张戎的历史小说三部曲中,2019年才出版的《宋氏三姐妹》(Big Sister, Little Sister,Red Sister)是其中写得最不上心的一部。为什么这样说呢?因为有关宋氏三姐妹的资料汗牛充栋,百无禁忌,老百姓也耳详能熟,多少都知道那么一点,又是三个人,顾此失彼,勉为其难,除非是像罗贯中施耐庵那样一等一的高手,写好了不容易。
Ching-ling did cherish and show an uncommon fondness for her chief bodyguard, Sui Xue-fang. Sui was a handsome young man, a good shot, a skilled driver, a talented photographer and a gifted dancer. At Ching-ling's parties, when she occasionally danced, he was her partner. More often they played chess and billiards together. Ching-ling, who was generally kind and considerate to her staff, perhaps treated Sui like the son she could never have. Also, she was also affectionate to Sui's deputy, Jin Shan-wang, who she fondly nicknamed him Cannon. She taught Jin how to play the piano, and even deputised him to make informal speeches on her behalf. The two young men competed for her affection, sometimes in a petulant and wilful way. And she would act vivaciously and mischievously like a young woman. The atmosphere in Ching-ling's household took on the semblance of a family, with affection and laughter, as well as sulks and rows. Gossip was inevitable, but in this case, most unusually, it spread to the general public.
Ching-ling’s affection for her chief bodyguard, Sui Xue-fang, was crystal clear—he definitely held a special place in her heart. With his charm and an impressive list of talents, he was hard not to adore. He was a top-notch marksman, a skilled driver, a talented photographer, and an incredible dancer. At her lively parties, when the mood struck for dancing, he was always the one she picked as her partner. But more often, the two would have a blast competing in games of chess or billiards, simply enjoying each other’s company. Ching-ling, always warm and caring with her staff, treated Sui like the son she never had.
Her affection also extended to his right-hand man, Jin Shan-wang, who she affectionately dubbed “Cannon.” She took delight in teaching him to play the piano and often asked him to speak at informal events on her behalf.
The playful competition between the two young men for her attention added a fun, spirited energy to her household. Ching-ling, with her feisty personality, would lean into the rivalry, teasing them both and behaving like a young woman caught up in their little tug-of-war. Her home was like a big, happy family, full of warmth, laughter, and the occasional playful squabble. It wasn’t long before their lively dynamic became the talk of the town, sparking gossip and curiosity among the public.
Qing-ling harbored a deep and rare affection for her chief bodyguard, Sui Xue-fang, a young man of striking abilities. Handsome, a skilled marksman, an expert driver, a talented photographer, and a gifted dancer, Sui’s versatility impressed her greatly. At her gatherings, whenever she danced, he was invariably her partner. But their relationship went far beyond mere social occasions—they frequently spent time together playing chess and billiards. Qing-ling, known for her kindness and consideration toward her staff, seemed to regard Sui as the son she had never borne.
Her fondness extended to Sui’s deputy, Jin Shan-wang, whom she affectionately dubbed “Cannon.” She not only taught him to play the piano but also trusted him with delivering informal speeches in her stead. Both young men vied for her attention, sometimes displaying a rivalry marked by youthful petulance. Despite this competition, Qing-ling responded with an effervescent energy, displaying a vivacity and mischief that reflected her youthful spirit.
Her household took on the feel of a close-knit family, with moments of warmth, laughter, but also the occasional tension, disagreements, and sulks. Inevitably, such personal dynamics, marked by affection and rivalry, could not remain hidden, and rumors about the relationships within her inner circle soon began to spread beyond the confines of her home.
张戎的语感太糟糕,把俚语和正轨场合的书面语混在一起,好像是把芝士放在火锅里一样,不伦不类,明显地把她脑袋瓜里意思从中文生硬地翻译成英文。完全没有英文写作必须具备的英文思路。在英文环境待久了,这种能力就自然养成了,可张戎却不具备这种能力。比如说“... cherish and show an uncommon fondness for her" 这句话的语义无论是中文还是英文都狗屁不通,先得有爱,才会珍惜,应该是 “she showed a fondness for ..and she cherished it."
再举一例,“Shan-wang, who she fondly nicknamed him Cannon.” 这是什么英文? 许国璋英语第一册语法错误。
清末民国历史人物的名字,历史学家大都沿用旧式韦式拼法。比如 Sun Yat-shek. Chiang Kai-shek, 宋庆龄的英文名字是 “Soong Ching-ling,很少有用拼音的。这是习惯俗成。戎大妈明显不知道这一点。