You had mentioned the recent falling of American's school education. How recent? recent months, recent years or recent decade? I am not living in USA so I probably not in a good position to make any concrete comment. However, from time to time, I heard of the "No Child Left Behind" policy promoted by Obama. And the reality is, every children stay behind, apparently this is the easiest solution or implementation for "No Child Left Behind".
Therefore, when you said "recent", could that mean "No Child Left Behind" is a starting point?
您提到最近美國學校教育的下降。 最近多久? 最近幾個月、最近幾年還是最近十年? 我不住在美國,所以我可能無法做出任何具體評論。 然而,我時不時聽到歐巴馬推行的「不讓一個孩子掉隊」政策。 而現實是,每個孩子都留守,顯然這是「不讓一個孩子掉隊」最簡單的解決方案或實施方式。