| 2024-2-27
前蘇聯最偉大的植物生理學家季米利亞捷夫 Kliment Arkadievich Timiryazev(1843-1920) |
著名的農業化學家普良什尼柯夫 Dmitry Nikolayevich Pryanishnikov(1865-1945)
Dmitry Nikolaevich Pryanishnikov(6 November 1865 — 30 April 1948) was an agrochemist, biochemist, and plant physiologist, founder of the Soviet scientific school in agronomic chemistry. Hero of Socialist Labor (1945). Winner of Lenin Prize (1926), Stalin Prize (1941), and Timiryazev Prize (1945). Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929) and the Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1936), corresponding member of the French Academy of Sciences, founder and director of the Scientific Institute for Fertilizers chemicalization of the national economy. Notable for decency and civil courage. For example, for several years he tried to rescue a geneticist Nikolai Vavilov from prison, for this he sought a personal reception from Beria and his deputy Kobulov, wrote several letters to Stalin, and also presented Vavilov who was imprisoned award and put forward his candidacy for election to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
大名鼎鼎紅極一時備受斯大林和李森科推崇的前蘇聯園藝學家米丘林 (Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin, 1855 - 1935) |
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被迫害致死並取而代之的前蘇聯列寧農業科學院院長 植物育種學家巴維洛夫(1887 - 1943) 和 取代他的學生李森科(Trofim Lysenko, 1898-1976) |