Starting Date is the date you need to create a Transaction and upload the Exclusive Seller Brokerage Agreement within 72 hours of binding to Paperless Pipeline.
Marketing Commencement Date is the Active date, you need to list on FMLS within 48 hours to avoid a fine. 营销开始日就是生效日,您需要在48小时内在FMLS上市,避免罚款。
Ending Date is the date the Exclusive Seller Brokerage Agreement goes to expire.
If you made a Coming soon Sign in the front yard of the house or Facebook for advertisement, you need to list ASAP to FMLS within 24 hours to avoid a fine.
Resale: As per policy and procedure, all binding agreements are required to be uploaded within 72 hours of binding to Paperless Pipeline. 二手销售:根据政策和程序,所有具有约束力的协议都必须在签字生效后的72小时内上传到公司的无纸化管道。
For a New Construction对于新建筑:
Since the Contract is from Builder / Seller, you can create a Transaction in Paperless Pipeline first, and add a note/comment/email screenshot as pdf file there to indicate the Singed Contract by the Seller is coming soon. Once an Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement is signed, you have 72 hours to upload it.
If a Seller wants to sell his house but does not know when his house is ready on the market and what price is. You can write TBD (To Be Decided) on the fields of Listing Price and Marketing Commencement Date. 如果卖方想出售他的房屋,但不知道他的房屋何时能准备好上市的具体日子?价格是多少?您可以在“挂牌价格”和“营销开始日期”字段上写TBD(待定)。
After the seller is ready, you can write F728 Amendment to Brokerage Engagement to update them.
Once the Exclusive Seller Brokerage Agreement is signed you have 72 hours to upload it to Paperless Pipeline. 一旦签署了《独家卖方经纪协议》后,您将有72小时的时间将其上传到无纸化管道。