悠小子写东西,能懒则懒,能不写就不写。遇到躲不过去的,也很“抠”,能省则省。 夏天出门转了那么一大圈,回来后,手巧的丫丫,不用点拨,不用眼色,哗啦啦几篇游记就定稿了。然后铺开场子,开始剪贴排版,装点游记相册。悠小子在边上晃来晃去,游手好闲,我说:儿子啊,你也写点游记啥的,让姐姐在相册里给你腾块地儿,贴上去,也算是你俩的teamwork哈。 小子翻眼看了看俺,知道赖是赖不过去了,然后乖乖地把身子挪到计算机前,打开文件,小手噼里啪啦一通,不出半小时,就交差来了。 “Are you ready to explore national parks? You are about to see the stops we made! The first stop we made was the Badlands, a beautiful national park. Next stop, Crazy Horse! The name of the person on the mountain is named Thasunke Witko. We still have a lot of more stops to go! Next stop is Mt. Rushmore! The faces on Mt. Rushmore are Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson. Ooh, look, it is Devil’s Tower! Devils’ Tower is 1267 feet tall and on top of Belle Fourche River. Finally, we’re here at Yellowstone National Park! It was American’s first National Park and it is the first time we spent three days there. We even saw a brown and black bear. There were tons of geyer’s and Old-Faith-WHAT?! THERE’S A BISON ON THE ROAD! Man I need to take a picture of this! Wait a second….What Mommy?! A cowboy show in Jackson Hole! Oh boy! Did you hear that we are going to a cowboy show in Jackson Hole? In Utah we went to a Mormon church. It is also known as Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-saints. Hey look at the sign! We’re in Zion National Park! It was my personal favorite because there are steep mountains made of dirt. Bryce Canyon is a canyon and there are a bunch of rocky things that look like poles down there! They are called hoodoos. Last stop: Arches National Park! Arches National Park is a place where there are big stone arches shaped like half of a circle. It was a very fun and exciting trip to all the national parks we went to! ” 儿子的大作不禁让我莞尔,咋就觉得俺们像蚂蚱呢?一蹦一跳的,一路上。 丫丫一如既往地很照顾弟弟,花了近两个星期精心制作的50页游记相册,卷首语的位置就让给了弟弟。 上周孩子们开学了,小子回家后,带着兴奋,向俺宣告:Mommy,I am so excited I am a third grader. I am going to write third grade sentences from now on。 看来,学校老师的话就是中听。 俺疑惑着呐,问儿子:“什么样的句子才像是三年级的呢?” 就是不要什么都是“I like to…”“I want to…”。 哦。那你说一句三年级的句子给妈妈听吧。 “Two squirrels are strolling in our backyard.” 嗯,有点意思。 昨天,小子从学校带回来在课堂上写的句子:On rainy days, I like to stay inside and look out the window to see the rain strike the porch. I also watch the puddles get bigger and bigger. 小子说,三年级的句子就像这个样子。呵呵,俺好像也被儿子的句子strike了一下,管它像不像的,先收藏了再说。 |