好,最后,我说一下,量子力学给科学带来的根本的启发。人们经常讲科学在于实证。就从电子来说。物理界,Heisenberg Uncertainty法则,早就得出结论,测量电子,你不能同时测量一个电子的位置和这个电子的momentum。“How does knowing which slit the electron passed through change the pattern? The answer is fundamentally important—measurement affects the system being observed. Information can be lost, and in some cases it is impossible to measure two physical quantities simultaneously to exact precision. For example, you can measure the position of a moving electron by scattering light or other electrons from it. Those probes have momentum themselves, and by scattering from the electron, they change its momentum in a manner that loses information. There is a limit to absolute knowledge, even in principle.”
will, fate都是人用来作为一种表达。也就是你说的一体两面,但是是以人为中心。我只是跳出来,因为人的意识,you are the whole world, the whole world is you。我经常说我是活在自己的世界里,就是想说明,世界是through my eyes, ears and through 我的感知。但是那是不够的,人需要跟自然,别的人互动,交流,那是love的最高境界。但是这一切还是在一个setup和系统里才能展开,宗教在我看来只是某一个setup,仅此而已。
Wow, fate vs. will, sounds like a dilemma from dualism. Although I tend to be agnostic about many things myself, the overlapping of those two might be very significant.
(weird, Microsoft Pinyin input is broken tonight on my work laptop, my free will of typing Chinese tonight is defeated by a fate. Who is doing this to me? Just kidding, I think I'm just too lazy to fix it before I decide to sleep, which happens to be another will of accepting the fate that human races need sleep)
No, 我不认为个人的作用有多大,我素来说的是个人需要尽力,而不是认为个人能起多大作用。尽力是对上帝负责,尽本分,上帝是掌权者。甚至连领袖,我是从神兴起这些人来看,如果不是张三会是李四,都是神手中的工具,deliver或judge的。
我们最大的分歧是我信耶稣基督,你还不信。我认为只有信和不信之别,没有纯与不纯说法。我自己也是从完全不信,到对神有各种看法,比如我曾经认为神是一种high energy 的某种存在诸如此类,虽然我那时已经受洗了,但我没有encounter God,神是我脑子中通过imagination create的存在,这和经历神之后完全更新认知是完全不一样的。
这恐怕是你我最大的分歧。我对个人的作用从来都不会“夸大”, 个人是渺小的,无足轻重的。是集体,是setup造成所有的人间问题。恰恰,我的疑问在于是setup的original intention,比如slavery。我说的生儿养老,不是指人间常情,而是指一种机制,一个setup,intended goal,那是slavery,我并不是说好还是不好,只是指出what it is.
在我看来,C. S. Lewis和他的同类的伟大还是单一的。他们的局限在于在setup里面,不能从setup外面来看。tyranny是setup的产物,也是creation的产物,是creation setup造成的。至于多种不同的tyranny,其实恰好说明了,creation也可能是多种的。tyranny creation,比如用usury来控制人,我认为不能仅仅就用一个setup里的sin来理解,也许creation setup就是有一种tyranny分类的。这不更能解释they do so with the approval of their own conscience?
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
现在无论是基督教的异化还是其他各类spirituality, 无非是换话题,将人类不能面对的God要求人对自己的sin承担accountability的主题换成其他话题——人类是否可以自救?从sin的角度来说,当然不能,born in sin, 想脱离sin, how?基督教信仰带来的信息是信耶稣让神重生——born again.