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來自西方玩泥巴的人 2024-03-05 20:42:33


西方國家玩泥巴的大家數不勝數車載斗量,可是都沒有玩出什麽新花樣。只有一個奧地利人卡爾特察基(Karl von Terzaghi,1883-1964)例外,因爲他出神入化,把泥巴玩到了麻省理工學院和哈佛大學的講臺上了,又巧奪天工,從書本中深入到實際應用中,所以被稱爲泥巴力學之父。1983年,在他誕辰100周年之際,奧地利囯專門出了一枚紀念郵票,使他成為整個西半球自李比希之後,第一位真正因玩泥巴而上了郵票的人。





要説德國的尤斯图斯·冯·李比希(Justus von Liebig,1803-1873),是一位化學家,本來不稀罕玩泥巴,可是因爲名氣大聰明絕頂人緣又好,儅佛萊德·霍爾(Friedrich Wöhler,1800-1882)開始玩泥巴的時候,就也非得把李比希拉去一起玩。李比希在1840年的時候寫過一本書,談他撒尿玩泥巴的心得,書名就叫做化學在農業和生理學上的應用,在大國也有翻譯,還是譯自俄文的版本,哥倆隨隨便便就在尿騷中發現了尿素與尿素的人工合成,從而奠定了化肥工業的基礎,因而分別被稱爲農業化學之父和有機化學之父。

Barón Justus von Liebig (Darmstadt, 12 de mayo de 1803-Múnich, 18 de abril  de 1873) fue un químico alemán, considerado uno de los pioneros en el  estudio de la q…


GERMANY/STAMPS, 1953 - PERSONALITIES - JUSTUS VON LIEBIG, CHEMICAL  (1803-18739 - YV 52 - 1 VALUE - HINGED - Filatelia Kevorkian


Amazon.com: FRD (FR.Germany) 2337 (Complete.Issue.) unmounted Mint/Never  hinged ** MNH 2003 Liebig (Stamps for Collectors) : Toys & Games


Justus von Liebig and Friedrich Wöhler | Science History Institute

Introduction to Organic Chemistry | PPT


First Day Cover 100. Death Day Friedrich Wöhler Chemist 1800-1882 Bonn - Picture 1 of 2

Stamps International


其實早在李比希和霍爾之前,就有另外的一位德國人,名叫小蘇秀兒(Albrecht daniel Thaer,1752-1828)的,是公認最早拉屎撒尿和泥的始作俑者,小蘇秀兒認爲泥巴儅中的腐殖酸,也就是屎巴,是植物生長最需要的養料,並樂此不彼,因此被稱爲現代農業和有機農業之父。小蘇秀兒的頭像,早在1929-1945年閒就出現在了德國紙幣馬克之上。二戰之後,先是東德人于1977年,在小蘇秀兒誕辰225周年的時候出郵票紀念他。然後是統一之後的聯邦德國,在2002年小蘇秀兒誕辰250周年的時候,再一次發行郵票紀念他。

Germany - 10 Reichsmark - Albrecht Thaer - 1929-1945 - with Belgian stamp :  r/WorldPaperMoney
13 Albrecht Daniel Thaer Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects, & Vectors |  Shutterstock
Datei:Stamp Germany 2002 MiNr2255 Albrecht Daniel Thaer.jpg – Wikipedia


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作者:席琳 留言时间:2024-03-06 19:42:33


The Engineer and the Scandal gives an in-depth study into an important part of the development of the Theory of Porous Media as well as the amazing story of the glittering life of Professor Karl von Terzaghi. It provides an outline of the bitter dispute between him and Professor Paul Fillunger, both working at the Technische Hochschule of Vienna, Austria, in the fields of soil mechanics and technical mechanics during the 1930s

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作者:席琳 留言时间:2024-03-06 19:37:25

As I pondered what to write this year, I perused a couple of books and ended up looking through my copy of Richard Goodman’s “Karl Terzaghi – The Engineer as Artist”. Among the many stories and accounts, I found this passage recounting an incident in the late 1950s (Ch. 17, pp245):

At this critical time, the world was reminded of the terrible consequences of dam failure when Board member Andre Coyne’s Malpassat Dam failed in France, causing more than 400 deaths (in Frejus, very near Ruth’s 1939 refuge on the French Riviera). It failed on the initial filling of the reservoir due to geological weakness in one of the rock abutments of the very thin concrete arch.Later Karl would express sever criticism of the decision to bold such a structure on a geologically inadequate site. But now he comforted his distraught colleague, writing that “failures of this kind are, unfortunately, essential and inevitable links in the chain of progress in the realm of engineering, because there are no other means for detecting the limits to the validity of our concepts and procedures…. The torments which you experienced should at least be tempered by the knowledge that the sympathies of your colleagues in the engineering profession will be coupled with their gratitude for the benefits which they have derived from your bold pioneering.”

Throughout the book, Goodman does an excellent job of showing the different facets of Terzaghi, and this is no exception. He had a reputation of being a tough, direct, and straight-forward engineer that did not pull punches. Here we see a somewhat softer side as he comforts a colleague, who was an expert in his own right.

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作者:席琳 回复 席琳 留言时间:2024-03-06 19:28:32

4. Terzaghi Mecanica de Suelos.pdf

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作者:席琳 回复 Siubuding 留言时间:2024-03-06 19:26:04

謝謝!Terzaghi Dam, originally named Mission Dam, is located in the Bridge River valley approximately 45 km upstream of its confluence with the Fraser River. It is a 55 m high earth and rockfill dam that impounds the Carpenter Lake reservoir. Water from the reservoir is conveyed through two tunnels into steel penstocks to a powerhouse on Seton Lake approximately 410 m in elevation below. Karl Terzaghi designed the dam. Site construction monitoring was carried out by Ripley and Associates (primarily Cyril Leonoff and Mark Olsen). Terzaghi Dam was arguably Terzaghi’s most challenging project with considerable post-construction settlement predicted and the need for a massive grout curtain, unprecedented at the time, to cut off deep pervious soils. After Terzaghi died in 1963, a commemorative issue of Géotechnique was published with just one technical paper Terzaghi and Lacroix, 1964). Terzaghi Dam was chosen for the commemorative issue because of the profound difficulties in understanding and adapting to the complex foundation conditions beneath the dam. In the words of Arthur Casagrande, “This project demanded more extensive use of Terzaghi’s experience and professional knowledge ... than any other single consulting assignment”. Mission Dam was renamed Terzaghi Dam, in 1965. The dam is owned and operated by BC Hydro.

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作者:Siubuding 留言时间:2024-03-05 21:27:31

The American Society of Civil Engineers established in 1960 the Karl Terzaghi Award to an "author of outstanding contributions to knowledge in the fields of soil mechanics, subsurface and earthwork engineering, and subsurface and earthwork construction."[15] The Terzaghi and Peck Library, which is managed by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, in Oslo, Norway, holds an extensive collection of his papers.

The Mission Dam in British Columbia, Canada, was renamed in his honor as the Terzaghi Dam in 1965.


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