1937年以后的上海外滩 |
1934年以前的上海外滩 |
1926年中国银行发行的纸币上就是上海德总会俱乐部大楼(Bank of China banknote with former Concordia Club)。
The former Concordia Club was located on 23 the Bund, between the Palace hotel and the British Consulate. The 6 storeys building stood out on the Bund, showing the might and power of the German Empire in Shanghai. It was also a few meters from the Monument dedicated to the Iltis, a German ship that sunk off the China coast in 1898. It was demolished in 1935 to make way for the new Bank of China tower on the Bund.
这座中西合璧的中国银行大楼,1934年始建,1937年建成。由中国第一代老建筑师陆谦受(Luke Him Sau/Lu Qianshou,1904–1991)和公和洋行共同完成,是外滩唯一一座华人参与设计的临江大楼。The Shanghai Bank of China was Luke’s 25th building since arriving in Shanghai seven years earlier.
大江东去浪淘尽千古风流人物,国人喜新厌旧春秋笔法选择性记忆,现在大家都知道和崇拜华人大建筑师贝聿铭,没几个人记得陆谦受,更没有人记得也不愿意记得对大上海做出了突出贡献并和陆谦受一起合作设计中银大厦的洋人建筑师乔治-威尔森(George Leopold Wilson,1880 -)了。
The East-meets-West building was also an East-West cooperation co-drafted by George Wilson of Palmer & Turner and British-trained Chinese architect Luke Him Sau, or Lu Qianshou. George Leopold Wilson was one of the architects of Bund historical building. He had along and distinguished career in the Far East. Born on November 1, 1880 he began his career when he was articled to H. W. Peck Architects, London, in 1898. During his time as assistant to E. B. J. Cluson from 1901-1908 he made frequent trips to France and Italy. His love of new places and challenges saw him leave England’s shores in 1908 to take up an assistant’s post with Palmer and Turner in Hong Kong. Wilson accompanied Lt. Col.M. H. Logan to Shanghai in 1912 to open a branch office where they both became partners in 1914.