Carson医生如此信任他,真是觉得人与人之间的真知己莫过如此。请看《纽约时报》登的这位黑人医生为他的辩护,Ben Carson Defends on Race。要知道,这位医生参加过2016年总统大选的共和党提名和辩论,他退出的时候坚定地支持川普,而不是Ted Cruz。
Coney Barrett(巴瑞特),一个敬虔的天主教信徒,曾经的天主教大学Notre Dame
University法学院教授。当她于2017年参加7th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals(美国联邦第七巡回上诉法院)提名法官听证的时候,著名的女民主党人Sen. Dianne
老太太范恩斯坦攻击道:“When you read your speeches, the conclusion one draws is that the dogma
lives loudly within you,” Feinstein said. “And that’s of concern when
you come to big issues that large numbers of people have fought for for
years in this country.”
巴瑞特理直气壮地回答道:“It’s never appropriate for a judge to impose that judge’s personal
convictions, whether they arise from faith or anywhere else, on the
Antonin Scalia的手下,在对待宪法的态度上与这位已故大法官是如出一辙的。Politico在介绍她时如此形容:Like
Scalia, Barrett is a strict originalist and would “enforce her best
understanding of the Constitution rather than a precedent she thinks is
clearly in conflict with it,” she wrote in a 2013 Texas Law Review article.她不但事业成功,而且还是养育了七个孩子的妈妈!她今年48岁,典型成功女性,美国这样的国家才有的奇迹啊。
How Trump’s appointees to the Supreme Court (on which Schlafly advised him) could be the most consequential in a century;
How, unlike any other Republican, Trump could actually fix the nation’s immigration mess;
Why his economic platform could spark an economic revival on the
scale of the Reagan boom of the 1980s (it is based on much the same
How Trump will defend the First Amendment—guaranteeing freedom of speech and religion—against an ever more dictatorial Left;
Why Trump’s fresh thinking on defense and foreign policy is long overdue—and could send terrorism into rapid retreat。
“Phyllis Schlafly is an American treasure who has been fighting the good
fight for American sovereignty and cultural renewal for five decades.
Without Phyllis, there'd be no Donald Trump.”(Laura Ingraham)
“In The Conservative Case for Trump, Phyllis Schlafly, Ed Martin,
and Brett M. Decker show how President Trump can get our country back on
the right track, and why Republicans and independents need to unify
behind his candidacy”(Newt Gingrich)