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作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-06-10 10:38:35 |
更谢谢usagi. 你从做子女的角度和我分享了你的选择和生活。是的,让她出去经历是值得的。在父母的羽翼下,孩子长不大。我能有今天的一切也感谢我的母亲让我飞。我出国,我母亲一定也很不舍,可妈妈说,走吧,别惦记我,我很好。弟弟出国,亲家打电话给妈妈,你怎么舍得你儿子走?妈妈说,我还能活几年,孩子有自己的前途。我打电话告诉妈妈现在的事,妈妈劝我说,知道你心疼她,她有出息更应该高兴,让她走吧。我应该好好学学我的妈妈,她虽然没多少文化,却这么洒脱,这么心明眼亮! |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-06-09 20:24:41 |
fill up your void
and you will be fine
because you can't grow up for her, just be there for her and support her
love her
and never give up
:) |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-06-09 09:58:07 |
hi connie
sorry didnt reply promptly, was kinda busy these past few days
it is only normal that you feel sad, but you'd have to also understand, your future and your youth is your child.
letting your child grow up is like to see your own life's extension and on top of that, seeing someone making different choices in life than you did.
latly at times, i've been secretly wishing that if i'd listened to my parents, my mom especially, my life would probably turn out mush easier than the way i live now, but if i can have a do over all over again, i'd probably choose the same path i did with myself.
because of all those experiences and choices and mistakes i made on my own, i became who i am today. so, in other words, i wouldn't change a thing in my life.
there will always be ups and downs in life and having your child leaving the nest is probably the second biggest gift you are giving your child other than giving birth to her.
like i said before, the best gift you can give her from now on is your guidence and advice. let her experience life, she has to learn sometime, sheltering her from the world doesnt always give her the best protection.
find something else to do, a new hobbi perhaps and enjoy life and enjoy the 2 people world again. |
作者:老阎 |
留言时间:2007-06-08 18:15:00 |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-06-07 11:40:36 |
Thanks,usagi. 現在我明白了在這個時候父母和孩子的心情有很大不同. 我要外出上大學的時候,離開媽媽是有些不舍,但更多的是對未來的渴望. 讓她飛,就像你說的那樣,她會成長,總有一天她會離去. 可我想起來就忍不住要流淚 |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-06-06 19:27:25 |
i left home when i was very young, and i can only say that i can't even begin to imagine how you feel when your loved little one leaves the nest. you must feel the same way my mom does.
but i can tell you one thing, your little one will learn so much more and understand life so much better when she finally learns to live and survive on her own, speaking from personal experiences.
there are somethings in life that even gold can not buy. a persons memories and experiences belong soli to that person, no one can take them away. it's probably this person's most priced possession.
a true eagle will have to leave the nest one day.
it's all for the best :)
guidence will be your best gifts to your child and the days to come. |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-06-06 19:14:10 |
we all need to take a break from everything, your own little space, do something you would enjoy. |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-06-04 09:11:16 |
谢谢良石大姐,我考虑一下。也谢谢缪医生和Pizza. 大家这么体贴,我很感动。儿女情长,我也有脆弱的一面(以前一直以为自己拿得起放得下)。朋友们的善意我心领了。我是得调试自己,寻找一些新的乐趣了。 |
作者:pizza |
留言时间:2007-06-04 05:30:37 |
connie, 不妨考虑收一个听话的小女孩homwstay。 |
作者:缪 |
留言时间:2007-06-04 01:52:44 |
朋友的孩子考上了医学院要到外州去了,他妈妈天天哭。我想你也是吧!保重。 |
I hope that you will be interested. |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-06-02 23:25:29 |
秃兄,是该为自己活了。哆嗦就免了,劳心费神不划算啊。 |
作者:老秃笔 |
留言时间:2007-06-02 15:19:04 |
哈哈,这么多贴心的“ 棉袄” 啊。我就不多嘴了。记住,该给自己活啦。趁还不算太老,赶紧哆嗦一把吧。哈哈 |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-06-02 09:19:22 |
谢谢Violet,我为她高兴,也像你说的“女儿是妈妈的贴心小棉袄,脱下来就心疼”。 |
作者:Violet |
留言时间:2007-06-02 05:40:20 |
Connie:你有这么争气的女儿应该高兴还来不及呢,我真羡慕你呀。你的心情我能理解,有道是:儿行千里母担忧,母行千里儿不愁。假如你再有一个儿子一年后也要上大学离开你,你就不会这么舍不得了。因为儿子和女儿对母亲的依赖性是不一样的。女儿是妈妈的贴心小棉袄,脱下来就心疼。 |
作者:Violet |
留言时间:2007-06-02 05:40:03 |
Connie:你有这么争气的女儿应该高兴还来不及呢,我真羡慕你呀。你的心情我能理解,有道是:儿行千里母担忧,母行千里儿不愁。假如你再有一个儿子一年后也要上大学离开你,你就不会这么舍不得了。因为儿子和女儿对母亲的依赖性是不一样的。女儿是妈妈的贴心小棉袄,脱下来就心疼。 |
作者:Connie |
留言时间:2007-06-01 19:54:02 |
打开电脑,看到满满的祝福。谢谢你们,我的朋友们。 虽然早就知道孩子终究会离去,可事到临头,还是心潮起伏。平常劝别人调整心态,今天大家说服我了。原来说再要个小孩,怕女儿将来孤单,现在才明白原来是怕自己孤单。再养一个,或领养一个责任都很重大,要仔细想想。女儿走了以后,可能我还要找点消遣的事。比如写小说?老公说,净整些没用的。我说,说不定我还能成作家呢。老公说你快坐在家里了。要不,再学点啥?日子慢慢过,太阳依旧会升起... |
Connie: 你好几天没发新作还以为忙女儿的毕业典礼, 做母亲的都有同感. 想当初我们携家带口离开父母亲人, 远渡重洋,年老的父母又作何感想呢? 我们为他们考虑了多少呢? 这几天放假在家, 我们特别珍惜和女儿在一起的时光. 我们会专门安排些家庭出游, 但女儿还说和我们一起玩不如和朋友有趣. 我说给我们些机会吧, 过几年更够不着了.
