我们家领导对任何事都精益求精,喜欢鸡蛋里面挑骨头。抱怨说洛杉矶华美博物馆做的不够好,没有把洛杉矶最著名的华人迪斯尼动画师黄齐耀(Tyrus Wong,1910-2016)单独陈列展览。当在博物馆里碰到关荣熙的女儿关佳芮时,还不适时宜地问,您爸爸是画小鹿斑比的那个人吗?关女答曰:不是。
黄齐耀和他的女儿Kim在2014年的MOCA年度传承慈善晚宴上,美国华人博物馆(MOCA)机构档案。 |
Before he became an artist named Tyrus Wong, he was a boy named Wong Geng Yeo. He traveled across a vast ocean from China to America with only a suitcase and a few papers. Not papers for drawing which he loved to do but immigration papers to start a new life. Once in America, Tyrus seized every opportunity to make art, eventually enrolling at an art institute in Los Angeles. Working as a janitor at night, his mop twirled like a paintbrush in his hands. Eventually, he was given the opportunity of a lifetime—and using sparse brushstrokes and soft watercolors, Tyrus created the iconic backgrounds of Bambi.