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卡尔·马克思的成魔之路(完) 2009-10-27 14:05:02

Solzhenitsyn 在其巨著《古拉格群岛》中揭示,苏联内务部长 Yagoda 的嗜好, 就是脱光衣服,赤身裸体地射击耶稣和众圣的画像。他的两个同志也参与了这种行动。这是共产党高层举行的又一个撒殚教仪式。

Solzhenitsyn reveals in his monumental Gulag Archipelago that the hobby of Yagoda, the Soviet Union's minister of interior affairs, was to undress and, naked, shoot at images of Jesus and the saints. A couple of comrades joined him in this. Another Satanist ritual practiced in Communist high places!


Why should men allegedly representing the proletariat shoot at the image of Jesus, a proletarian, or the virgin Mary, a poor woman?

一些基督教五旬宗(Pentecostalism)信徒讲述了一件二战期间发生在俄国的事:他们的一位传教士曾为别人驱魔,那个魔鬼离开附身之人 时,恐吓道:“我会报仇的。” 数年后,那位驱魔的五旬宗传教士因信仰而被枪决了。执行枪决的军官在扣动扳机前说:“现在我们扯平了。”

Some Pentecostal Christians recall an incident that took place in Russia during World War II. One of their preachers had exorcised a devil who threatened, upon leaving the possessed, "I will take revenge." Several years later the Pentecostal preacher who had performed the exorcism was shot for his faith. The officer who executed him said just before pulling the trigger, "Now we are even."


Are Communist officers sometimes possessed by devils? Do they perhaps serve as Satan's instruments of revenge against Christians who seek to overthrow his throne? There is no doubt.

在俄国,在斯大林纪念日,一些共产党员在警局的地窖里杀了一批无辜的人。血腥屠杀之后,其中一名党徒有了点想法,他逐一对那些尸体道歉:“我不是 故意这样做的。我并不认识你。和我说话吧,离开吧,宽恕我吧。” 随后,他被一位同志杀掉了。另有一人后来信了神,他叙述了这件事。

In Russia, in Stalin's day, some Communists killed a number of innocents in the cellars of the police. After their bloody deed, one of the henchmen had second thoughts and went from corpse to corpse, apologizing: "I did not intend to do this. I don't know you. Speak to me, move, forgive me." One of his comrades then killed him. A third was converted and later related the incident.

法国的一份俄文杂志《Russkaia Misl》于 1975 年 3 月 13 日报导了一件发生在苏联的事:

Russkaia Misl, a Russian-language magazine in France, reported (March 13, 1975) the following from the Soviet Union:

俄国的 D. Profirevitch 有一对儿女,从小就被他培养成信神的人。自然,孩子们必须到共产党的学校去上学。他女儿十二岁时,有一天回家便对父母说:“宗教是资产阶级的迷信。我们生 活在新时代。” 她完全抛弃了基督教。后来,她加入了共产党,并成为一名秘密警察。这对她父母是一个可怕的打击。

D. Profirevitch, in Russia, had a daughter and a son whom he brought up in the faith. Naturally, they had to attend Communist schools. At the age of twelve the daughter came home and told her parents, "Religion is a capitalist superstition. We are living in new times." She dropped Christianity altogether. Afterwards she joined the Communist Party and became a member of the Secret Police. This was a terrible bow to her parents.

随后,她的母亲被捕了。在共产党统治下,没人能拥有任何东西 --- 无论是孩子、妻子还是个人自由。国家政权能随时夺走你的所有。

Later the mother was arrested. Under Communist rule no one possesses anything, whether it be children, a wife, or personal liberty. The state can take them away at any time.

母亲被捕后,她的儿子大为哀痛。一年后,他上吊自杀了。D. Profirevitch 找到了这样一份自绝书:

“爸爸,你会审判我吗?我是共产主义青年团的一名成员。我被迫签字保证,要向苏维埃政权报告一切事情。一天,警察召唤我,姐姐 Varia 叫我签署一份告发妈妈的文书,因为妈妈是基督徒,所以被认定为反革命分子。我签了。我为妈妈的被捕而内疚。现在他们命令我刺探你,接着将会发生同样的事。 请原谅我,爸爸,我决定去死。”

After the mother's arrest, the son exhibited great sorrow A year later he hanged himself. D. Profirevitch found this suicide letter:

Father, will you judge me? I am a member of the Communist youth organization. I had to sign that I would report everything to the Soviet authorities. One day the police called me, and Varia, my sister, asked me to sign a denunciation against Mother because as a Christian she is considered a counter-revolutionist. I signed. I am guilty of her imprisonment. Now they have ordered me to spy on you. The consequence will be the same. Forgive me, Father; I have decided to die.


The suicide of the son was followed by the jailing of the father.

