or at the overseas branches of American banks. Because they are held outside the United States, eurodollars are not subject to regulation by the Federal Reserve Board, including reserve requirements. Dollar-denominated deposits not subject to U.S. banking regulations were originally held almost exclusively in Europe (hence, the name eurodollar). Now, they are also widely held in branches located in the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands.
过去几十年,到底是eurodollar在幕后的作用大,还是美联储公开的Dollar action作用大, no one knows。我得研究告诉我,幕后的作用更大。now,why replacing 这个幕后的eurodollar系统,how?能不能成功?my guess, no way it will be a smooth transition. 因此他们会试继续印美元,看看通胀是不是会是一个问题,比特币的疯涨就是一个把印的钱引出消费市场。我是紧盯着这个幕后的eurodollar系统,offshore,没有法律监控的。I bet chinese has been playing the eurodollar game, maybe they want to change the name, not called eurodollar, but China-Euro yuan dollar.