| 上了不到一个月的课,知道了什么叫“忙得脚打后脑勺”。如果再有妈妈抱怨孩子不用功,我就会说:“你去上学试试?”原来学习可比工作累得多。工作时,虽然有时忙,但闲极无聊的时候还挺多,至少下班以后是自己的时间,上网写博客还有空。可上学,思维得一直跟着老师转,生怕一溜号就不知道老师讲什么,而且老师特爱提问,吱吱唔唔说不出话来很难堪。再说都到这份年龄了,咱咋的也得给小学弟、小学妹们作个榜样,不管怎么说“学习不好”也不是咱的长项啊。放学就更甭提了,一大堆作业,还得预习和复习。老公全力以赴支持俺学习,俺要是学不好,那也无颜见老公。
学写作,一开始,我都得了7分(10分满分)。老师鼓励有加,说观点还不错,但要多读多写。我写英文作文的感受是,心头有千言万语,就是表达不出来,憋死了我。转来转去,用的还是那么两个词儿。最近开始有得8分的时候了,是不是表明我有了点进步呢?以下是我最开始写的两个paragraph, 不好不坏的得了7分,现在厚着脸皮拿出来晾晾。各位都是英文高手,别笑话俺这个初学者,高兴了就给俺指点指点,让俺也能进步点。要不就晾在这儿,过一段,俺自己也看看进步到底有多大。嘿嘿。
Most west people wonder why Japanese stay married lacking of love. In traditional oriental culture, male chauvinism was very popular, especially in Japan. Men were in the center of their families. They controlled all the family resources, including women. Women had no equal right with men, for they were not only dependent but also as the part of men’s possession. Mostly, men married women not for loving them but for needs. Divorce was not acceptable to the society, even to the women’s families. Women had to bear with neglect and abuse. On the other hand, men had to work under stress. In their culture, a man, who came back early, should be considered as a loser; a man, who showed carefulness to his wife, should be laughed at. In this marriage culture, although Japanese families looked like more stable than those west ones by statistics, it didn’t mean they were happier. But recently, the oriental culture encounters the shock by occidental one; furthermore, more and more Japanese women are educated and independent in financial status. All these make them to look for spouse by love, so the divorce rates are rising; however, the rates are not very high because some women have to think about the economic stress after divorce. Lacking love is still a problem in Japanese marriage.
In my opinion, television commercials for cosmetics lie to women. First of all, famous stars are invited to be the cosmetic models. This may make women believe that using certain cosmetics can change their appearance to the same as stars’. The fact is that stars are born beautiful no matter what kind of cosmetics they use. Furthermore, television commercials exaggerate the cosmetic effects and neglect the side-effects. For example, cream or lotion should have some functions to prevent the evaporation and keep the skin moisture temporally, but they could not change the gene or healthy condition; and moreover, they could not prevent the paces of age. In contrast, they sometimes could cause sensitivity. Therefore, the cosmetic effects are very limited. In addition, television commercials emphasize that appearances are very important to women. They ignore the spiritual aspect of their lives. Most of all, producers, merchants, television stations and models gain from the lies. Women pay higher money, but get lower value.