洒脱些,孩子有出息就是我们的幸福! |
作者:yaoayao |
留言时间:2007-06-01 15:46:17 |
护在翅膀下的雏永远长不大,我希望女儿展翅高飞寻找自己的生活。她虽在我身边读大学但我已经完全放手了。我开始为自己而活! 你会调整好心态的,放手,对她好也对你好。 |
康妮妹妹,我很理解你心里的挣扎和失落感. 好在高科技的发展使远距离联系易如反掌.你会慢慢习惯的. 如果有精力,领养一个,于人于己都是好事.你是一个好母亲,一定会培养又一个好孩子. |
作者:电电 |
留言时间:2007-06-01 14:14:22 |
怪不得最近看不到你的佳作,我揣测是有什么心事,原来是舍不得宝贝女儿啊.这好办,再要个宝贝吧.我的一对朋友夫妻在儿子上大学后又生了对双胞胎,从此再不怕房子里静悄悄的没人气了,也不用面对中年危机了,就那俩小子就够他们忙的了.忙虽忙,可朋友亲口对我说这里面的乐趣也是无可取代的,想想小婴儿抱在怀里那软软肉乎乎的身体,闻着他身上的奶香,觉得就象天使下凡了. |
作者:YH |
留言时间:2007-06-01 12:07:28 |
Why not adopt one? I went to visit a friend (Chinese)last weekend who adopted a Chinese little girl when she was only 10 months and now is 3 years old. She is so pretty and cute. The mother is in her late 40s and her first daughter is already 15. I asked her if she feels the same way love the little one, she told me definitely. My husband and I kept talking and playing with the sweet little girl and we wish we would have this one in the future (we cannot do this now because we don't have permanent residency yet). My friend told me many of her friends adopted from China and the kids are all very cute and pretty. But hers is extremely pretty based on my perspective. My daughter is 13 years old, and we really want to adopt one in the future.
Think about it if you love kid so much! |
作者:pizza |
留言时间:2007-06-01 10:39:37 |
connie, 看着看着不禁流下了眼泪,孩子一旦出了家门就很难回来。自私也好,担心也好,妈妈们想得远比爸爸们多。保重! |
作者:一休阁 |
留言时间:2007-06-01 09:29:45 |
能理解你的心情. 好好调整一下, 别再原地踏步了, 快跟上! 嘿嘿. |
作者:海棠 |
留言时间:2007-06-01 08:27:43 |
别难过了。想想你自己也不是漂洋过海,远离父母了吗?独立的孩子会早知道惜福的。 制订一个满满的计划,把原先花在孩子身上的时间重新调整到照顾老公和自己的爱 好上,你会有意外的收获的,比如再和你老公谈一把恋爱 :) |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-06-01 08:22:39 |
谢谢海上的云和寒江雪的理解和体贴。我是得学会转换角色。“妈妈”从第一角色要下岗了。有点后悔刚出国的时候没再要个小孩。从来没想过孩子会长大(可能是不愿意想),也知道孩子是独立的个体,我不拥有她。她陪了我十八年,已经让我拥有了足够的阳光,应该知足了。我也知道想要拥有人生的一切不现实,只是还是满满的无奈... |
作者:寒江雪~-~ |
留言时间:2007-06-01 07:35:36 |
你沉默了这么久,我就知道你一定正面临着空巢前的挣扎。我儿子也曾有过一年的寄宿学校生活,刚开始时我几乎无法与别人交谈,因为一开口眼泪就不争气地流出来,但一个月后就好多了。我想最主要的是自我心态调整,重新定位自我与生活,再说你还有一个那么爱你的老公呢,相信你很快又会阳光灿烂起来的 ~-^ |
作者:海上的云1 |
留言时间:2007-06-01 07:32:05 |