Zynoviy Kovalyk 牧师于 1941 年被布尔什维克抓捕,并禁闭于乌克兰 Lviv 的 Brygidka 监狱。同年,当德国人赶走布尔什维克之后,该城居民发现,那位牧师全身血迹斑斑被钉在墙上,手脚上穿着钉子,仿似耶稣受难一般。他们还找到约六千名被屠杀 的囚犯,都是颈背中弹的。布尔什维克把这些尸体放在地窖,在尸体上堆放了大量东西,再用石膏覆盖。

Priest Zynoviy Kovalyk was arrested by the Bolsheviks in the year 1941 and was confined in the Brygidka jail in Lviv, Ukraine. When the Germans put the Bol-sheviks to flight that same year, the people of the city found the priest's blood-stained body nailed to the wall by the arms and legs, as if it were the crucified Lord. They also found about six thousand massacred prison-ers, shot in the nape of the neck, whom the Bolsheviks had piled on top of each other in the cellars and covered over with plaster.

Lviv 城于 1941 年 6 月底被德国人占领后,美国的 O. Sas-Yavorsky 博士去那里找他被囚的父亲,并在监狱中见到一位被钉在十字架上的牧师。共产党剖开了他的腹部,把一个尚未出生的胎儿放入其中。胎儿是从一位孕妇肚里取出 的,那孕妇的尸体就躺在浸透了血的地板上。另一些目击者认出,这位牧师就是著名的传教士 Kovalyk。

Dr. O. Sas-Yavorsky (U.S.A.), after the capture of Lviv by the Germans near the end of June 1941, went searching for his imprisoned father and saw in the jail a priest nailed to a cross. Into his slashed stomach the Communists had placed the body of an unborn baby, taken from the womb of its mother, whose corpse lay on the blood-soaked floor. Other eyewitnesses recog-nized that this was the body of the renowned missionary Father Kovalyk.



Generally, to the Communists human life is cheap. Lenin wrote during the civil war,

It would be a shame not to shoot men for not obeying the draft and avoiding mobilization. Report more often about the results.


During the Spanish civil war, Communists killed four thousand Catholic priests.

著名的俄国东正教牧师 Dudko 报导,六名共产党员闯进了 Nicholas Tchardjov 神父的家,拨掉了他的头发,挖出了他的眼睛,在他身上砍了许多刀,再用一砣铁压住他,然后两枪将他射杀。此事发生于圣尼古拉纪念日前夕,它不仅是针对牧师的罪行,更是对圣人的嘲弄。

A renowned Russian Orthodox priest named Dudko reported that six Communists entered the house of Father Nicholas Tchardjov, pulled out his hair, gouged out his eyes, made many cuts on his body, passed a pressing iron over it, then shot him with two bullets. This happened on the Eve of St. Nicholas. It was not only a crime against the priest, but also a mockery of the saint.

西方出版社于 1983 年 3 月 10 日报导,在津巴布韦,共产独裁者 Mugabe 的军队杀害了三千名 Ndebele 部落的人。此军队是北韩指导员训练出来的。军队命令该部落的人射杀自己成年的儿子,若有不从,就将他们连同儿子一齐射杀。

The Western press reported on March 10, 1983, that in Zimbabwe three thousand of the Ndebele tribe were killed by the soldiers of the Communist dictator Mugabe. The army had been trained by North Korean instructors. Tribe members were asked to shoot their grown-up sons themselves; if they refused, they were shot along with their sons.

杀死政敌、发动战争、煽动革命,甚至大屠杀,这些证明了人类的罪。但是,俄国共产党员们,在屠杀了数以百万计的敌人之后,又用暴力对付他们的友 伴,包括他们最显赫的同志、革命的主要领袖们,都不能幸免。这就是撒殚教的印记:它的革命不是为达到某一目标,而是为革命而革命,为杀而杀。这就是马克思 所说的 “永远的革命”。

To kill political enemies, to make war and stir up revolution - even with mass killings - proves human sinfulness. But the Russian Communists, having killed millions of their enemies, turned their violence against even their friends, including their most illustrious comrades, the chief perpetrators of their revolution. This is the seal of Satanism. It is revolution not for attaining a goal, but revolution and killing for killing's sake, what Marx called "the permanent revolution."

1917 年是革命之年,那年苏维埃共产党中央委员会的 29 名成员中,仅四人有幸得享天年,四人之一死后还被宣布为“革命的敌人”;13人被他们自己的同志处死或蒸发了;2人因深受斯大林迫害而自杀。

Of twenty-nine members and candidates in the Central Committee of the Soviet Communists in 1917, the year of the revolution, only four had the good fortune to depart this life before being deprived of it. One of the four was posthumously declared "an enemy of the revolution." Thirteen were sentenced to death by their own comrades or disappeared. Two were so persecuted by Stalin that they committed suicide.


To be a criminal or a Mafioso is a heinous human sin, but the Satanic goes beyond even what the Mafia allows.

Tomasso Buscetta 是西西里黑手党的代表。他做了警方的线人,透露了黑手党的罪行。他说:


Tomasso Buscetta, a representative of the Sicilian Mafia, who became a police informer and revealed the crimes of that organization, said:

Crime is a necessity that one cannot avoid, but that always has a reason. With us gratuitous crime, which is an end in itself or the result of an individual impulse, is excluded. We exclude, for example, "transversal vendetta," i.e., the calculated killing of someone near the target of our crime, such as a wife, children, or relatives.


Satanic crime is of another order. For the Communists it was a matter of course to imprison and torture the family members of a person they considered guilty.


Marxism is not an ordinary sinful human ideology. It is Satanic in its manner of sinning, as it is Satanic in the teachings it purveys.
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