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卡尔·马克思的成魔之路(五) 2009-10-20 11:31:23


Shifting now from Engels to Marx, Marx's whole attitude and conversation were Satanic in nature.

他是犹太人,却写了一本反犹太的书,名叫《犹太问题》。1856 年,他在《纽约论坛报》的《俄国贷款》一文中写道:


Though a Jew, he wrote a pernicious anti-Jewish book called The Jewish Question. In 1856, he wrote in The New York Tribune an article entitled "The Russian Loan," in which we read:

"We know that behind every tyrant stands a Jew, as a Jesuit stands behind every Pope. As the army of the Jesuits kills every free thought, so the desire of the oppressed would have chances of success, the usefulness of wars incited by capitalists would cease, if it were not for the Jews who steal the treasures of mankind. It is no wonder that 1856 years ago Jesus chased the usurers from the Jerusalem temple. They were like the contemporary usurers who stand behind tyrants and tyrannies. The majority of them are Jewish. The fact that the Jews have become so strong as to endanger the life of the world causes us to disclose their organization, their purpose, that its stench might awaken the workers of the world to fight and eliminate such a canker."


Did Hitler say anything worse than this?


Strangely, Marx also wrote to the contrary, in [i[The Capital[/i[, Volume I, under the heading "The Capitalist Character of Manufacture": "In the front of the chosen people it was written that they are the property of Jehovah."


《资本论》英译版 -- 第一卷·第十四章:


所引文字在第五节:The Capitalistic Character of Manufacture,译法稍有不同。

许多犹太人共产主义者效仿马克思仇视犹太人。Ruth Fisher,著名的 “德国犹太人共产主义组织” 领袖,同时也是议会成员,说:“压碎犹太资本家!把他们吊死在灯柱上!把他们踩在脚下!” 为何只针对犹太资本家呢?这是个未有解答的问题。

Many other Jewish Communists imitated Marx in their hatred of Jews. Ruth Fisher, renowned German Jewish Communist leader and a member of Parliament, said: "Squash the Jewish capitalists, hang them from the lamp posts; tread them under your feet." Why just the Jewish capitalists and not the others remains an unanswered question.

马克思不仅恨犹太人,也恨德国人。他声言:“只有棍棒才能唤起德国人。” 他大谈 “愚蠢的德国民众......恶心的德国全国性狭隘意识” 并说 “德国人、中国人、犹太人都像小贩”。他称俄国人为 “饭桶”, 称斯拉夫人为 “垃圾人种”。对于众多国家,他所表达的只有恨,没有爱。

Marx hated not only the Jews, but also the Germans: "Beating is the only means of resurrecting the Germans." He spoke about "the stupid German people ... the disgusting national narrowness of the Germans" and said that "Germans, Chinese, and Jews have to be compared with peddlers and small merchants." He called the Russians "cabbage-eaters." The Slavic peoples were "ethnic trash." He expressed his hatred of many nations, but never his love.

马克思在其 1848 年的新年作品集中,写到 “斯拉夫贱民”,其中也包含了俄国人、捷克人、克罗地亚人。他认为,这些“反动”种族,应该立即在世界革命风暴中毁灭,除此之外,命运再没留给他们什么 了。又说:“即将来临的世界大战不仅将消灭反动阶级和王朝,还将让所有反动民众从地球表面彻底消失。这就是进步。” “他们的名字将湮灭。”

Marx wrote in his new year's roundup of 1848 about "the Slavic riffraff," which included Russians, Czechs, and Croats. These "retrograde" races had nothing left for them by fate except "the immediate task of perishing in the revolutionary world storm." "The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth. And that will be progress." "Their very name will vanish."



Neither Marx nor Engels were concerned about the destruction of millions of people. The former wrote,

"A silent, unavoidable revolution is taking place in society, a revolution that cares as little about the human lives it destroys as an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages. Classes and races that are too weak to dominate the new conditions of existence will be defeated."


In contrast, Hitler, who desired only the enslavement and not the destruction of these nations, was much more humane than Marx.



Engels wrote in the same vein:

"The next world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the earth. This, too, is progress. Obviously this cannot be fulfilled without crushing some delicate national flower. But without violence and without pitilessness nothing can be obtained in history"

马克思,这个假装为无产阶级而战的人,将此阶级的人称为 “蠢蛋、恶棍、屁股。”

Marx, the man who posed as a fighter for the proletariat, called this class of people "stupid boys, rogues, asses."


Engels well knew what to expect from them. He wrote, "The democratic, red, yes, even the Communist mob, will never love us."

马克思给黑人贴上 “白痴” 的标签,在私人信件里,他还经常使用侮辱性的词 “黑鬼”。

Marx identified black people with "idiots" and constantly used the offensive term "nigger" in private correspondence.

他称其对手 Lassalle 为“那个犹太黑鬼”并很清楚地表明,这不只是针对一个人的蔑称而已:


He called his rival Lassalle "the Jewish nigger" and made it very clear that this was not intended as an epithet of disdain for just one person.

"It is now absolutely clear to me that, as both the shape of his head and his hair texture shows, he is descended from the Negroes who joined Moses' flight from Egypt (unless his mother or grandmother on the paternal side hybridized with a nigger).... The pushiness of the fellow is also nigger-like."

马克思甚至拥护北美的奴隶制。他的朋友 Proudhon 曾主张解放美国的奴隶,为此,马克思写信与之争辩:

“没了奴隶制,北美这个最进步的国家就会变成一个家长制国家。把北美从世界地图上抹去后,你会得到混乱 --- 现代商业和文明的彻底崩溃。废除奴隶制之后,美国也会从世界地图上消失。”

Marx even championed slavery in North America. For this, he quarreled with his friend Proudhon, who had advocated the emancipation of slaves in the U.S. Marx wrote in response,

"Without slavery, North America, the most progressive of countries, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Wipe North America from the map of the world and you will have anarchy-the complete decay of modern commerce and civilization. Abolish slavery and you will have wiped America off the map of nations."


Marx also wrote, "The Devil take the British!”

马克思最喜爱的女儿 Eleanor,在马克思的同意下,嫁给了 Edward Eveling。此人曾作《神的坏》之类主题的演讲。(这正是撒殚教徒所做的事。与无神论者不同,他们不否认神的存在。除了欺骗别人,他们自知神是存在 的,只是把神说成坏的。)以下诗句道出了他向往撒殚的心态:


撒殚,是仁慈的,看 Heloisa!


Marx's favorite daughter, Eleanor, with her father’s approval, married Edward Eveling. He lectured on such subjects as "The Wickedness of God." (Just as Satanists do. Unlike atheists, they do not deny the existence of God, except to deceive others; they know of His existence, but describe Him as wicked.) The following poem describes the attitudes of his movement toward Satanism:

To thee my verses, unbridled and daring,
Shall mount, O Satan, king of the banquet.
Away with thy sprinkling, O priest, and thy droning.
For never shall Satan, O priest, stand behind thee.

Thy breath, O Satan, my verses inspires,
When from my bosom the gods I defy.
Of kings pontifical, of kings inhuman:
Throe is the lightning that sets minds to shaking.
O soul that wanderest far from the straight way,
Satan is merciful. See Heloisa!

Like the whirlwind spreading its wings,
He passes, O people, Satan the great!
Hail, of reason the great Vindicator!
Sacred to thee shall rise incense and vows!
Thou hast the god of the priest disenthroned

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