文章评论 |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-08-08 10:08:40 |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-08-07 16:11:20 |
btw, Connie
we all read slowly once, but as time goes by, your reading comprehension and your reading speed with improve significantly
enjoy , dont rush
Shu Zhong Zi You Huang Jin Wu Shu Zhong Zi You Yan Ru Yu :P
you probably wouldn't need the latter only the former
:P |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-08-07 14:12:39 |
hahahahaha, Connie
im not a librarian, nor am i an english lit major, i just like to read during my spare time.
im not a book worm per se, but i love to read, english, chinese, anything i enjoy. only except a lot of the chinese books have very bad 'cuo bie zi' problem, takes a lot of brains' energy to read them. :P |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-08-06 16:15:43 |
right,Pizza. 把孩子打发走了,就为自己好好活。 |
作者:Pizza |
留言时间:2007-08-06 14:22:11 |
Connie, 最近一些朋友大多因孩子上学,有新的举动,让我感慨万千!我在想难道我们真得要为孩子改变自己吗?话说回来,孩子们可是为他们的梦在做选择,好像并不太多考虑父母对他们感情上的依恋。学英文,依我看最大的理由是让我们的生活更enjoyable,这里的老人很多的时间是在阅读。不要给自己太大的压力,移民出来是希望生活得更好,不是出来发奋图强,发轻松一些,看看电视,读读小说,有机会聊聊天,英文自然就提高了。孩子有他们的一片蓝天,我们还是珍惜我们自己的生活。有时我在想,万一有一天,我发现自己指日可数,也无怨无悔。 |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-08-04 22:43:28 |
Hi usagi, you look like a librarian. I'll try to read them all, but I read slowly. I need the time. Thanks a lot. |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-08-04 10:34:37 |
if you can read out loud when you are reading a book, it actually helps with your oral ability.
here is a list of some books i would reommend.
Sweet Valley High series are easy reading, really good reading too, personally i think.
if you are into mystery, Mary Higgins Clark's collection are a pretty good start, such as hers, loves music loves dance, all around town, where are the children, let me call you sweetheart, my personal favorite is A cry in the night. (give me nightmares! oh, the thrill of it all, it's excellent!)
James Patterson is pretty good too, ALong Came a Spider, Kiss the Girls, Jack & Jill, Mary Mary, Beach House, Honeymoon.
if you are into leagl fiction, John Grisham is pretty good too. A time to kill, The Firm, The Pelican Brief, The Cilent, The Rainmaker, The Runaway Jury, The Brethren, The Testament, The Broker. (except his are kind of slow to kick in).
if you like spy movies, try Robery Ludlum, author of the Bourne series. of even better, the Jack Ryan series, by Tom Clancy, (the Hunt for red october, Patriot games, clear and present danger).
for classics, Jane Austen is very good, sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, mansfidel park, persuasion.
Charles Dickens' works are pretty good, the adventrues of oliver twist, only nicklas nickleby was really really really long. Great Expectations isn't bad either.
im not a big romance novel reader, so can't really give you my drop there.
for fantasy, of course, Lord of the rings, except they have a lot of riddle and songs in there, like folk lore, so might be a little hard to comprehend at first.
then, there is the recent Da VinCi code is a good read too as well.
just these for now for ya. hope you will enjoy them as i did.
(btw, i've read all of the chicken soup series too as well, they make you cry, they make you laugh, very good stories). |
作者:Connie |
留言时间:2007-08-03 22:47:45 |
桑尼说到点子上了,我就是太少和人家讲话了,特别是自己对口语没信心。谢谢你的指点 |
作者:桑妮. |
留言时间:2007-08-03 19:34:22 |
我觉得作为北大的高材生, 你的英文不会差, 缺的是口语的经验和自信心.这些是书上读不来的. 如果你的目标是能和人交流, 建议找机会交点老外朋友,逼着自己用英语聊天, 很快就会提高了. |
作者:Connie. |
留言时间:2007-08-03 15:48:51 |
usagi,谢谢你推荐,我上网查了一下,你推荐的书应该是很不错的。我有时间会去找一找的。现在正读Pinocchio和Chicken Soup. 等我把Pinocchio看完了就看Harry Porter. Harry Porter太长了。
aspirant,你的方法不错。 a扇子,我会考虑参加个班的,晚上或周末,一是跟老师学,与同学交流,二是写作业还是需要点压力的。谢谢你们的主意
ellen, 我会给你E-mail我的interview经验的.Good luck.
YH, 理由充分吧?哈哈 |
作者:YH |
留言时间:2007-08-03 14:44:54 |
"这丈母娘又机智又幽默也显不出来呀;三是女儿一直认为她将来可能成为大人物,考虑到记者采访我的时候,怎样也别给咱宝贝女儿丢分啊" all good reasons for learning English well:). |
watch tv and movie,listen to radio,read English newspaper and books,talk to people in English,needless to say,these are the basic ways of learning English. |
作者:i |
留言时间:2007-08-03 11:16:17 |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-08-03 10:45:12 |
btw, how is the harry potter coming, connie ? |
作者:_rondo |
留言时间:2007-08-03 10:15:41 |
Connie, 难怪不太看你写blog, 原来去学英语去了。 |
作者:pizza |
留言时间:2007-08-03 10:13:25 |
connie,掌声鼓励你的独立宣言!我帮你定个考核目标:2008年6月12级英文省考97分,怎样? 让你家宝贝女儿心服口服。 |
作者:a扇子 |
留言时间:2007-08-03 10:00:37 |
Connie, 千万别闷头自学,一定要去学校上课。
Go Connie Go! |
作者:usagi |
留言时间:2007-08-03 09:44:32 |
read, read, read
read the sweet valley high series, it's helpful. |
作者:海棠花飞 |
留言时间:2007-08-03 09:11:54 |
支持!学精了,记者采访时,还偏不说,专等翻译出错时,给他友好地指出来,那会多牛啊 :) |
作者:海上的云1 |
留言时间:2007-08-03 08:11:48 |